projectUserRole->getActiveProjectsByUser($this->userSession->getId()); $params['content_for_sublayout'] = $this->template->render($template, $params); $params['filter'] = array('user_id' => $params['user_id']); return $this->template->layout('project_user/layout', $params); } private function common() { $user_id = $this->request->getIntegerParam('user_id', UserModel::EVERYBODY_ID); if ($this->userSession->isAdmin()) { $project_ids = $this->project->getAllIds(); } else { $project_ids = $this->projectPermission->getActiveProjectIds($this->userSession->getId()); } return array($user_id, $project_ids, $this->user->getList(true)); } private function role($role, $action, $title, $title_user) { list($user_id, $project_ids, $users) = $this->common(); $query = $this->projectPermission->getQueryByRole($project_ids, $role)->callback(array($this->project, 'applyColumnStats')); if ($user_id !== UserModel::EVERYBODY_ID) { $query->eq(UserModel::TABLE.'.id', $user_id); $title = t($title_user, $users[$user_id]); } $paginator = $this->paginator ->setUrl('projectuser', $action, array('user_id' => $user_id)) ->setMax(30) ->setOrder('') ->setQuery($query) ->calculate(); $this->response->html($this->layout('project_user/roles', array( 'paginator' => $paginator, 'title' => $title, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'users' => $users, ))); } private function tasks($is_active, $action, $title, $title_user) { list($user_id, $project_ids, $users) = $this->common(); $query = $this->taskFinder->getProjectUserOverviewQuery($project_ids, $is_active); if ($user_id !== UserModel::EVERYBODY_ID) { $query->eq(TaskModel::TABLE.'.owner_id', $user_id); $title = t($title_user, $users[$user_id]); } $paginator = $this->paginator ->setUrl('projectuser', $action, array('user_id' => $user_id)) ->setMax(50) ->setOrder(TaskModel::TABLE.'.id') ->setQuery($query) ->calculate(); $this->response->html($this->layout('project_user/tasks', array( 'paginator' => $paginator, 'title' => $title, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'users' => $users, ))); } /** * Display the list of project managers * */ public function managers() { $this->role(Role::PROJECT_MANAGER, 'managers', t('People who are project managers'), 'Projects where "%s" is manager'); } /** * Display the list of project members * */ public function members() { $this->role(ROLE::PROJECT_MEMBER, 'members', t('People who are project members'), 'Projects where "%s" is member'); } /** * Display the list of open taks * */ public function opens() { $this->tasks(TaskModel::STATUS_OPEN, 'opens', t('Open tasks'), 'Open tasks assigned to "%s"'); } /** * Display the list of closed tasks * */ public function closed() { $this->tasks(TaskModel::STATUS_CLOSED, 'closed', t('Closed tasks'), 'Closed tasks assigned to "%s"'); } }