getTask(); $this->taskModification->update(array('id' => $task['id'], 'date_started' => time())); $this->response->redirect($this->helper->url->to('task', 'show', array('project_id' => $task['project_id'], 'task_id' => $task['id']))); } /** * Update time tracking information * * @access public */ public function time() { $task = $this->getTask(); $values = $this->request->getValues(); list($valid, ) = $this->taskValidator->validateTimeModification($values); if ($valid && $this->taskModification->update($values)) { $this->flash->success(t('Task updated successfully.')); } else { $this->flash->failure(t('Unable to update your task.')); } $this->response->redirect($this->helper->url->to('task', 'show', array('project_id' => $task['project_id'], 'task_id' => $task['id']))); } /** * Edit description form * * @access public */ public function description(array $values = array(), array $errors = array()) { $task = $this->getTask(); if (empty($values)) { $values = array('id' => $task['id'], 'description' => $task['description']); } $this->response->html($this->helper->layout->task('task_modification/edit_description', array( 'values' => $values, 'errors' => $errors, 'task' => $task, ))); } /** * Update description * * @access public */ public function updateDescription() { $task = $this->getTask(); $values = $this->request->getValues(); list($valid, $errors) = $this->taskValidator->validateDescriptionCreation($values); if ($valid) { if ($this->taskModification->update($values)) { $this->flash->success(t('Task updated successfully.')); } else { $this->flash->failure(t('Unable to update your task.')); } return $this->response->redirect($this->helper->url->to('task', 'show', array('project_id' => $task['project_id'], 'task_id' => $task['id'])), true); } $this->description($values, $errors); } /** * Display a form to edit a task * * @access public */ public function edit(array $values = array(), array $errors = array()) { $task = $this->getTask(); $project = $this->project->getById($task['project_id']); if (empty($values)) { $values = $task; } $this->dateParser->format($values, array('date_due')); $this->response->html($this->helper->layout->task('task_modification/edit_task', array( 'project' => $project, 'values' => $values, 'errors' => $errors, 'task' => $task, 'users_list' => $this->projectUserRole->getAssignableUsersList($task['project_id']), 'colors_list' => $this->color->getList(), 'categories_list' => $this->category->getList($task['project_id']), 'date_format' => $this->config->get('application_date_format'), 'date_formats' => $this->dateParser->getAvailableFormats(), ))); } /** * Validate and update a task * * @access public */ public function update() { $task = $this->getTask(); $values = $this->request->getValues(); list($valid, $errors) = $this->taskValidator->validateModification($values); if ($valid && $this->taskModification->update($values)) { $this->flash->success(t('Task updated successfully.')); return $this->response->redirect($this->helper->url->to('task', 'show', array('project_id' => $task['project_id'], 'task_id' => $task['id'])), true); } else { $this->flash->failure(t('Unable to update your task.')); $this->edit($values, $errors); } } /** * Edit recurrence form * * @access public */ public function recurrence() { $task = $this->getTask(); if ($this->request->isPost()) { $values = $this->request->getValues(); list($valid, $errors) = $this->taskValidator->validateEditRecurrence($values); if ($valid) { if ($this->taskModification->update($values)) { $this->flash->success(t('Task updated successfully.')); } else { $this->flash->failure(t('Unable to update your task.')); } $this->response->redirect($this->helper->url->to('task', 'show', array('project_id' => $task['project_id'], 'task_id' => $task['id']))); } } else { $values = $task; $errors = array(); } $params = array( 'values' => $values, 'errors' => $errors, 'task' => $task, 'recurrence_status_list' => $this->task->getRecurrenceStatusList(), 'recurrence_trigger_list' => $this->task->getRecurrenceTriggerList(), 'recurrence_timeframe_list' => $this->task->getRecurrenceTimeframeList(), 'recurrence_basedate_list' => $this->task->getRecurrenceBasedateList(), ); $this->response->html($this->helper->layout->task('task_modification/edit_recurrence', $params)); } }