module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-autoprefixer'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-less'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-sass'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-connect'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); var configBridge = grunt.file.readJSON('./bower_components/bootstrap/grunt/configBridge.json', { encoding: 'utf8' }); // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), builddir: '.', buildtheme: '', banner: '/*!\n' + ' * <%= %> v<%= pkg.version %>\n' + ' * Homepage: <%= pkg.homepage %>\n' + ' * Copyright 2012-<%="yyyy") %> <%= %>\n' + ' * Licensed under <%= pkg.license %>\n' + ' * Based on Bootstrap\n' + '*/\n', swatch: { amelia:{}, cerulean:{}, cosmo:{}, cyborg:{}, darkly:{}, flatly:{}, journal:{}, lumen:{}, paper:{}, readable:{}, sandstone:{}, simplex:{}, slate:{}, spacelab:{}, superhero:{}, united:{}, yeti:{}, custom:{} }, clean: { build: { src: ['*/build.less', '*/build.scss', '!global/build.less', '!global/build.scss'] } }, concat: { options: { banner: '<%= banner %>', stripBanners: false }, dist: { src: [], dest: '' } }, less: { dist: { options: { compress: false, strictMath: true }, files: {} } }, autoprefixer: { options: { browsers: configBridge.config.autoprefixerBrowsers }, dist: { src: '*/bootstrap.css' } }, watch: { files: ['*/variables.less', '*/bootswatch.less', '*/index.html'], tasks: 'build', options: { livereload: true, nospawn: true } }, connect: { base: { options: { port: 3000, livereload: true, open: true } }, keepalive: { options: { port: 3000, livereload: true, keepalive: true, open: true } } } }); grunt.registerTask('none', function() {}); grunt.registerTask('build', 'build a regular theme', function(theme, compress) { var theme = theme == undefined ? grunt.config('buildtheme') : theme; var compress = compress == undefined ? true : compress; var isValidTheme = grunt.file.exists(theme, 'variables.less') && grunt.file.exists(theme, 'bootswatch.less'); // cancel the build (without failing) if this directory is not a valid theme if (!isValidTheme) { return; } var concatSrc; var concatDest; var lessDest; var lessSrc; var files = {}; var dist = {}; concatSrc = 'global/build.less'; concatDest = theme + '/build.less'; lessDest = '<%=builddir%>/' + theme + '/bootstrap.css'; lessSrc = [ theme + '/' + 'build.less' ]; dist = {src: concatSrc, dest: concatDest}; grunt.config('concat.dist', dist); files = {}; files[lessDest] = lessSrc; grunt.config('less.dist.files', files); grunt.config('less.dist.options.compress', false);['concat', 'less:dist', 'prefix:' + lessDest, 'clean:build', compress ? 'compress:'+lessDest+':'+'<%=builddir%>/' + theme + '/bootstrap.min.css':'none']); }); grunt.registerTask('build_scss', 'build a regular theme from scss', function(theme, compress) { var theme = theme == undefined ? grunt.config('buildtheme') : theme; var compress = compress == undefined ? true : compress; var isValidTheme = grunt.file.exists(theme, '_variables.scss') && grunt.file.exists(theme, '_bootswatch.scss'); // cancel the build (without failing) if this directory is not a valid theme if (!isValidTheme) { return; } var concatSrc; var concatDest; var scssDest; var scssSrc; var files = {}; var dist = {}; concatSrc = 'global/build.scss'; concatDest = theme + '/build.scss'; scssDest = '<%=builddir%>/' + theme + '/bootstrap.css'; scssSrc = [theme + '/' + 'build.scss']; dist = {src: concatSrc, dest: concatDest}; grunt.config('concat.dist', dist); files = {}; files[scssDest] = scssSrc; grunt.config('sass.dist.files', files); grunt.config('', 'expanded'); grunt.config('sass.dist.options.precision', 8); grunt.config('sass.dist.options.unix-newlines', true);['concat', 'sass:dist', 'prefix:' + scssDest, 'clean:build', compress ? 