'未知', 'edit' => '修改', 'Edit' => '修改', 'remove' => '移除', 'Remove' => '移除', 'Update' => '更新', 'Yes' => '是', 'No' => '否', 'cancel' => '取消', 'or' => '或者', 'Yellow' => '黄色', 'Blue' => '蓝色', 'Green' => '绿色', 'Purple' => '紫色', 'Red' => '红色', 'Orange' => '橘色', 'Grey' => '灰色', 'Save' => '保存', 'Login' => '登陆', 'Official website:' => '官方网站:', 'Unassigned' => '未指定', 'View this task' => '查看该任务', 'Remove user' => '移除用户', 'Do you really want to remove this user: "%s"?' => '你确定要移除这个用户吗:"%s"?', 'New user' => '新用户', 'All users' => '所有用户', 'Username' => '用户名', 'Password' => '密码', 'Default project' => '默认项目', 'Administrator' => '管理员', 'Sign in' => '登录', 'Users' => '用户组', 'No user' => '没有用户', 'Forbidden' => '禁止', 'Access Forbidden' => '禁止进入', 'Only administrators can access to this page.' => '只有管理员可以查看该页面。', 'Edit user' => '修改用户', 'Logout' => '登出', 'Bad username or password' => '用户名或密码错误', 'users' => '用户组', 'projects' => '项目群', 'Edit project' => '修改项目', 'Name' => '名称', 'Activated' => '已激活', 'Projects' => '项目群', 'No project' => '无项目', 'Project' => '项目', 'Status' => '状态', 'Tasks' => '任务群', 'Board' => '看板', 'Actions' => '行为', 'Inactive' => '未激活', 'Active' => '激活', 'Column %d' => '第%d栏目', 'Add this column' => '加入该栏目', '%d tasks on the board' => '看板目前有%d个任务', '%d tasks in total' => '总共有%d个任务', 'Unable to update this board.' => '无法更新该看板。', 'Edit board' => '修改看板', 'Disable' => '禁用', 'Enable' => '启用', 'New project' => '新项目', 'Do you really want to remove this project: "%s"?' => '你确定要移除该项目吗:"%s"?', 'Remove project' => '移除项目', 'Boards' => '看板群', 'Edit the board for "%s"' => '为"%s"修改看板', 'All projects' => '所有项目', 'Change columns' => '更改栏目', 'Add a new column' => '添加新栏目', 'Title' => '标题', 'Add Column' => '添加栏目', 'Project "%s"' => '项目 "%s"', 'Nobody assigned' => '无人被指派', 'Assigned to %s' => '指派给 %s', 'Remove a column' => '移除一个栏目', 'Remove a column from a board' => '从看板移除一个栏目', 'Unable to remove this column.' => '无法移除该栏目。', 'Do you really want to remove this column: "%s"?' => '你确定要移除该栏目:"%s"吗?', 'This action will REMOVE ALL TASKS associated to this column!' => '该行为将移除与该栏目相关的所有项目!', 'Settings' => '设置', 'Application settings' => '应用设置', 'Language' => '语言', 'Webhooks token:' => '页面钩子令牌:', // 'API token:' => '', 'More information' => '更多信息', 'Database size:' => '数据库大小:', 'Download the database' => '下载数据库', 'Optimize the database' => '优化数据库', '(VACUUM command)' => '(数据库归整指令)', '(Gzip compressed Sqlite file)' => '(用Gzip压缩Sqlite文件)', 'User settings' => '用户设置', 'My default project:' => '我的默认项目:', 'Close a task' => '关闭一个项目', 'Do you really want to close this task: "%s"?' => '你确定要关闭该项目?"%s"', 'Edit a task' => '修改一个项目', 'Column' => '栏目', 'Color' => '颜色', 'Assignee' => '负责人', 'Create another task' => '创建另一个项目', 'New task' => '新项目', 'Open a task' => '开一个项目', 'Do you really want to open this task: "%s"?' => '你确定要开这个项目吗?"%s"', 'Back to the board' => '回到看板', 'Created on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => '在%d/%m/%Y %H:%M创建', 'There is nobody assigned' => '无人负责', 'Column on the board:' => '看板上的栏目:', 'Status is open' => '开放状态', 'Status is closed' => '关闭状态', 'Close this task' => '关闭该项目', 'Open this task' => '开放该项目', 'There is no description.' => '无描述。', 'Add a new task' => '添加新任务', 'The username is required' => '需要用户名', 'The maximum length is %d characters' => '最长%d个英文字符', 'The minimum length is %d characters' => '最短%d个英文自负', 'The password is required' => '需要密码', 'This value must be an integer' => '该值必须为整数', 'The username must be unique' => '用户名必须唯一', 'The username must be alphanumeric' => '用户名必须是英文字符或数字组成', 'The user id is required' => '用户id是必须的', // 