#!/bin/sh set -e cleanup () { if [ -n "$logfile" ]; then rm -f "$logfile" fi } if [ -n "$1" ]; then trap cleanup EXIT logfile="$(mktemp -t etckeeper-$VCS.XXXXXXXXXX)" if [ "x$1" = "x--stdin" ]; then cat > "$logfile" else echo "$1" > "$logfile" fi else logfile="" fi hostname=`hostname` dnsdomainname=`dnsdomainname 2>/dev/null || true` if [ -n "$dnsdomainname" ]; then hostname="$hostname.$dnsdomainname" fi USER= if [ -n "$SUDO_USER" ]; then USER="$SUDO_USER" else # try to check tty ownership, in case user su'd to root TTY="$(tty 2>/dev/null || true)" if [ -n "$TTY" ] && [ -c "$TTY" ]; then USER="$(find "$TTY" -printf "%u")" fi fi if [ "$VCS" = git ] && [ -d .git ]; then if [ -n "$USER" ]; then export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="$USER" export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="$USER@$hostname" fi if [ -n "$logfile" ]; then git commit $GIT_COMMIT_OPTIONS -F "$logfile" else git commit $GIT_COMMIT_OPTIONS fi elif [ "$VCS" = hg ] && [ -d .hg ]; then if [ -n "$USER" ]; then export LOGNAME="$USER" fi if [ -n "$HGUSER" ]; then export HGUSER="$USER@$hostname" fi if [ -n "$logfile" ]; then hg commit $HG_COMMIT_OPTIONS -l "$logfile" else hg commit $HG_COMMIT_OPTIONS fi elif [ "$VCS" = bzr ] && [ -d .bzr ]; then if [ -n "$USER" ]; then export EMAIL="$USER <$USER@$hostname>" BZR_AUTHOR='--author="root "' fi if [ -n "$logfile" ]; then bzr commit "$BZR_AUTHOR" $BZR_COMMIT_OPTIONS -F "$logfile" else bzr commit "$BZR_AUTHOR" $BZR_COMMIT_OPTIONS fi elif [ "$VCS" = darcs ] && [ -d _darcs ]; then if [ -z "$USER" ]; then USER=root fi if [ -n "$logfile" ]; then darcs record --author="$USER" $DARCS_COMMIT_OPTIONS --logfile="$logfile" else darcs record --author="$USER" $DARCS_COMMIT_OPTIONS fi fi