container = $container; } /** * Load automatically models * * @access public * @param string $name Model name * @return mixed */ public function __get($name) { return $this->container[$name]; } /** * Proxy cache helper for acl::isManagerActionAllowed() * * @access public * @param integer $project_id * @return boolean */ public function isManager($project_id) { if ($this->userSession->isAdmin()) { return true; } return $this->container['memoryCache']->proxy('acl', 'isManagerActionAllowed', $project_id); } /** * Return the user full name * * @param array $user User properties * @return string */ public function getFullname(array $user = array()) { return $this->user->getFullname(empty($user) ? $_SESSION['user'] : $user); } /** * HTML escaping * * @param string $value Value to escape * @return string */ public function e($value) { return htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false); } /** * Add a Javascript asset * * @param string $filename Filename * @return string */ public function js($filename) { return ''; } /** * Add a stylesheet asset * * @param string $filename Filename * @return string */ public function css($filename, $is_file = true) { return ''; } /** * Display the form error class * * @param array $errors Error list * @param string $name Field name * @return string */ public function errorClass(array $errors, $name) { return ! isset($errors[$name]) ? '' : ' form-error'; } /** * Display a list of form errors * * @param array $errors List of errors * @param string $name Field name * @return string */ public function errorList(array $errors, $name) { $html = ''; if (isset($errors[$name])) { $html .= ''; } return $html; } /** * Get an escaped form value * * @param mixed $values Values * @param string $name Field name * @return string */ public function formValue($values, $name) { if (isset($values->$name)) { return 'value="'.$this->e($values->$name).'"'; } return isset($values[$name]) ? 'value="'.$this->e($values[$name]).'"' : ''; } /** * Hidden CSRF token field * * @return string */ public function formCsrf() { return ''; } /** * Display a hidden form field * * @param string $name Field name * @param array $values Form values * @return string */ public function formHidden($name, array $values = array()) { return 'formValue($values, $name).'/>'; } /** * Display a select field * * @param string $name Field name * @param array $options Options * @param array $values Form values * @param array $errors Form errors * @param string $class CSS class * @return string */ public function formSelect($name, array $options, array $values = array(), array $errors = array(), $class = '') { $html = ''; $html .= $this->errorList($errors, $name); return $html; } /** * Display a radio field group * * @param string $name Field name * @param array $options Options * @param array $values Form values * @return string */ public function formRadios($name, array $options, array $values = array()) { $html = ''; foreach ($options as $value => $label) { $html .= $this->formRadio($name, $label, $value, isset($values[$name]) && $values[$name] == $value); } return $html; } /** * Display a radio field * * @param string $name Field name * @param string $label Form label * @param string $value Form value * @param boolean $selected Field selected or not * @param string $class CSS class * @return string */ public function formRadio($name, $label, $value, $selected = false, $class = '') { return ''; } /** * Display a checkbox field * * @param string $name Field name * @param string $label Form label * @param string $value Form value * @param boolean $checked Field selected or not * @param string $class CSS class * @return string */ public function formCheckbox($name, $label, $value, $checked = false, $class = '') { return ''; } /** * Display a form label * * @param string $name Field name * @param string $label Form label * @param array $attributes HTML attributes * @return string */ public function formLabel($label, $name, array $attributes = array()) { return ''; } /** * Display a textarea * * @param string $name Field name * @param array $values Form values * @param array $errors Form errors * @param array $attributes HTML attributes * @param string $class CSS class * @return string */ public function formTextarea($name, $values = array(), array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array(), $class = '') { $class .= $this->errorClass($errors, $name); $html = ''; $html .= $this->errorList($errors, $name); return $html; } /** * Display a input field * * @param string $type HMTL input tag type * @param string $name Field name * @param array $values Form values * @param array $errors Form errors * @param array $attributes HTML attributes * @param string $class CSS class * @return string */ public function formInput($type, $name, $values = array(), array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array(), $class = '') { $class .= $this->errorClass($errors, $name); $html = 'formValue($values, $name).' class="'.$class.'" '; $html .= implode(' ', $attributes).'/>'; if (in_array('required', $attributes)) $html .= '*'; $html .= $this->errorList($errors, $name); return $html; } /** * Display a text field * * @param string $name Field name * @param array $values Form values * @param array $errors Form errors * @param array $attributes HTML attributes * @param string $class CSS class * @return string */ public function formText($name, $values = array(), array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array(), $class = '') { return $this->formInput('text', $name, $values, $errors, $attributes, $class); } /** * Display a password field * * @param string $name Field name * @param array $values Form values * @param array $errors Form errors * @param array $attributes HTML attributes * @param string $class CSS class * @return string */ public function formPassword($name, $values = array(), array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array(), $class = '') { return $this->formInput('password', $name, $values, $errors, $attributes, $class); } /** * Display an email field * * @param string $name Field name * @param array $values Form values * @param array $errors Form errors * @param array $attributes HTML attributes * @param string $class CSS class * @return string */ public function formEmail($name, $values = array(), array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array(), $class = '') { return $this->formInput('email', $name, $values, $errors, $attributes, $class); } /** * Display a number field * * @param string $name Field name * @param array $values Form