[[!comment format=mdwn username="emkael" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/c2b5d5c4ae4866f14e2f42274f3ebc2d" subject="comment 2" date="2016-10-18T17:28:56Z" content=""" The per-file lookup was just a way to catch non-package files without too much hassle with splitting piped output. Since that section is dropped, the updated patch provides lookup on one run of dpkg -S (and similar, for all package managers), plus some cleanup of the sort/uniq \"post-processing\". The only thing I'm worried about is argument length limit - from what I was able to see, dpkg -S does not read arguments from stdin, so I'm just storing the file list in a variable. Is that much of a risk? Just updated the previous gist: """]]