From bf657abd971be494c40f3a480fef83b679d8ec6c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Frederic Guillot <> Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 22:40:51 -0500 Subject: Sync locales --- app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------ app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php | 22 ++++++++---- app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php | 27 +++++++++++--- app/Template/user_creation/show.php | 2 +- 26 files changed, 586 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-) (limited to 'app') diff --git a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php index 286f6761..e689439c 100644 --- a/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/bs_BA/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30m', 'Stop timer' => 'Zaustavi tajmer', 'Start timer' => 'Pokreni tajmer', - 'Add project member' => 'Dodaj člana projekta', 'My activity stream' => 'Tok mojih aktivnosti', 'My calendar' => 'Moj kalendar', 'Search tasks' => 'Pretraga zadataka', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Vanjski korisnik', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Vanjski korisnik ne čuva šifru u Kanboard bazi, npr: LDAP, Google i Github korisnički računi.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Ako ste označili kvadratić "Zabrani prijavnu formu", unos pristupnih podataka u prijavnoj formi će biti ignorisan.', - 'New remote user' => 'Novi vanjski korisnik', - 'New local user' => 'Novi lokalni korisnik', 'Default task color' => 'Podrazumijevana boja zadatka', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Ovaj funkcionalnost ne radi na svim internet pretraživačima.', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Nema definisanog odredišta za projekat.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Početo:', 'Moved:' => 'Pomjereno:', 'Task #%d' => 'Zadatak #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Format za datum i vrijeme', 'Time format' => 'Format za vrijeme', 'Start date: ' => 'Početni datum:', 'End date: ' => 'Krajnji datum:', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php index f5a9208c..6299f514 100644 --- a/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/cs_CZ/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30min.', 'Stop timer' => 'Zastavit časovač', 'Start timer' => 'Spustit časovač', - 'Add project member' => 'Přidat člena projektu', 'My activity stream' => 'Přehled mých aktivit', 'My calendar' => 'Můj kalendář', 'Search tasks' => 'Hledání úkolů', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Vzdálený uživatel', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Hesla vzdáleným uživatelům se neukládají do databáze Kanboard. Naříklad: LDAP, Google a Github účty.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Pokud zaškrtnete políčko "Zakázat přihlašovací formulář", budou pověření zadané do přihlašovacího formuláře ignorovány.', - 'New remote user' => 'Nový vzdálený uživatel', - 'New local user' => 'Nový lokální uživatel', 'Default task color' => 'Výchozí barva úkolu', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Tato funkcionalita nefunguje ve všech prohlížečích.', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Není dostupný žádný cílový projekt.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', // 'End date: ' => '', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php index da66d25a..87d65e87 100644 --- a/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/da_DK/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( // '<30m' => '', // 'Stop timer' => '', // 'Start timer' => '', - // 'Add project member' => '', // 'My activity stream' => '', // 'My calendar' => '', // 'Search tasks' => '', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( // 'Remote user' => '', // 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => '', // 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => '', - // 'New remote user' => '', - // 'New local user' => '', // 'Default task color' => '', // 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => '', // 'There is no destination project available.' => '', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', // 'End date: ' => '', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php index 9933468c..d67e79c2 100644 --- a/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/de_DE/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30min', 'Stop timer' => 'Stoppe Timer', 'Start timer' => 'Starte Timer', - 'Add project member' => 'Projektmitglied hinzufügen', 'My activity stream' => 'Aktivitätsstream', 'My calendar' => 'Mein Kalender', 'Search tasks' => 'Suche nach Aufgaben', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Remote-Benutzer', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Remote-Benutzer haben kein Passwort in der Kanboard Datenbank, Beispiel: LDAP, Google und Github Accounts', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Wenn die Box "Verbiete Login-Formular" angeschaltet ist, werden Eingaben in das Login Formular ignoriert.', - 'New remote user' => 'Neuer Remote-Benutzer', - 'New local user' => 'Neuer lokaler Benutzer', 'Default task color' => 'Voreingestellte Aufgabenfarbe', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Diese Funktion funktioniert nicht mit allen Browsern', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Es ist kein Zielprojekt vorhanden.