'Passwords don\'t match' => '', 'The confirmation is required' => '需要确认', 'The column is required' => '需要指定栏目', 'The project is required' => '需要指定项目', 'The color is required' => '需要指定颜色', 'The id is required' => '需要指定id', 'The project id is required' => '需要指定项目id', 'The project name is required' => '需要指定项目名称', 'This project must be unique' => '项目名称必须唯一', 'The title is required' => '需要指定标题', 'The language is required' => '需要指定语言', 'There is no active project, the first step is to create a new project.' => '尚无活跃项目,请首先创建一个新项目。', 'Settings saved successfully.' => '设置成功保存。', 'Unable to save your settings.' => '无法保存你的设置。', 'Database optimization done.' => '数据库优化完成。', 'Your project have been created successfully.' => '您的项目已经成功创建。', 'Unable to create your project.' => '无法为您创建项目。', 'Project updated successfully.' => '项目成功更新。', 'Unable to update this project.' => '无法更新该项目。', 'Unable to remove this project.' => '无法移除该项目。', 'Project removed successfully.' => '项目成功移除。', 'Project activated successfully.' => '项目成功激活。', 'Unable to activate this project.' => '无法激活该项目。', 'Project disabled successfully.' => '项目成功禁用。', 'Unable to disable this project.' => '无法禁用该项目。', 'Unable to open this task.' => '无法开启该任务。', 'Task opened successfully.' => '任务开启成功。', 'Unable to close this task.' => '无法关闭该任务。', 'Task closed successfully.' => '任务成功关闭。', 'Unable to update your task.' => '无法更新您的任务。', 'Task updated successfully.' => '任务成功更新。', 'Unable to create your task.' => '无法为您创建项目。', 'Task created successfully.' => '任务成功创建。', 'User created successfully.' => '用户成功创建。', 'Unable to create your user.' => '无法创建用户。', 'User updated successfully.' => '用户成功更新。', 'Unable to update your user.' => '无法为您更新用户。', 'User removed successfully.' => '用户成功移除。', 'Unable to remove this user.' => '无法移除该用户。', 'Board updated successfully.' => '看板成功更新。', 'Ready' => '预备', 'Backlog' => '积压', 'Work in progress' => '工作进行中', 'Done' => '完成', 'Application version:' => '应用程序版本', 'Completed on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => '于%Y年%m月%d日%H时%M分完成', '%B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => '%Y年%m月%d日%H时%M分', 'Date created' => '创建时间', 'Date completed' => '完成时间', 'Id' => '昵称', 'No task' => '无任务', 'Completed tasks' => '已完成任务', 'List of projects' => '项目列表', 'Completed tasks for "%s"' => '任务因"%s"原因完成', '%d closed tasks' => '%d个已关闭任务', 'No task for this project' => '该项目尚无任务', 'Public link' => '公开链接', 'There is no column in your project!' => '该项目尚无栏目项!', 'Change assignee' => '被指派人变更', 'Change assignee for the task "%s"' => '为任务"%s"更改被指派人', 'Timezone' => '时区', 'Sorry, I didn\'t found this information in my database!' => '抱歉,无法在数据库中找到该信息!', 'Page not found' => '页面未找到', 'Complexity' => '评估分值', 'limit' => '限制', 'Task limit' => '任务限制', 'This value must be greater than %d' => '该数值必须大于%d', 'Edit project access list' => '编辑项目存取列表', 'Edit users access' => '编辑用户存取权限', 'Allow this user' => '允许该用户', 'Only those users have access to this project:' => '只有这些用户有该项目的存取权限:', 'Don\'t forget that administrators have access to everything.' => '别忘了管理员有一切的权限。', 'revoke' => '撤销', 'List of authorized users' => '已授权的用户列表', 'User' => '用户', 'Everybody have access to this project.' => '任何人都有该项目权限。', 'You are not allowed to access to this project.' => '您对该项目没有权限。', 'Comments' => '评论', 'Post comment' => '发表评论', 'Write your text in Markdown' => '用Markdown格式编写', 'Leave a comment' => '留言', 'Comment is required' => '必须得有评论', 'Leave a description' => '给一个描述', 'Comment added successfully.' => '评论成功添加。', 'Unable to create your comment.' => '无法创建评论。', 'The description is required' => '必须得有描述', 'Edit this