<?php namespace Kanboard\Helper; use Kanboard\Core\Base; use Kanboard\Core\Security\Role; use Kanboard\Model\ColumnRestrictionModel; use Kanboard\Model\ProjectRoleRestrictionModel; /** * Class ProjectRoleHelper * * @package Kanboard\Helper * @author Frederic Guillot */ class ProjectRoleHelper extends Base { /** * Get project role for the current user * * @access public * @param integer $project_id * @return string */ public function getProjectUserRole($project_id) { return $this->memoryCache->proxy($this->projectUserRoleModel, 'getUserRole', $project_id, $this->userSession->getId()); } /** * Return true if the task can be moved by the logged user * * @param array $task * @return bool */ public function isDraggable(array &$task) { if ($task['is_active'] == 1 && $this->helper->user->hasProjectAccess('BoardAjaxController', 'save', $task['project_id'])) { return $this->isSortableColumn($task['project_id'], $task['column_id']); } return false; } /** * Return true is the column is sortable * * @param int $project_id * @param int $column_id * @return bool */ public function isSortableColumn($project_id, $column_id) { $role = $this->getProjectUserRole($project_id); if ($this->role->isCustomProjectRole($role)) { $sortableColumns = $this->columnMoveRestrictionCacheDecorator->getSortableColumns($project_id, $role); foreach ($sortableColumns as $column) { if ($column['src_column_id'] == $column_id || $column['dst_column_id'] == $column_id) { return true; } } return empty($sortableColumns) && $this->isAllowedToMoveTask($project_id, $role); } return true; } /** * Check if the user can move a task * * @param int $project_id * @param int $src_column_id * @param int $dst_column_id * @return bool|int */ public function canMoveTask($project_id, $src_column_id, $dst_column_id) { $role = $this->getProjectUserRole($project_id); if ($this->role->isCustomProjectRole($role)) { if ($src_column_id == $dst_column_id) { return true; } $sortableColumns = $this->columnMoveRestrictionCacheDecorator->getSortableColumns($project_id, $role); foreach ($sortableColumns as $column) { if ($column['src_column_id'] == $src_column_id && $column['dst_column_id'] == $dst_column_id) { return true; } if ($column['dst_column_id'] == $src_column_id && $column['src_column_id'] == $dst_column_id) { return true; } } return empty($sortableColumns) && $this->isAllowedToMoveTask($project_id, $role); } return true; } /** * Return true if the user can create a task for the given column * * @param int $project_id * @param int $column_id * @return bool */ public function canCreateTaskInColumn($project_id, $column_id) { $role = $this->getProjectUserRole($project_id); if ($this->role->isCustomProjectRole($role)) { if (! $this->isAllowedToCreateTask($project_id, $column_id, $role)) { return false; } } return $this->helper->user->hasProjectAccess('TaskCreationController', 'show', $project_id); } /** * Return true if the user can create a task for the given column * * @param int $project_id * @param int $column_id * @return bool */ public function canChangeTaskStatusInColumn($project_id, $column_id) { $role = $this->getProjectUserRole($project_id); if ($this->role->isCustomProjectRole($role)) { if (! $this->isAllowedToChangeTaskStatus($project_id, $column_id, $role)) { return false; } } return $this->helper->user->hasProjectAccess('TaskStatusController', 'close', $project_id); } /** * Return true if the user can remove a task * * Regular users can't remove tasks from other people * * @public * @param array $task * @return bool */ public function canRemoveTask(array $task) { if (isset($task['creator_id']) && $task['creator_id'] == $this->userSession->getId()) { return true; } if ($this->userSession->isAdmin() || $this->getProjectUserRole($task['project_id']) === Role::PROJECT_MANAGER) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check project access * * @param string $controller * @param string $action * @param integer $project_id * @return bool */ public function checkProjectAccess($controller, $action, $project_id) { if (! $this->userSession->isLogged()) { return false; } if ($this->userSession->isAdmin()) { return true; } if (! $this->helper->user->hasAccess($controller, $action)) { return false; } $role = $this->getProjectUserRole($project_id); if ($this->role->isCustomProjectRole($role)) { $result = $this->projectAuthorization->isAllowed($controller, $action, Role::PROJECT_MEMBER); } else { $result = $this->projectAuthorization->isAllowed($controller, $action, $role); } return $result; } /** * Check authorization for a custom project role to change the task status * * @param int $project_id * @param int $column_id * @param string $role * @return bool */ protected function isAllowedToChangeTaskStatus($project_id, $column_id, $role) { $columnRestrictions = $this->columnRestrictionCacheDecorator->getAllByRole($project_id, $role); foreach ($columnRestrictions as $restriction) { if ($restriction['column_id'] == $column_id) { if ($restriction['rule'] == ColumnRestrictionModel::RULE_ALLOW_TASK_OPEN_CLOSE) { return true; } else if ($restriction['rule'] == ColumnRestrictionModel::RULE_BLOCK_TASK_OPEN_CLOSE) { return false; } } } $projectRestrictions = $this->projectRoleRestrictionCacheDecorator->getAllByRole($project_id, $role); foreach ($projectRestrictions as $restriction) { if ($restriction['rule'] == ProjectRoleRestrictionModel::RULE_TASK_OPEN_CLOSE) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Check authorization for a custom project role to create a task * * @param int $project_id * @param int $column_id * @param string $role * @return bool */ protected function isAllowedToCreateTask($project_id, $column_id, $role) { $columnRestrictions = $this->columnRestrictionCacheDecorator->getAllByRole($project_id, $role); foreach ($columnRestrictions as $restriction) { if ($restriction['column_id'] == $column_id) { if ($restriction['rule'] == ColumnRestrictionModel::RULE_ALLOW_TASK_CREATION) { return true; } else if ($restriction['rule'] == ColumnRestrictionModel::RULE_BLOCK_TASK_CREATION) { return false; } } } $projectRestrictions = $this->projectRoleRestrictionCacheDecorator->getAllByRole($project_id, $role); foreach ($projectRestrictions as $restriction) { if ($restriction['rule'] == ProjectRoleRestrictionModel::RULE_TASK_CREATION) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Check if the role can move task in the given project * * @param int $project_id * @param string $role * @return bool */ protected function isAllowedToMoveTask($project_id, $role) { $projectRestrictions = $this->projectRoleRestrictionCacheDecorator->getAllByRole($project_id, $role); foreach ($projectRestrictions as $restriction) { if ($restriction['rule'] == ProjectRoleRestrictionModel::RULE_TASK_MOVE) { return false; } } return true; } }