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Gestarted:', 'Moved:' => 'Verschoben:', 'Task #%d' => 'Aufgabe #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Datums- und Zeitformat', 'Time format' => 'Zeitformat', 'Start date: ' => 'Anfangsdatum: ', 'End date: ' => 'Enddatum: ', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( 'Choose a project' => 'Wählen Sie ein Projekt', 'Profile' => 'Profil', 'Application role' => 'Anwendungsrolle', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php b/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php index f21a4ec2..959b32d2 100644 --- a/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/el_GR/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30m', 'Stop timer' => 'Διακοπή ρολογιού', 'Start timer' => 'Έναρξη ρολογιού', - 'Add project member' => 'Προσθήκη νέου μέλους έργου', 'My activity stream' => 'Η ροή δραστηριοτήτων μου', 'My calendar' => 'Το ημερολόγιο μου', 'Search tasks' => 'Αναζήτηση εργασιών', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Απομακρυσμένος χρήστης', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Στους απομακρυσμένους χρήστες δεν αποθηκεύονται οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης εντός της βάσης δεδομένων της τρέχουσας εφαρμογής, Παραδείγματα: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Αν ενεργοποιήσετε την επιλογή "Απαγόρευση φόρμας σύνδεσης", τα στοιχεία που εισάγονται στη φόρμα σύνδεσης αγνοούνται.', - 'New remote user' => 'Νέος απομακρυσμένος χρήστης', - 'New local user' => 'Νέος τοπικός χρήστης', 'Default task color' => 'Προεπιλογή χρώματος εργασίας', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Αυτή η δυνατότητα δεν δουλεύει σε όλους τους browsers', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμο κανένα έργο προορισμού.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Ξεκίνησε:', 'Moved:' => 'Μετακινήθηκε:', 'Task #%d' => 'Εργασία #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Μορφή ημερομηνίας και ώρας', 'Time format' => 'Μορφή ώρας', 'Start date: ' => 'Ημερομηνία έναρξης: ', 'End date: ' => 'Ημερομηνία λήξης: ', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php index 0c38387a..5f5d71e1 100644 --- a/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/es_ES/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30m', 'Stop timer' => 'Parar temporizador', 'Start timer' => 'Iniciar temporizador', - 'Add project member' => 'Añadir miembro al proyecto', 'My activity stream' => 'Mi flujo de actividad', 'My calendar' => 'Mi calendario', 'Search tasks' => 'Buscar tareas', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Usuario remoto', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Los usuarios remotos no almacenan sus contraseñas en la base de datos Kanboard, por ejemplo: cuentas de LDAP, Google y Github.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Si marcas la opción "Desactivar formulario de ingreso", se ignoran las credenciales introducidas en el formulario de ingreso.', - 'New remote user' => 'Nuevo usuario remoto', - 'New local user' => 'Nuevo usuario local', 'Default task color' => 'Color de la tarea por defecto', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Esta característica no funciona en todos los navegadores.', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'No está disponible proyecto de destino.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Iniciado:', 'Moved:' => 'Movido:', 'Task #%d' => 'Tarea #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Formato de fecha y hora', 'Time format' => 'Formato de hora', 'Start date: ' => 'Fecha de inicio: ', 'End date: ' => 'Fecha de finalización: ', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php index cf20058d..685858aa 100644 --- a/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/fi_FI/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( // '<30m' => '', // 'Stop timer' => '', // 'Start timer' => '', - // 'Add project member' => '', // 'My activity stream' => '', // 'My calendar' => '', // 'Search tasks' => '', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( // 'Remote user' => '', // 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => '', // 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => '', - // 'New remote user' => '', - // 'New local user' => '', // 'Default task color' => '', // 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => '', // 'There is no destination project available.' => '', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', // 'End date: ' => '', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php index e206ebd8..824519f9 100644 --- a/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/fr_FR/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30m', 'Stop timer' => 'Stopper le chrono', 'Start timer' => 'Démarrer le chrono', - 'Add project member' => 'Ajouter un membre au projet', 'My activity stream' => 'Mon flux d\'activité', 'My calendar' => 'Mon agenda', 'Search tasks' => 'Rechercher des tâches', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Utilisateur distant', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Les utilisateurs distants ne stockent pas leur mot de passe dans la base de données de Kanboard, exemples : comptes LDAP, Github ou Google.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Si vous cochez la case « Interdire le formulaire d\'authentification », les identifiants entrés dans le formulaire d\'authentification seront ignorés.', - 'New remote user' => 'Créer un utilisateur distant', - 'New local user' => 'Créer un utilisateur local', 'Default task color' => 'Couleur par défaut des tâches', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Cette fonctionnalité n\'est pas compatible avec tous les navigateurs', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Il n\'y a pas de projet de destination disponible.