task' => '编辑该任务', 'Due Date' => '到期', 'm/d/Y' => 'Y/m/d', 'month/day/year' => '年/月/日', 'Invalid date' => '无效日期', 'Must be done before %B %e, %Y' => '必须在%Y年%m月%d日前完成', '%B %e, %Y' => '%Y/%m/%d', 'Automatic actions' => '自动行为', 'Your automatic action have been created successfully.' => '您的自动行为已成功创建', 'Unable to create your automatic action.' => '无法为您创建自动行为。', 'Remove an action' => '移除一个行为。', 'Unable to remove this action.' => '无法移除该行为', 'Action removed successfully.' => '成功移除行为。', 'Automatic actions for the project "%s"' => '项目"%s"的自动行为', 'Defined actions' => '已定义的行为', 'Add an action' => '添加一个行为', 'Event name' => '事件名称', 'Action name' => '行为名称', 'Action parameters' => '行为参数', 'Action' => '行为', 'Event' => '事件', 'When the selected event occurs execute the corresponding action.' => '当所选事件发生时执行相应行为。', 'Next step' => '下一步', 'Define action parameters' => '定义行为参数', 'Save this action' => '保存该行为', 'Do you really want to remove this action: "%s"?' => '确定要益处该行为"%s"吗?', 'Remove an automatic action' => '移除一个自动行为', 'Close the task' => '关闭任务', 'Assign the task to a specific user' => '将该任务指派给一个用户', 'Assign the task to the person who does the action' => '将任务指派给产生该行为的用户', 'Duplicate the task to another project' => '复制该任务到另一项目', 'Move a task to another column' => '移动任务到另一栏目', 'Move a task to another position in the same column' => '将任务移到该栏目另一位置', 'Task modification' => '任务修改', 'Task creation' => '任务创建', 'Open a closed task' => '开启已关闭任务', 'Closing a task' => '正在关闭任务', 'Assign a color to a specific user' => '为特定用户指派颜色', 'Column title' => '栏目名称', 'Position' => '位置', 'Move Up' => '往上移', 'Move Down' => '往下移', 'Duplicate to another project' => '复制到另一项目', 'Duplicate' => '复制', 'link' => '连接', 'Update this comment' => '更新该评论', 'Comment updated successfully.' => '评论成功更新。', 'Unable to update your comment.' => '无法更新您的评论。', 'Remove a comment' => '移除评论', 'Comment removed successfully.' => '评论成功移除。', 'Unable to remove this comment.' => '无法移除该评论。', 'Do you really want to remove this comment?' => '确定要移除评论吗?', 'Only administrators or the creator of the comment can access to this page.' => '只有管理员或评论创建者可以进入该页面。', 'Details' => '细节', 'Current password for the user "%s"' => '用户"%s"的当前密码', 'The current password is required' => '需要输入当前密码', 'Wrong password' => '密码错误', 'Reset all tokens' => '重置所有令牌', 'All tokens have been regenerated.' => '所有令牌都重新生成了。', 'Unknown' => '未知', 'Last logins' => '上次登录', 'Login date' => '登录日期', 'Authentication method' => '认证方式', 'IP address' => 'IP地址', 'User agent' => '用户代理', 'Persistent connections' => '持续连接', 'No session.' => '无会话', 'Expiration date' => '过期', 'Remember Me' => '记住我', 'Creation date' => '创建日期', 'Filter by user' => '按用户过滤', 'Filter by due date' => '按到期时间过滤', 'Everybody' => '所有人', 'Open' => '打开', 'Closed' => '关闭', 'Search' => '查找', 'Nothing found.' => '没找到。', 'Search in the project "%s"' => '在项目"%s"中查找', 'Due date' => '到期', 'Others formats accepted: %s and %s' => '允许其他格式:%s和%s', 'Description' => '描述', '%d comments' => '%d个评论', '%d comment' => '%d个评论', 'Email address invalid' => 'Email地址无效', 'Your Google Account is not linked anymore to your profile.' => '您的google帐号不再与您的账户配置关联。', 'Unable to unlink your Google Account.' => '无法去除您google帐号的关联', 'Google authentication failed' => 'google验证失败', 'Unable to link your Google Account.' => '无法关联您的google帐号。', 'Your Google Account is linked to your profile successfully.' => '您的google帐号已成功与账户配置关联。', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Link my Google Account' => '关联我的google帐号', 'Unlink my Google Account' => '去除我的google帐号关联', 'Login with my Google Account' => '用我的google帐号登录', 'Project