'compress_scss:' + scssDest + ':' + '<%=builddir%>/' + theme + '/bootstrap.min.css' : 'none']); }); grunt.registerTask('prefix', 'autoprefix a generic css', function(fileSrc) { grunt.config('autoprefixer.dist.src', fileSrc);'autoprefixer'); }); grunt.registerTask('compress', 'compress a generic css', function(fileSrc, fileDst) { var files = {}; files[fileDst] = fileSrc; grunt.log.writeln('compressing file ' + fileSrc); grunt.config('less.dist.files', files); grunt.config('less.dist.options.compress', true);['less:dist']); }); grunt.registerTask('compress_scss', 'compress a generic css with sass', function(fileSrc, fileDst) { var files = {}; files[fileDst] = fileSrc; grunt.log.writeln('compressing file ' + fileSrc); grunt.config('sass.dist.files', files); grunt.config('', 'compressed');['sass:dist']); }); grunt.registerMultiTask('swatch', 'build a theme', function() { var t =;'build:'+t); }); grunt.registerTask('swatch_scss', 'build a theme from scss ', function (theme) { var t = theme; if (!t) { for (var t in grunt.config('swatch')) {'build_scss:' + t); } } else {'build_scss:' + t); } }); grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) { var path = require('path'); var theme = path.dirname(filepath); grunt.config('buildtheme', theme); }); /** * Regex borrowed form * * */ grunt.registerTask('convert_less', 'Convert less to scss using regular expression', function () { var convertBaseDir = ''; grunt.file.expand(convertBaseDir + '*/*.less').forEach(function (lessFile) { if (lessFile !=="global/build.less"){ var srcContents =; var out = srcContents // 1. replace @ with $ .replace(/@(?!import|media|keyframes|-)/g, '$') // 2. replace mixins .replace(/[\.#](?![0-9])([\w\-]*)\s*\((.*)\)\s*\{/g, '@mixin $1($2){') // 3. In LESS, bootstrap namespaces mixins, in SASS they are just prefixed e.g #gradient > .vertical-three-colors becomes @include gradient-vertical-three-colors .replace(/[\.#](?![0-9])([\w\-]*)\s>\s\.(.*;)/g, '@include $1-$2') // 4. replace includes .replace(/[\.#](?![0-9])([\w\-].*\(.*;)/g, '@include $1') // 5. replace no param mixin includes with empty parens .replace(/@include\s([\w\-]*\s*);/g, '@include $1();') // 6. replace extends .class; @extend .class; .replace(/(\.(?![0-9])([\w\-]+);)/g, '@extend $1') // 7. replace string literals .replace(/~"(.*)"/g, '#{"$1"}') // 8. replace interpolation ${var} > #{$var} .replace(/\$\{(.*)\}/g, '#{$$$1}') // 9. replace spin to adjust-hue (function name diff) .replace(/spin\(/g, 'adjust-hue(') // 10. replace bower and imports in build.scss .replace(/bootstrap\/less\//g, 'bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/') .replace(/\.less/g, ''); // 11. only assign variables if they haven't been previously set e.g. $var: #f00; > $var: #f00 !default; if (/\/variables.less$/.test(lessFile)) { out = out.replace(/^(\$.*);/gm, '$1 !default;'); } var baseDirRegex = new RegExp("^" + convertBaseDir, "g"); var sassFile = lessFile.replace(baseDirRegex, '').replace(/\.less$/, '.scss').replace(/(bootswatch|variables)/, '_$1'); grunt.file.write(sassFile, out); grunt.log.writeln('Converted less file: ', lessFile, Array(27 - lessFile.length).join(' '),'> ', sassFile); } }); }); grunt.registerTask('server', 'connect:keepalive'); grunt.registerTask('default', ['connect:base', 'watch']); };