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Commençé le :', 'Moved:' => 'Déplacé le : ', 'Task #%d' => 'Tâche n°%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Format de la date et de l\'heure', 'Time format' => 'Format de l\'heure', 'Start date: ' => 'Date de début : ', 'End date: ' => 'Date de fin : ', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( 'Choose a project' => 'Choisir un projet', 'Profile' => 'Profil', 'Application role' => 'Rôle dans l\'application', + '%d invitations were sent.' => '%d invitations ont été envoyées.', + '%d invitation was sent.' => '%d invitation a été envoyée.', + 'Unable to create this user.' => 'Impossible de créer cet utilisateur.', + 'Kanboard Invitation' => 'Invitation pour Kanboard', + 'Visible on dashboard' => 'Visible sur le tableau de bord', + 'Created at:' => 'Créé le :', + 'Updated at:' => 'Mis à jour le :', + 'There is no custom filter.' => 'Il n\'y a aucun filtre personnalisé.', + 'New User' => 'Nouvel utilisateur', + 'Authentication' => 'Authentification', + 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => 'Si coché, cet utilisateur va utiliser un système externe pour s\'authentifier.', + 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => 'Le mot de passe est nécessaire uniquement pour les utilisateurs locaux.', + 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => 'Vous avez été invité à vous inscrire sur Kanboard.', + 'Click here to join your team' => 'Cliquez ici pour rejoindre votre équipe', + 'Invite people' => 'Inviter des gens', + 'Emails' => 'Emails', + 'Enter one email address by line.' => 'Entrez une adresse électronique par ligne.', + 'Add these people to this project' => 'Ajouter ces personnes à ce projet', + 'Add this person to this project' => 'Ajouter cet utilisateur à ce projet', + 'Sign-up' => 'Inscription', + 'Credentials' => 'Informations d\'identification', + 'New user' => 'Nouvel utilisateur', + 'This username is already taken' => 'Ce nom d\'utilisateur est déjà pris', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php index 1ccd9ab2..4b8dedbe 100644 --- a/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/hu_HU/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '30p', 'Stop timer' => 'Időmérő leállítása', 'Start timer' => 'Időmérő elindítása', - 'Add project member' => 'Projekt tag hozzáadása', 'My activity stream' => 'Tevékenységem', 'My calendar' => 'Naptáram', 'Search tasks' => 'Feladatok közötti keresés', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Távoli felhasználó', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'A távoli felhasználók jelszava nem a Kanboard adatbázisban van tárolva. Példák: LDAP, Google és GitHub számlák.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Ha bekattintja a "Bejelentkezési ablak tiltása" jelölőnégyzetet, akkor a login ablakban megadott jelszó nem lesz figyelembe véve.', - 'New remote user' => 'Új távoli felhasználó', - 'New local user' => 'Új helyi felhasználó', 'Default task color' => 'A feladathoz rendelt alapszín', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Ez a jellemző nem minden böngészőben működik.', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Nincs ilyen cél projekt.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Elindult:', 'Moved:' => 'Elmozgatva:', 'Task #%d' => '#%d. feladat', - 'Date and time format' => 'Dátum és idő formátum', 'Time format' => 'Idő formátum', 'Start date: ' => 'Kezdő datum: ', 'End date: ' => 'Vég dátum: ', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php index a91a348b..45c93b06 100644 --- a/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/id_ID/translations.php @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ return array( '%d tasks on the board' => '%d tugas di papan', '%d tasks in total' => '%d tugas di total', 'Unable to update this board.' => 'Tidak dapat memperbarui papan ini', - 'Edit board' => 'Edit papan', 'Disable' => 'Nonaktifkan', 'Enable' => 'Aktifkan', 'New project' => 'Proyek baru', @@ -72,7 +71,6 @@ return array( 'Title' => 'Judul', 'Assigned to %s' => 'Ditugaskan kepada %s', 'Remove a column' => 'Hapus kolom', - 'Remove a column from a board' => 'Hapus kolom dari papan', 'Unable to remove this column.' => 'Tidak dapat menghapus kolom ini.', 'Do you really want to remove this column: "%s"?' => 'Apakah Anda yakin mau menghapus kolom ini: "%s"?', 'This action will REMOVE ALL TASKS associated to this column!' => 'Tindakan ini akan MENGHAPUS SEMUA TUGAS yang berkaitan dengan kolom ini!', @@ -160,9 +158,7 @@ return array( 'Task count' => 'Jumlah tugas', 'User' => 'Pengguna', 'Comments' => 'Komentar', - 'Leave a comment' => 'Beri komentar', 'Comment is required' => 'Komentar dibutuhkan', - 'Leave a description' => 'Tinggalkan deskripsi', 'Comment added successfully.' => 'Komentar berhasil ditambahkan.', 'Unable to create your comment.' => 'Tidak dapat menambahkan komentar Anda.', 'Due Date' => 'Batas Tanggal Terakhir', @@ -224,7 +220,6 @@ return array( 'Search' => 'Cari', 'Nothing found.' => 'Tidak ditemukan.', 'Due date' => 'Batas tanggal terakhir', - 'Others formats accepted: %s and %s' => 'Format lain yang didukung: %s dan %s', 'Description' => 'Deskripsi', '%d comments' => '%d komentar', '%d comment' => '%d komentar', @@ -298,7 +293,6 @@ return array( 'Created by %s' => 'Dibuat oleh %s', 'Tasks Export' => 'Ekspor Tugas', 'Start Date' => 'Tanggal Mulai', - 'End Date' => 'Tanggal Berakhir', 'Execute' => 'Eksekusi', 'Task Id' => 'ID