not found.' => '未发现项目', 'Task #%d' => '任务 #%d', 'Task removed successfully.' => '任务成功去除', 'Unable to remove this task.' => '无法移除该任务。', 'Remove a task' => '移除一个任务', 'Do you really want to remove this task: "%s"?' => '确定要溢出该任务"%s"吗?', 'Assign automatically a color based on a category' => '基于一个分类自动指派颜色', 'Assign automatically a category based on a color' => '基于一种颜色自动指派分类', 'Task creation or modification' => '任务创建或修改', 'Category' => '分类', 'Category:' => '分类:', 'Categories' => '分类', 'Category not found.' => '未找到分类。', 'Your category have been created successfully.' => '成功为您创建分类。', 'Unable to create your category.' => '无法为您创建分类。', 'Your category have been updated successfully.' => '成功为您更新分类。', 'Unable to update your category.' => '无法为您更新分类。', 'Remove a category' => '移除一个分类', 'Category removed successfully.' => '分类成功移除。', 'Unable to remove this category.' => '无法移除该分类。', 'Category modification for the project "%s"' => '为项目"%s"修改分类', 'Category Name' => '分类名称', 'Categories for the project "%s"' => '项目"%s"的分类', 'Add a new category' => '加入一个新分类', 'Do you really want to remove this category: "%s"?' => '您确定要移除分类"%s"吗?', 'Filter by category' => '按分类过滤', 'All categories' => '所有分类', 'No category' => '无分类', 'The name is required' => '必须要有名字', 'Remove a file' => '移除一个文件', 'Unable to remove this file.' => '无法移除该文件。', 'File removed successfully.' => '文件成功移除。', 'Attach a document' => '附上一个文档', 'Do you really want to remove this file: "%s"?' => '您确定要移除文件"%s"吗?', 'open' => '打开', 'Attachments' => '附件', 'Edit the task' => '修改任务', 'Edit the description' => '修改描述', 'Add a comment' => '添加一个注释', 'Edit a comment' => '修改一个注释', 'Summary' => '概要', // 'Time tracking' => '', // 'Estimate:' => '', // 'Spent:' => '', // 'Do you really want to remove this sub-task?' => '', // 'Remaining:' => '', 'hours' => '小时', // 'spent' => '', // 'estimated' => '', // 'Sub-Tasks' => '', 'Add a sub-task' => '添加一个子任务', 'Original Estimate' => '初步预计耗时', 'Create another sub-task' => '创建另一个子任务', // 'Time Spent' => '', // 'Edit a sub-task' => '', // 'Remove a sub-task' => '', // 'The time must be a numeric value' => '', // 'Todo' => '', // 'In progress' => '', // 'Sub-task removed successfully.' => '', // 'Unable to remove this sub-task.' => '', // 'Sub-task updated successfully.' => '', // 'Unable to update your sub-task.' => '', // 'Unable to create your sub-task.' => '', // 'Sub-task added successfully.' => '', // 'Maximum size: ' => '', // 'Unable to upload the file.' => '', // 'Display another project' => '', // 'Your GitHub account was successfully linked to your profile.' => '', // 'Unable to link your GitHub Account.' => '', // 'GitHub authentication failed' => '', // 'Your GitHub account is no longer linked to your profile.' => '', // 'Unable to unlink your GitHub Account.' => '', // 'Login with my GitHub Account' => '', // 'Link my GitHub Account' => '', // 'Unlink my GitHub Account' => '', // 'Created by %s' => '', // 'Last modified on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p' => '', // 'Tasks Export' => '', // 'Tasks exportation for "%s"' => '', // 'Start Date' => '', // 'End Date' => '', // 'Execute' => '', // 'Task Id' => '', // 'Creator' => '', // 'Modification date' => '', // 'Completion date' => '', // 'Webhook URL for task creation' => '', // 'Webhook URL for task modification' => '', // 'Clone' => '', // 'Clone Project' => '', // 'Project cloned successfully.' => '', // 'Unable to clone this project.' => '', // 'Email notifications' => '', // 'Enable email notifications' => '', // 'Task position:' => '', // 'The task #%d have been opened.' => '', // 'The