etckeeper is a collection of tools to let /etc be stored in a git repository. It hooks into apt to automatically commit changes made to /etc during package upgrades. It uses `metastore` to track file metadata that git does not normally support, but that is important for /etc, such as the permissions of `/etc/shadow`. It's quite modular and configurable, while also being simple to use if you understand the basics of working with git. ## security warning First, a big warning: By checking /etc into revision control, you are creating a copy of files like /etc/shadow that must remain secret. Anytime you have a copy of a secret file, it becomes more likely that the file contents won't remain secret. etckeeper is careful about file permissions, and will make sure that repositories it sets up don't allow anyone but root to read their contents. However, you *also* must take care when cloning or copying these repositories, not to allow anyone else to see the data. Since git mushes all the files into packs under the .git directory, the whole .git directory needs to be kept secret. Also, since git doesn't keep track of the mode of files like the shadow file, it will check it out world readable, before etckeeper fixes the permissions. The tutorial has some examples of safe ways to avoid these problems when cloning an /etc repository. ## what etckeeper does etckeeper has special support to handle changes to /etc caused by installing and upgrading packages. Before apt installs packages, `etckeeper-pre-apt` will check that /etc contains no uncommitted changes. After apt installs packages, `etckeeper-post-apt` will add any new interesting files to the repository, and commit the changes. git is designed as a way to manage source code, not as a way to manage arbitrary directories like /etc. This means it has a few limitations that etckeeper has to work around. These include file metadata storage, empty directories, and special files. git has only limited tracking of file metadata, being able to track the executable bit, but not other permissions or owner info. So file metadata storage is handled by `metastore`. Amoung other chores, `etckeeper-init` sets up a git hook that use `metastore` to store metadata about file owners, permissions, and even extended attributes. This metadata is stored in git along with everything else, and can be applied if the repo should need to be checked back out. git cannot track empty directories. So `etckeeper-init` also sets up a git hook to run `etckeeper-pre-commit`, which checks for empty directories before committing, and warn about them. You can then either ignore the empty directory, if it's not significant, or put a file (such as `.gitignore`) in the directory to enable git to track it. git doesn't support several special files that you _probably_ won't have in /etc, such as unix sockets, named pipes, hardlinked files (but softlinks are fine), and device files. Again git hooks are used to warn if your /etc contains such untrackable special files. ## tutorial A quick walkthrough of using etckeeper. cd /etc etckeeper-init This `etckeeper-init` command initialises an /etc/.git/ repository. This command is careful to never overwrite existing files or directories in /etc. It will create a `.gitignore` if one doesn't already exist, sets up git hooks if they don't already exist, and so on. It does *not* commit any files into to git, but does `git-add` all interesting files for an initial commit. So you might want to use git status to check that it includes all the right files, and none of the wrong files. And you can edit the .gitignore and so forth. Once you're ready: git commit -m "initial checkin" git gc # pack git repo to save a lot of space After this first checkin, you can use regular git commands to check in further changes: passwd someuser git status git commit -a -m "changed a password" Rinse, lather, repeat. etckeeper hooks into apt so changed or new files caused by installing or upgrading packages will automatically be added and committed. (`etckeeper-post-apt` uses `git-add .`, so any new files in /etc that arn't gitignored will be added.) If a package *removes* a file from /etc, etckeeper does not automatically commit this removal, though it will let you know that the file was removed. You can manually remove it with commands like these; git rm init.d/somedaemon rc*.d/*somedaemon git commit -a "removed somedaemon" You can use any git commands you like, but do keep in mind that, if you check out a different branch or an old version, git is operating directly on your system's /etc. Often it's better to clone /etc to elsewhere and do potentially dangerous stuff in a staging directory. You can clone the repository using git-clone, but be careful that the directory it's cloned into starts out mode 700, to prevent anyone else from seeing files like shadow, before `etckeeper-init` fixes their permissions: mkdir /my/clone cd /my/clone chmod 700 . git clone /etc etckeeper-init chmod 755 . Another common reason to clone the repository is to make a backup to a server. When using git-push to create a new remote clone, make sure the new remote clone is mode 700! (And, obviously, only push over a secure transport like ssh.) ssh server 'mkdir /etc-clone; cd /etc-clone; chmod 700 .; git init' git push ssh://server/etc-clone master Of course, it's also possible to push from a server onto client machines, to deploy changes to /etc. You might even set up branches for each machine and merge changes between them. Once /etc is under version control, the sky's the limit.. ## configuration Each etckeeper-foo command uses `run-parts` to run the executable files in /etc/etckeeper/foo.d/. By default these directories contain a bunch of symlinks to the actual files; you can remove or reorder the symlinks, or add your own custom files. Note that the etckeeper-foo commands are careful to not hardcode anything about git. If you want to use some other revision control system, that's theoretically possible to accomplish by just changing the files in /etc/etckeeper/. If you do this, please let me know. ## inspiration Two blog posts provided inspiration for techniques used by etckeeper: * * isisetup ( has some of the same aims as etckeeper, however, unlike it, etckeeper does not aim to be a git porcelain with its own set of commands for manipulating the /etc repository. Instead, etckeeper provides a couple of simple tools and hooks for setting up an /etc repsository, and then gets out of your way; you manage the repository using regular git commands. ## author Joey Hess