values * @param array $errors Form errors * @param array $attributes HTML attributes * @param string $class CSS class * @return string */ public function formNumber($name, $values = array(), array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array(), $class = '') { return $this->formInput('number', $name, $values, $errors, $attributes, $class); } /** * Display a numeric field (allow decimal number) * * @param string $name Field name * @param array $values Form values * @param array $errors Form errors * @param array $attributes HTML attributes * @param string $class CSS class * @return string */ public function formNumeric($name, $values = array(), array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array(), $class = '') { return $this->formInput('text', $name, $values, $errors, $attributes, $class.' form-numeric'); } /** * Link * * a('link', 'task', 'show', array('task_id' => $task_id)) * * @param string $label Link label * @param string $controller Controller name * @param string $action Action name * @param array $params Url parameters * @param boolean $csrf Add a CSRF token * @param string $class CSS class attribute * @param boolean $new_tab Open the link in a new tab * @return string */ public function a($label, $controller, $action, array $params = array(), $csrf = false, $class = '', $title = '', $new_tab = false) { return ''.$label.''; } /** * Generate controller/action url for templates * * u('task', 'show', array('task_id' => $task_id)) * * @param string $controller Controller name * @param string $action Action name * @param array $params Url parameters * @param boolean $csrf Add a CSRF token * @return string */ public function u($controller, $action, array $params = array(), $csrf = false) { $values = array( 'controller' => $controller, 'action' => $action, ); if ($csrf) { $params['csrf_token'] = Security::getCSRFToken(); } $values += $params; return '?'.http_build_query($values, '', '&'); } /** * Generate controller/action url * * l('task', 'show', array('task_id' => $task_id)) * * @param string $controller Controller name * @param string $action Action name * @param array $params Url parameters * @return string */ public function url($controller, $action, array $params = array()) { $values = array( 'controller' => $controller, 'action' => $action, ); $values += $params; return '?'.http_build_query($values); } /** * Markdown transformation * * @param string $text Markdown content * @param array $link Link parameters for replacement * @return string */ public function markdown($text, array $link = array()) { $html = Parsedown::instance() ->setMarkupEscaped(true) # escapes markup (HTML) ->text($text); // Replace task #123 by a link to the task if (! empty($link) && preg_match_all('!#(\d+)!i', $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $html = str_replace( $match[0], $this->a($match[0], $link['controller'], $link['action'], $link['params'] + array('task_id' => $match[1])), $html ); } } return $html; } /** * Get the current URL without the querystring * * @return string */ public function getCurrentBaseUrl() { $url = Request::isHTTPS() ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $url .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $url .= $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ? '' : ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; $url .= dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) !== '/' ? dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/' : '/'; return $url; } /** * Dispplay the flash session message * * @param string $html HTML wrapper * @return string */ public function flash($html) { return $this->flashMessage('flash_message', $html); } /** * Display the flash session error message * * @param string $html HTML wrapper * @return string */ public function flashError($html) { return $this->flashMessage('flash_error_message', $html); } /** * Fetch and remove a flash session message * * @access private * @param string $name Message name * @param string $html HTML wrapper * @return string */ private function flashMessage($name, $html) { $data = ''; if (isset($this->session[$name])) { $data = sprintf($html, $this->e($this->session[$name])); unset($this->session[$name]); } return $data; } /** * Format a file size * * @param integer $size Size in bytes * @param integer $precision Precision * @return string */ public function formatBytes($size, $precision = 2) { $base = log($size) / log(1024); $suffixes = array('', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T'); return round(pow(1024, $base - floor($base)), $precision).$suffixes[(int)floor($base)]; } /** * Truncate a long text * * @param string $value Text * @param integer $max_length Max Length * @param string $end Text end * @return string */ public function summary($value, $max_length = 85, $end = '[...]') { $length = strlen($value); if ($length > $max_length) { return substr($value, 0, $max_length).' '.$end; } return $value; } /** * Return true if needle is contained in the haystack * * @param string $haystack Haystack * @param string $needle Needle * @return boolean */ public function contains($haystack, $needle) { return strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false; } /** * Return a value from a dictionary * * @param mixed $id Key * @param array $listing Dictionary * @param string $default_value Value displayed when the key doesn't exists * @return string */ public function inList($id, array $listing, $default_value = '?') { if (isset($listing[$id])) { return $this->e($listing[$id]); } return $default_value; } /** * Get calendar translations * * @access public * @return string */ public function getCalendarTranslations() { return json_encode(array( 'Today' => t('Today'), 'Jan' => t('Jan'), 'Feb' => t('Feb'), 'Mar' => t('Mar'), 'Apr' => t('Apr'), 'May' => t('May'), 'Jun' => t('Jun'), 'Jul' => t('Jul'), 'Aug' => t('Aug'), 'Sep' => t('Sep'), 'Oct' => t('Oct'), 'Nov' => t('Nov'), 'Dec' => t('Dec'), 'January' => t('January'), 'February' => t('February'), 'March' => t('March'), 'April' => t('April'), 'May' => t('May'), 'June' => t('June'), 'July' => t('July'), 'August' => t('August'), 'September' => t('September'), 'October' => t('October'), 'November' => t('November'), 'December' => t('December'), 'Sunday' => t('Sunday'), 'Monday' => t('Monday'), 'Tuesday' => t('Tuesday'), 'Wednesday' => t('Wednesday'), 'Thursday' => t('Thursday'), 'Friday' => t('Friday'), 'Saturday' => t('Saturday'), 'Sun' => t('Sun'), 'Mon' => t('Mon'), 'Tue' => t('Tue'), 'Wed' => t('Wed'), 'Thu' => t('Thu'), 'Fri' => t('Fri'), 'Sat' => t('Sat'), )); } }