task #%d have been closed.' => '', // 'Sub-task updated' => '', // 'Title:' => '', // 'Status:' => '', // 'Assignee:' => '', // 'Time tracking:' => '', // 'New sub-task' => '', // 'New attachment added "%s"' => '', // 'Comment updated' => '', // 'New comment posted by %s' => '', // 'List of due tasks for the project "%s"' => '', // '[%s][New attachment] %s (#%d)' => '', // '[%s][New comment] %s (#%d)' => '', // '[%s][Comment updated] %s (#%d)' => '', // '[%s][New subtask] %s (#%d)' => '', // '[%s][Subtask updated] %s (#%d)' => '', // '[%s][New task] %s (#%d)' => '', // '[%s][Task updated] %s (#%d)' => '', // '[%s][Task closed] %s (#%d)' => '', // '[%s][Task opened] %s (#%d)' => '', // '[%s][Due tasks]' => '', // '[Kanboard] Notification' => '', // 'I want to receive notifications only for those projects:' => '', // 'view the task on Kanboard' => '', // 'Public access' => '', // 'Categories management' => '', // 'Users management' => '', // 'Active tasks' => '', // 'Disable public access' => '', // 'Enable public access' => '', // 'Active projects' => '', // 'Inactive projects' => '', // 'Public access disabled' => '', // 'Do you really want to disable this project: "%s"?' => '', // 'Do you really want to duplicate this project: "%s"?' => '', // 'Do you really want to enable this project: "%s"?' => '', // 'Project activation' => '', // 'Move the task to another project' => '', // 'Move to another project' => '', // 'Do you really want to duplicate this task?' => '', // 'Duplicate a task' => '', // 'External accounts' => '', // 'Account type' => '', // 'Local' => '', // 'Remote' => '', // 'Enabled' => '', // 'Disabled' => '', // 'Google account linked' => '', // 'Github account linked' => '', // 'Username:' => '', // 'Name:' => '', // 'Email:' => '', // 'Default project:' => '', // 'Notifications:' => '', // 'Group:' => '', // 'Regular user' => '', // 'Account type:' => '', // 'Edit profile' => '', // 'Change password' => '', // 'Password modification' => '', // 'External authentications' => '', // 'Google Account' => '', // 'Github Account' => '', // 'Never connected.' => '', // 'No account linked.' => '', // 'Account linked.' => '', // 'No external authentication enabled.' => '', // 'Password modified successfully.' => '', // 'Unable to change the password.' => '', // 'Change category for the task "%s"' => '', // 'Change category' => '', // '%s updated the task #%d' => '', // '%s open the task #%d' => '', // '%s moved the task #%d to the position #%d in the column "%s"' => '', // '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '', // '%s created the task #%d' => '', // '%s closed the task #%d' => '', // '%s created a subtask for the task #%d' => '', // '%s updated a subtask for the task #%d' => '', // 'Assigned to %s with an estimate of %s/%sh' => '', // 'Not assigned, estimate of %sh' => '', // '%s updated a comment on the task #%d' => '', // '%s commented the task #%d' => '', // '%s\'s activity' => '', // 'No activity.' => '', // 'RSS feed' => '', // '%s updated a comment on the task #%d' => '', // '%s commented on the task #%d' => '', // '%s updated a subtask for the task #%d' => '', // '%s created a subtask for the task #%d' => '', // '%s updated the task #%d' => '', // '%s created the task #%d' => '', // '%s closed the task #%d' => '', // '%s open the task #%d' => '', // '%s moved the task #%d to the column "%s"' => '', // '%s moved the task #%d to the position %d in the column "%s"' => '', // 'Activity' => '', // 'Default values are "%s"' => '', // 'Default columns for new projects (Comma-separated)' => '', );