Tugas', 'Creator' => 'Pembuat', @@ -342,8 +336,8 @@ return array( 'Remote' => 'Jarak Jauh', 'Enabled' => 'Aktif', 'Disabled' => 'Nonaktif', - 'Username:' => 'Nama pengguna:', - 'Name:' => 'Nama:', + // 'Login:' => '', + // 'Full Name:' => '', 'Email:' => 'Email:', 'Notifications:' => 'Pemberitahuan:', 'Notifications' => 'Pemberitahuan', @@ -516,10 +510,8 @@ return array( 'Link labels' => 'Label tautan', 'Link modification' => 'Modifikasi tautan', 'Links' => 'Tautan', - 'Link settings' => 'Pengaturan tautan', 'Opposite label' => 'Label berlawanan', 'Remove a link' => 'Hapus tautan', - 'Task\'s links' => 'Tautan tugas', 'The labels must be different' => 'Label harus berbeda', 'There is no link.' => 'Tidak ada tautan.', 'This label must be unique' => 'Label ini harus unik', @@ -552,7 +544,6 @@ return array( 'Compact view' => 'Tampilan kompak', 'Horizontal scrolling' => 'Gulir horizontal', 'Compact/wide view' => 'Tampilan kompak/lebar', - 'No results match:' => 'Tidak ada hasil:', 'Currency' => 'Mata uang', 'Private project' => 'Proyek pribadi', 'AUD - Australian Dollar' => 'AUD - Dolar Australia', @@ -581,7 +572,6 @@ return array( 'Currency rates' => 'Nilai tukar mata uang', 'Rate' => 'Tarif', 'Change reference currency' => 'Ganti referensi mata uang', - 'Add a new currency rate' => 'Tambahkan nilai tukar mata uang baru', 'Reference currency' => 'Referensi mata uang', 'The currency rate have been added successfully.' => 'Nilai tukar mata uang berhasil ditambahkan.', 'Unable to add this currency rate.' => 'Tidak dapat menambahkan nilai tukar mata uang', @@ -703,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30m', 'Stop timer' => 'Hentikan timer', 'Start timer' => 'Mulai timer', - 'Add project member' => 'Tambahkan anggota proyek', 'My activity stream' => 'Aliran kegiatan saya', 'My calendar' => 'Kalender saya', 'Search tasks' => 'Cari tugas', @@ -758,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Pengguna jauh', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Pengguna jauh tidak menyimpan kata sandi mereka dalam basis data Kanboard, contoh: akun LDAP, Google dan Github.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Jika anda mencentang kotak "Larang formulir login", kredensial masuk ke formulis login akan diabaikan.', - 'New remote user' => 'Pengguna jauh baru', - 'New local user' => 'Pengguna lokal baru', 'Default task color' => 'Warna tugas default', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Fitur ini tidak dapat digunakan di semua peramban', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Tidak ada tujuan proyek yang tersedia.', @@ -853,7 +840,6 @@ return array( 'Owner' => 'Pemilik', 'Unread notifications' => 'Notifikasi belum terbaca', 'Notification methods:' => 'Metode pemberitahuan', - 'Import tasks from CSV file' => 'Impor tugas dari berkas CSV', 'Unable to read your file' => 'Tidak dapat membaca berkas Anda', '%d task(s) have been imported successfully.' => '%d tugas telah berhasil di impor', 'Nothing have been imported!' => 'Tidak ada yang dapat di impor', @@ -981,7 +967,6 @@ return array( 'Project owner: ' => 'Pemilik proyek', 'The project identifier is optional and must be alphanumeric, example: MYPROJECT.' => 'Identifier proyek adalah opsional dan harus alfanumerik, contoh: MYPROJECT.', 'Project owner' => 'Pemilik proyek', - 'Those dates are useful for the project Gantt chart.' => 'Tanggal tersebut berguna untuk proyek grafik Gantt', 'Private projects do not have users and groups management.' => 'Proyek pribadi tidak memiliki manajemen pengguna dan grup', 'There is no project member.' => 'Tidak ada anggota proyek', 'Priority' => 'Prioritas', @@ -1038,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Dimulai:', 'Moved:' => 'Dipindahkan:', 'Task #%d' => 'Tugas #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Format tanggal dan waktu', 'Time format' => 'Format waktu', 'Start date: ' => 'Tanggal mulai: ', 'End date: ' => 'Tanggal berakhir: ', @@ -1052,9 +1036,7 @@ return array( 'User disabled successfully.' => 'Pengguna berhasil dinonaktifkan.', 'Unable to disable this user.' => 'Tidak dapat menonaktifkan pengguna ini.', 'All files have been uploaded successfully.' => 'Semua berkas berhasil di unggah.', - 'View uploaded files' => 'Lihat berkas yang diunggah', 'The maximum allowed file size is %sB.' => 'Maksimum ukuran berkas yang diiziinkan adalah %sB.', - 'Choose files again' => 'Pilih berkas kembali', 'Drag and drop your files here' => 'Drag and drop file Anda di sini', 'choose files' => 'pilih berkas', 'View profile' => 'Lihat profil', @@ -1164,7 +1146,6 @@ return array( 'Email sender address' => 'Alamat pengirim email', 'Email transport' => 'Transportasi email', 'Webhook token' => 'Token Webhook', - 'Imports' => 'Impor', 'Project tags management' => 'Manajemen tag proyek', 'Tag created successfully.' => 'Tag berhasil dibuat.', 'Unable to create this tag.' => 'Tidak dapat membuat tag ini.', @@ -1211,8 +1192,6 @@ return array( 'Activity stream for %s' => 'Arus aktivitas untuk %s', 'Calendar for %s' => 'Kalender untuk %s', 'Notifications for %s' => 'Notifikasi untuk %s', - 'Subtasks export' => 'Ekspor sub-tugas', - 'Tasks exportation' => 'Eksportasi tugas-tugas', 'Assign a color when the task is moved to a specific swimlane' => 'Berikan warna saat tugas dipindahkan ke swimlane tertentu', 'Assign a priority when the task is moved to a specific swimlane' => 'Berikan prioritas saat tugas dipindahkan ke swimlane tertentu', 'User unlocked successfully.' => 'Berhasil membuka blokir pengguna.', @@ -1289,4 +1268,43 @@ return array( 'Remove your token' => 