// Variables.less // Variables to customize the look and feel of Bootstrap // Swatch: Superhero // ----------------------------------------------------- // GLOBAL VALUES // -------------------------------------------------- // Links @linkColor: @orange; @linkColorHover: @linkColor; // Grays @black: #000; @grayDarker: #222; @grayDark: #333; @gray: #555; @grayLight: #999; @grayLighter: #eee; @white: #fff; // Accent colors @blue: #45515F; @blueDark: #2A333C; @green: #5DA028; @red: #A12932; @yellow: #E6C92E; @orange: #E36B23; @pink: #C74871; @purple: #7073CF; // Typography @baseFontSize: 15px; @baseFontFamily: Georgia,Utopia,Palatino,'Palatino Linotype',serif; @baseLineHeight: 20px; @textColor: #CDD0BE; // Buttons @primaryButtonBackground: @linkColor; // COMPONENT VARIABLES // -------------------------------------------------- // Z-index master list // Used for a bird's eye view of components dependent on the z-axis // Try to avoid customizing these :) @zindexDropdown: 1000; @zindexPopover: 1010; @zindexTooltip: 1020; @zindexFixedNavbar: 1030; @zindexModalBackdrop: 1040; @zindexModal: 1050; // Sprite icons path @iconSpritePath: "../img/glyphicons-halflings.png"; @iconWhiteSpritePath: "../img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png"; // Input placeholder text color @placeholderText: @textColor; // Hr border color @hrBorder: darken(@blueDark, 5%); // Navbar @navbarHeight: 40px; @navbarBackground: @blueDark; @navbarBackgroundHighlight: @navbarBackground; @navbarLinkBackgroundHover: transparent; @navbarText: @grayLight; @navbarLinkColor: @grayLight; @navbarLinkColorHover: @white; // Form states and alerts @warningText: #c09853; @warningBackground: #fcf8e3; @warningBorder: darken(spin(@warningBackground, -10), 3%); @errorText: #b94a48; @errorBackground: #f2dede; @errorBorder: darken(spin(@errorBackground, -10), 3%); @successText: #468847; @successBackground: #dff0d8; @successBorder: darken(spin(@successBackground, -10), 5%); @infoText: #3a87ad; @infoBackground: #d9edf7; @infoBorder: darken(spin(@infoBackground, -10), 7%); // GRID // -------------------------------------------------- // Default 940px grid @gridColumns: 12; @gridColumnWidth: 60px; @gridGutterWidth: 20px; @gridRowWidth: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth) + (@gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns - 1)); // Fluid grid @fluidGridColumnWidth: 6.382978723%; @fluidGridGutterWidth: 2.127659574%;