#!/usr/bin/env python # # author: jtang@tchpc.tcd.ie # # this plugin is based on the hello world example # from http://yum.baseurl.org/wiki/WritingYumPlugins # # to install, copy this file to /usr/lib/yum-plugins/etckeeper.py # and then create /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/etckeeper.conf with the contents # below. # # /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/etckeeper.conf: # [main] # enabled=1 # import os from glob import fnmatch import yum from yum.plugins import PluginYumExit, TYPE_CORE requires_api_version = '2.1' plugin_type = (TYPE_CORE,) def pretrans_hook(conduit): conduit.info(2, 'etckeeper: pre transaction commit') servicecmd = conduit.confString('main', 'servicecmd', '/usr/bin/etckeeper') command = '%s %s' % (servicecmd, " pre-install") ret = os.system(command) if ret != 0: raise PluginYumExit('etckeeper returned %d' % (ret >> 8)) def posttrans_hook(conduit): conduit.info(2, 'etckeeper: post transaction commit') if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/etckeeper'): servicecmd = conduit.confString('main', 'servicecmd', '/usr/bin/etckeeper') command = '%s %s > /dev/null' % (servicecmd, "post-install") os.system(command)