import warnings from . import DealFormat from .bri import BRIFormat from .dge import DGEFormat from .. import dto class DUPFormat(DealFormat): @property def suffix(self): return '.dup' def __init__(self, interactive=True): self.bri = BRIFormat() self.dge = DGEFormat() def parse_content(self, content): boards = [] while True: boards.append( if len(boards[-1]) < 156: if len(boards[-1]) > 0: warnings.warn('truncated .dup content: %s' % (boards[-1])) boards = boards[0:-1] break boards = [(board[0:78], board[78:146], board[146:]) for board in boards] if boards[0][2][0] == chr(0): raise RuntimeError('.dup file header not found') start_board = int(boards[0][2][2:4].strip()) board_count = int(boards[0][2][7:9].strip()) board_numbers = range(start_board, start_board+board_count) if boards[0][2][1].upper() != 'N': warnings.warn( '.dup file header has "reverse" flag set, ' + 'nobody knows what to do with it, so it\'s time to panic') dealset = [] for idx, board in enumerate(boards): deal = dto.Deal() deal.number = board_numbers[idx] = deal.get_dealer(deal.number) deal.vulnerable = deal.get_vulnerability(deal.number) deal.hands = self.bri.parse_hands(board[0]) dealset.append(deal) return dealset def output_content(self, out_file, dealset): board_numbers = [deal.number for deal in dealset] first_board = min(board_numbers) board_count = len(dealset) for board in range(first_board, first_board+board_count): if board not in board_numbers: raise RuntimeError( '.dup format requires consequent board numbers') header = 'YN%s 0 %02d ' % (str(first_board).ljust(2, ' '), board_count) for deal in dealset: out_file.write(self.bri.single_deal_output(deal)) out_file.write(self.dge.single_deal_output(deal)) if deal.number == first_board: out_file.write(header) else: out_file.write(chr(0) * 10)