'Hapus token Anda', 'Generate a new token' => 'Generate token baru', 'Showing %d-%d of %d' => 'Menampilkan %d-%d of %d', + // 'Outgoing Emails' => '', + // 'Add or change currency rate' => '', + // 'Reference currency: %s' => '', + // 'Add custom filters' => '', + // 'Export' => '', + // 'Add link label' => '', + // 'Incompatible Plugins' => '', + // 'Compatibility' => '', + // 'Permissions and ownership' => '', + // 'Priorities' => '', + // 'Close this window' => '', + // 'Unable to upload this file.' => '', + // 'Import tasks' => '', + // 'Choose a project' => '', + // 'Profile' => '', + // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php index b158bddb..f7c6c5ee 100644 --- a/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/it_IT/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( // '<30m' => '', 'Stop timer' => 'Ferma il timer', 'Start timer' => 'Avvia il timer', - 'Add project member' => 'Aggiungi un membro di progetto', 'My activity stream' => 'Il mio flusso attività', 'My calendar' => 'Il mio calendario', 'Search tasks' => 'Ricerca task', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Utente remoto', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'La password degli utenti remoti (ad esempio: LDAP, account Google e Github) non è salvata nel database di Kanboard', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Se imposti l\'opzione "Disabilita il form di login", le credenzali inserite nella saranno ignorate.', - 'New remote user' => 'Nuovo utente remoto', - 'New local user' => 'Nuovo utente locale', 'Default task color' => 'Colore predefinito dei task', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Questa feature non funziona con tutti i browser.', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Non ci sono progetti disponbili come destinazione.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Iniziato:', 'Moved:' => 'Spostato:', // 'Task #%d' => '', - 'Date and time format' => 'Formato data e ora', 'Time format' => 'Formato ora', 'Start date: ' => 'Data di inizio: ', 'End date: ' => 'Data di fine: ', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php index 71798594..e747c320 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ja_JP/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( // '<30m' => '', // 'Stop timer' => '', // 'Start timer' => '', - // 'Add project member' => '', // 'My activity stream' => '', // 'My calendar' => '', // 'Search tasks' => '', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( // 'Remote user' => '', // 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => '', // 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => '', - // 'New remote user' => '', - // 'New local user' => '', // 'Default task color' => '', // 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => '', // 'There is no destination project available.' => '', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', // 'End date: ' => '', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php b/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php index 9a7c862f..e1825ad7 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ko_KR/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30분', 'Stop timer' => '타이머 정지', 'Start timer' => '타이머 시작', - 'Add project member' => '프로젝트 맴버 추가', 'My activity stream' => '내 활동기록', 'My calendar' => '내 캘린더', 'Search tasks' => '할일 찾기', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => '원격 담당자', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => '예를 들어 LDAP, Google, Github 계정같은 원격 담당자의 비밀번호는 칸반보드 데이터베이스에 저장하지 않습니다', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => '만약 "로그인 폼 거절"에 체크한다면, 로그인 폼에 접근할 자격이 무시됩니다', - 'New remote user' => '새로운 원격유저', - 'New local user' => '새로운 유저', 'Default task color' => '기본 할일 색', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => '이 기능은 일부 브라우저에서 작동하지 않습니다', 'There is no destination project available.' => '가능한 목적 프로젝트가 없습니다', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => '시작:', 'Moved:' => '이동:', 'Task #%d' => '할일 #%d', - 'Date and time format' => '날짜와 시간 형식', 'Time format' => '시간 형식', 'Start date: ' => '시작일: ', 'End date: ' => '종료일: ', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php b/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php index 0b1d3eb0..641dfefa 100644 --- a/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/my_MY/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30m', 'Stop timer' => 'Hentikan timer', 'Start timer' => 'Mulai timer', - 'Add project member' => 'Tambahkan anggota projek', 'My activity stream' => 'Aliran kegiatan saya', 'My calendar' => 'Kalender saya', 'Search tasks' => 'Cari tugas', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Pengguna jauh', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Pengguna jauh tidak menyimpan kata laluan mereka dalam basis data Kanboard, contoh: Akaun LDAP, Google dan Github.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Jika anda mencentang kotak "Larang formulir login", kredensial masuk ke formulis login akan diabaikan.', - 'New remote user' => 'Pengguna baru jauh', - 'New local user' => 'Pengguna baru lokal', 'Default task color' => 'Standar warna tugas', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Ciri ini tidak dapat digunakan pada semua browsers', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Tiada destinasi projek yang tersedia.