Quick Start

Using the themes is as easy as downloading a CSS file and replacing the one that comes with Bootstrap.

The themes are also available via CDN at BootstrapCDN.


To modify a theme or create your own, follow the steps below in your terminal. You'll need to have Git and Node installed.

  1. git clone https://github.com/thomaspark/bootswatch.git

  2. npm install

  3. Edit variables.less and bootswatch.less in one of the theme directories, or create your own in /custom.

  4. Type grunt swatch:[theme] to build the CSS for a theme, e.g., grunt swatch:amelia for Amelia. Or type grunt swatch to build them all at once. To have grunt available in the command line, install grunt-cli as described on the Grunt Getting Started page.

Here are additional tips for customizing Bootstrap.


You can use the API to integrate the themes with your platform. Send your request to:


This returns the version and a themes array with the following properties: name, description, preview, thumbnail, css, cssMin, cssCdn, less, and lessVariables.

Here's a demo with mustache.js templating.


Drag Bootswatchlet into your bookmarks bar, and use it on Bootstrap-based sites to see how they'd look with a theme.


Use GlyphSearch to find the icons you need from Glyphicons, Font Awesome, and other popular icon font libraries.