module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-recess'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), builddir: 'build', meta: { banner: '/**\n' + ' * <%= pkg.description %>\n' + ' * @version v<%= pkg.version %> - ' + '<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' + ' * @link <%= pkg.homepage %>\n' + ' * @license <%= pkg.license %>' + ' */' }, swatch: { amelia:{}, cerulean:{}, cosmo:{}, cyborg:{}, flatly:{}, journal:{}, readable:{}, simplex:{}, slate:{}, spacelab:{}, spruce:{}, superhero:{}, united:{} }, clean: { build: { src: ['*/build.less', '*/build-responsive.less', '!global/build.less', '!global/build-responsive.less'] } }, concat: { dist: { src: [], dest: '' } }, recess: { dist: { options: { compile: true, compress: false }, files: {} } } }); grunt.registerTask('none', function() {}); grunt.registerTask('build', 'build a regular theme', function(theme, compress) { var compress = compress == undefined ? true : compress; var concatSrc; var concatDest; var recessDest; var recessSrc; var files = {}; var dist = {}; concatSrc = 'global/build.less'; concatDest = theme + '/build.less'; recessDest = '<%=builddir%>/' + theme + '/bootstrap.css'; recessSrc = [ theme + '/' + 'build.less' ]; dist = {src: concatSrc, dest: concatDest}; grunt.config('concat.dist', dist); files = {}; files[recessDest] = recessSrc; grunt.config('recess.dist.files', files); grunt.config('recess.dist.options.compress', false);['concat', 'recess:dist', 'clean:build', compress ? 'compress:'+recessDest+':'+'<%=builddir%>/' + theme + '/bootstrap.min.css':'none']); }); grunt.registerTask('build-responsive', 'build a responsive theme', function(theme, compress) { var compress = compress == undefined ? true : compress; var concatSrc; var concatDest; var recessDest; var recessSrc; var files = {}; var dist = {}; concatSrc = 'global/build-responsive.less'; concatDest = theme + '/build-responsive.less'; recessDest = '<%=builddir%>/' + theme + '/bootstrap-responsive.css'; recessSrc = [ theme + '/' + 'build-responsive.less' ]; dist = {src: concatSrc, dest: concatDest}; grunt.config('concat.dist', dist); files = {}; files[recessDest] = recessSrc; grunt.config('recess.dist.files', files); grunt.config('recess.dist.options.compress', false);['concat', 'recess:dist', 'clean:build', compress ? 'compress:'+recessDest+':'+'<%=builddir%>/' + theme + '/bootstrap-responsive.min.css':'none']); }); grunt.registerTask('compress', 'compress a generic css', function(fileSrc, fileDst) { var files = {}; files[fileDst] = fileSrc; grunt.log.writeln('compressing file ' + fileSrc); grunt.config('recess.dist.files', files); grunt.config('recess.dist.options.compress', true);['recess:dist']); }); grunt.registerMultiTask('swatch', 'build a theme, both not responsive and responsive', function() { var t =;'build:'+t, 'build-responsive:'+t); }); grunt.registerTask('default', 'build a theme, both not responsive and responsive', function() {'swatch'); }); };