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', // 'End date: ' => '', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php index 65717c18..da7e6508 100644 --- a/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/nb_NO/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( // '<30m' => '', 'Stop timer' => 'Stopp timer', 'Start timer' => 'Start timer', - 'Add project member' => 'Legg til prosjektmedlem', 'My activity stream' => 'Aktivitetslogg', 'My calendar' => 'Min kalender', 'Search tasks' => 'Søk oppgave', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( // 'Remote user' => '', // 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => '', // 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => '', - 'New remote user' => 'Ny eksternbruker', - 'New local user' => 'Ny internbruker', 'Default task color' => 'Standard oppgavefarge', // 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => '', // 'There is no destination project available.' => '', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', // 'End date: ' => '', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php index 06db5b65..140c0406 100644 --- a/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/nl_NL/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30m', 'Stop timer' => 'Stop timer', 'Start timer' => 'Start timer', - 'Add project member' => 'Voeg projectlid toe', 'My activity stream' => 'Mijn activiteiten', 'My calendar' => 'Mijn kalender', 'Search tasks' => 'Zoek taken', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( // 'Remote user' => '', // 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => '', // 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => '', - // 'New remote user' => '', - // 'New local user' => '', // 'Default task color' => '', // 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => '', // 'There is no destination project available.' => '', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', // 'End date: ' => '', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php index 8bfa31c7..16988195 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pl_PL/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( // '<30m' => '', 'Stop timer' => 'Zatrzymaj pomiar czasu', 'Start timer' => 'Uruchom pomiar czasu', - 'Add project member' => 'Dodaj uczestnika projektu', 'My activity stream' => 'Moja aktywność', 'My calendar' => 'Mój kalendarz', 'Search tasks' => 'Szukaj zadań', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Zdalny użytkownik', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Zdalni użykownicy nie przechowują swojego hasła w bazie danych Kanboard, przykłady: konta LDAP, Google and Github.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Jeśli zaznaczysz "Zablokuj możliwość logowania", dane podane przy logowaniu zostaną zignorowane.', - 'New remote user' => 'Nowy użytkownik zdalny', - 'New local user' => 'Nowy użytkownik lokalny', 'Default task color' => 'Domyślny kolor zadań', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Ta funkcja może nie działać z każdą przeglądarką.', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Żaden docelowy projekt nie jest aktualnie dostępny.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Rozpoczęte:', 'Moved:' => 'Przeniesione:', 'Task #%d' => 'Zadanie #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Format daty oraz czasu', 'Time format' => 'Format czasu', 'Start date: ' => 'Data rozpoczęcia: ', 'End date: ' => 'Data zakończenia: ', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php index d0d2cc5b..ef8fc4c9 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pt_BR/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30m', 'Stop timer' => 'Stop timer', 'Start timer' => 'Start timer', - 'Add project member' => 'Adicionar membro ao projeto', 'My activity stream' => 'Meu feed de atividades', 'My calendar' => 'Minha agenda', 'Search tasks' => 'Pesquisar tarefas', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Usuário remoto', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Os usuários remotos não conservam as suas senhas no banco de dados Kanboard, exemplos: contas LDAP, Github ou Google.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Se você marcar "Interdir o formulário de autenticação", os identificadores entrados no formulário de login serão ignorado.', - 'New remote user' => 'Criar um usuário remoto', - 'New local user' => 'Criar um usuário local', 'Default task color' => 'Cor padrão para as tarefas', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Esta funcionalidade não é compatível com todos os navegadores.', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Não há nenhum projeto de destino disponível.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Começado:', 'Moved:' => 'Movido:', 'Task #%d' => 'Tarefa #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Formato da hora e da data', 'Time format' => 'Formato da hora', 'Start date: ' => 'Data de início: ', 'End date: ' => 'Data final: ', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php index a7204092..1d00514c 100644 --- a/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/pt_PT/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30m', 'Stop timer' => 'Parar temporizador', 'Start timer' => 'Iniciar temporizador', - 'Add project member' => 'Adicionar um membro ao projeto', 'My activity stream' => 'O meu feed de actividade', 'My calendar' => 'A minha agenda', 'Search tasks' => 'Pesquisar tarefas', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Utilizador remoto', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Utilizadores remotos não guardam a password na base de dados do Kanboard, por exemplo: LDAP, contas do Google e Github.