-- constructors' standings at the end of each season CREATE VIEW constructor_championship_results AS SELECT * FROM constructorStandings WHERE raceId IN ( SELECT MAX(raceId) FROM races GROUP BY year ); -- every driver-constructor pair for each season CREATE VIEW season_driver_constructor AS SELECT results.driverId, results.constructorId, races.year FROM results JOIN races ON races.raceId = results.raceId GROUP BY results.driverId, results.constructorId, races.year; -- every team each driver would go to drive for in the following year CREATE VIEW next_season_driver_constructor AS SELECT sdc.*, sdc2.constructorId AS nextConstructor FROM season_driver_constructor sdc LEFT JOIN season_driver_constructor sdc2 ON (sdc.year = (sdc2.year - 1)) AND (sdc.driverId = sdc2.driverId); -- every driver team switch with both cosntructors' positions -- for the initial season CREATE VIEW driver_team_switches AS SELECT nsdc.driverId, nsdc.year, nsdc.constructorId, nsdc.nextConstructor, cs.position AS prevPosition, cs2.position AS nextPosition FROM next_season_driver_constructor nsdc JOIN constructor_championship_results cs ON nsdc.constructorId = cs.constructorId JOIN races ON (cs.raceId = races.raceId) AND (races.year = nsdc.year) JOIN constructor_championship_results cs2 ON nsdc.nextConstructor = cs2.constructorId JOIN races r2 ON (r2.year = nsdc.year) and (r2.raceId = cs2.raceId) WHERE nsdc.constructorId <> nsdc.nextConstructor;