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Se activar a opção "Desactivar login", as credenciais digitadas no login serão ignoradas.', - 'New remote user' => 'Novo utilizador remoto', - 'New local user' => 'Novo utilizador local', 'Default task color' => 'Cor de tarefa por defeito', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Esta funcionalidade não funciona em todos os browsers', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Não há projeto de destino disponivel', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Iniciado:', 'Moved:' => 'Movido:', 'Task #%d' => 'Tarefa #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Formato tempo e data', 'Time format' => 'Formato tempo', 'Start date: ' => 'Data inicio: ', 'End date: ' => 'Data final: ', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( 'Choose a project' => 'Escolha um projeto', 'Profile' => 'Perfil', 'Application role' => 'Função na Aplicação', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php index d3692cb3..7bf57fb2 100644 --- a/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/ru_RU/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30м', 'Stop timer' => 'Остановить таймер', 'Start timer' => 'Запустить таймер', - 'Add project member' => 'Добавить номер проекта', 'My activity stream' => 'Лента моей активности', 'My calendar' => 'Мой календарь', 'Search tasks' => 'Поиск задачи', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Удаленный пользователь', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Учётные данные для входа через LDAP, Google и Github не будут сохранены в Kanboard.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Если вы установите флажок "Запретить форму входа", учётные данные, введенные в форму входа будет игнорироваться.', - 'New remote user' => 'Новый удалённый пользователь', - 'New local user' => 'Новый локальный пользователь', 'Default task color' => 'Стандартные цвета задач', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Эта функция доступна не во всех браузерах.', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Нет доступного для назначения проекта.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Начата:', 'Moved:' => 'Перемещена:', 'Task #%d' => 'Задача #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Формат даты и времени', 'Time format' => 'Формат времени', 'Start date: ' => 'Дата начала:', 'End date: ' => 'Дата окончания:', @@ -1288,15 +1284,27 @@ return array( 'Choose a project' => 'Выберите проект', 'Profile' => 'Профиль', 'Application role' => 'Роль в приложении', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', 'There is no custom filter.' => 'Пользовательские фильтры отсутствуют.', - 'New user' => 'Добавить пользователя', 'New User' => 'Добавление пользователя', 'Authentication' => 'Данные входа', 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => 'Если включено, то пользователь будет использовать стороннюю систему для авторизации.', 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => 'Пароль необходим только для локальных пользователей', - 'Add this user to project' => 'Добавить этого пользователя в проект', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', 'Invite people' => 'Приглашение пользователей', + 'Emails' => 'Адреса e-mail', 'Enter one email address by line.' => 'Вводите по одному e-mail на строку.', 'Add these people to this project' => 'Добавить приглашенных в проект', - 'Emails' => 'Адреса e-mail', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + 'New user' => 'Добавить пользователя', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php index ffc418f7..bee83a94 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sr_Latn_RS/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( // '<30m' => '', // 'Stop timer' => '', // 'Start timer' => '', - // 'Add project member' => '', // 'My activity stream' => '', // 'My calendar' => '', // 'Search tasks' => '', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( // 'Remote user' => '', // 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => '', // 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => '', - // 'New remote user' => '', - // 'New local user' => '', // 'Default task color' => '', // 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => '', // 'There is no destination project available.' => '', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', // 'End date: ' => '', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php index 78639ee0..ec6f75e1 100644 --- a/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/sv_SE/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30m', 'Stop timer' => 'Stoppa timer', 'Start timer' => 'Starta timer', - 'Add project member' => 'Lägg till projektmedlem', 'My activity stream' => 'Min aktivitetsström', 'My calendar' => 'Min kalender', 'Search tasks' => 'Sök uppgifter', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Extern användare', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Externa användares lösenord lagras inte i Kanboard-databasen, exempel: LDAP, Google och Github-konton.', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Om du aktiverar boxen "Tillåt inte loginformulär" kommer inloggningsuppgifter i formuläret att ignoreras.', - 'New remote user' => 'Ny extern användare', - 'New local user' => 'Ny lokal användare', 'Default task color' => 'Standardfärg för uppgifter', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Denna funktion fungerar inte i alla webbläsare.', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Det finns inget destinationsprojekt tillgängligt.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( // 'Started:' => '', // 'Moved:' => '', // 'Task #%d' => '', - // 'Date and time format' => '', // 'Time format' => '', // 'Start date: ' => '', // 'End date: ' => '', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php index ac5d301a..dcd858d0 100644 --- a/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/th_TH/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30นาที', 'Stop timer' => 'หยุดจับเวลา', 'Start timer' => 'เริ่มจับเวลา', - 'Add project member' => 'เพิ่มสมาชิกโปรเจค', 'My activity stream' => 'กิจกรรมที่เกิดขึ้นของฉัน', 'My calendar' => 'ปฎิทินของฉัน', 'Search tasks' => 'ค้นหางาน', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'ผู้ใช้รีโมท', // 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => '', // 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => '', - 'New remote user' => 'เพิ่มผู้ใช้รีโมทใหม่', - 'New local user' => 'เพิ่มผู้ใช้ท้องถิ่นใหม่', 'Default task color' => 'สีเริ่มต้นของงาน', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'คุณลักษณะนี้ไม่สามารถทำงานได้ทุกเบราเซอร์', // 'There is no destination project available.' => '', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'เริ่ม:', 'Moved:' => 'ย้าย:', 'Task #%d' => 'งานที่ #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'รูปแบบของวันเวลา', 'Time format' => 'รูปแบบของเวลา', 'Start date: ' => 'เริ่มวันที่:', 'End date: ' => 'จบวันที่:', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php index 49244aeb..088c5e4a 100644 --- a/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/tr_TR/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '<30dk', 'Stop timer' => 'Zamanlayıcıyı durdur', 'Start timer' => 'Zamanlayıcıyı başlat', - 'Add project member' => 'Proje üyesi ekle', 'My activity stream' => 'Olay akışım', 'My calendar' => 'Takvimim', 'Search tasks' => 'Görevleri ara', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => 'Uzak kullanıcı', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => 'Uzak kullanıcıların şifreleri Kanboard veritabanında saklanmaz, örnek: LDAP, Google ve Github hesapları', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => 'Eğer giriş formuna erişimi engelleyi seçerseniz, giriş formuna girilen bilgiler gözardı edilir.', - 'New remote user' => 'Yeni uzak kullanıcı', - 'New local user' => 'Yeni yerel kullanıcı', 'Default task color' => 'Varsayılan görev rengi', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => 'Bu özellik tüm tarayıcılarla çalışmaz', 'There is no destination project available.' => 'Seçilebilecek hedef proje yok.', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => 'Başlatıldı', 'Moved:' => 'Taşındı', 'Task #%d' => 'Görev #%d', - 'Date and time format' => 'Tarih ve saat formatı', 'Time format' => 'Saat formatı', 'Start date: ' => 'Başlangıç tarihi', 'End date: ' => 'Bitiş tarihi', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php index addc832d..0f91e29f 100644 --- a/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php +++ b/app/Locale/zh_CN/translations.php @@ -693,7 +693,6 @@ return array( '<30m' => '小于30分钟', 'Stop timer' => '停止计时器', 'Start timer' => '开启计时器', - 'Add project member' => '添加项目成员', 'My activity stream' => '我的活动流', 'My calendar' => '我的日程表', 'Search tasks' => '搜索任务', @@ -748,8 +747,6 @@ return array( 'Remote user' => '远程用户', 'Remote users do not store their password in Kanboard database, examples: LDAP, Google and Github accounts.' => '远程用户不会在看板数据库保存密码,例如:LDAP,GOOGLE,GitHub。', 'If you check the box "Disallow login form", credentials entered in the login form will be ignored.' => '如果选中“禁止登陆来自”,登陆表单内的验证信息将被忽略。', - 'New remote user' => '新加远程用户', - 'New local user' => '新加本地用户', 'Default task color' => '默认任务颜色', 'This feature does not work with all browsers.' => '本功能只在部分浏览器下工作正常。', 'There is no destination project available.' => '当前没有目标项目可用', @@ -1026,7 +1023,6 @@ return array( 'Started:' => '已开始:', 'Moved:' => '已移走', 'Task #%d' => '任务#%d', - 'Date and time format' => '时间和日期格式', 'Time format' => '时间格式', 'Start date: ' => '开始时间:', 'End date: ' => '结束时间:', @@ -1288,4 +1284,27 @@ return array( // 'Choose a project' => '', // 'Profile' => '', // 'Application role' => '', + // '%d invitations were sent.' => '', + // '%d invitation was sent.' => '', + // 'Unable to create this user.' => '', + // 'Kanboard Invitation' => '', + // 'Visible on dashboard' => '', + // 'Created at:' => '', + // 'Updated at:' => '', + // 'There is no custom filter.' => '', + // 'New User' => '', + // 'Authentication' => '', + // 'If checked, this user will use a third-party system for authentication.' => '', + // 'The password is necessary only for local users.' => '', + // 'You have been invited to register on Kanboard.' => '', + // 'Click here to join your team' => '', + // 'Invite people' => '', + // 'Emails' => '', + // 'Enter one email address by line.' => '', + // 'Add these people to this project' => '', + // 'Add this person to this project' => '', + // 'Sign-up' => '', + // 'Credentials' => '', + // 'New user' => '', + // 'This username is already taken' => '', ); diff --git a/app/Template/user_creation/show.php b/app/Template/user_creation/show.php index 89838086..597dce55 100644 --- a/app/Template/user_creation/show.php +++ b/app/Template/user_creation/show.php @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ <fieldset> <legend><?= t('Projects') ?></legend> - <?= $this->form->label(t('Add this user to project'), 'project_id') ?> + <?= $this->form->label(t('Add this person to this project'), 'project_id') ?> <?= $this->form->select('project_id', $projects, $values, $errors) ?> </fieldset> </div> -- cgit v1.2.3