db ->table(ProjectPermission::TABLE) ->columns(User::TABLE.'.id', User::TABLE.'.username', User::TABLE.'.name', User::TABLE.'.email') ->join(User::TABLE, 'id', 'user_id') ->eq('project_id', $project_id) ->eq('notifications_enabled', '1') ->neq('email', '') ->notin(User::TABLE.'.id', $exclude_users) ->findAll(); } /** * Get the list of users to send the notification for a given project * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param array $exlude_users List of user_id to exclude * @return array */ public function getUsersList($project_id, array $exclude_users = array()) { // Exclude the connected user if (Session::isOpen()) { $exclude_users[] = $this->acl->getUserId(); } $users = $this->getUsersWithNotification($project_id, $exclude_users); foreach ($users as $index => $user) { $projects = $this->db->table(self::TABLE) ->eq('user_id', $user['id']) ->findAllByColumn('project_id'); // The user have selected only some projects if (! empty($projects)) { // If the user didn't select this project we remove that guy from the list if (! in_array($project_id, $projects)) { unset($users[$index]); } } } return $users; } /** * Attach events * * @access public */ public function attachEvents() { $events = array( Task::EVENT_CREATE => 'notification_task_creation', Task::EVENT_UPDATE => 'notification_task_update', Task::EVENT_CLOSE => 'notification_task_close', Task::EVENT_OPEN => 'notification_task_open', Task::EVENT_MOVE_COLUMN => 'notification_task_move_column', Task::EVENT_MOVE_POSITION => 'notification_task_move_position', Task::EVENT_ASSIGNEE_CHANGE => 'notification_task_assignee_change', SubTask::EVENT_CREATE => 'notification_subtask_creation', SubTask::EVENT_UPDATE => 'notification_subtask_update', Comment::EVENT_CREATE => 'notification_comment_creation', Comment::EVENT_UPDATE => 'notification_comment_update', File::EVENT_CREATE => 'notification_file_creation', ); foreach ($events as $event_name => $template_name) { $listener = new NotificationListener($this->registry); $listener->setTemplate($template_name); $this->event->attach($event_name, $listener); } } /** * Send the email notifications * * @access public * @param string $template Template name * @param array $users List of users * @param array $data Template data */ public function sendEmails($template, array $users, array $data) { try { $transport = $this->registry->shared('mailer'); $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport); $message = Swift_Message::newInstance() ->setSubject($this->getMailSubject($template, $data)) ->setFrom(array(MAIL_FROM => 'Kanboard')) ->setBody($this->getMailContent($template, $data), 'text/html'); foreach ($users as $user) { $message->setTo(array($user['email'] => $user['name'] ?: $user['username'])); $mailer->send($message); } } catch (Swift_TransportException $e) { debug($e->getMessage()); } } /** * Get the mail subject for a given template name * * @access public * @param string $template Template name * @param array $data Template data */ public function getMailSubject($template, array $data) { switch ($template) { case 'notification_file_creation': $subject = e('[%s][New attachment] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_comment_creation': $subject = e('[%s][New comment] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_comment_update': $subject = e('[%s][Comment updated] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_subtask_creation': $subject = e('[%s][New subtask] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_subtask_update': $subject = e('[%s][Subtask updated] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_task_creation': $subject = e('[%s][New task] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_task_update': $subject = e('[%s][Task updated] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_task_close': $subject = e('[%s][Task closed] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_task_open': $subject = e('[%s][Task opened] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_task_move_column': $subject = e('[%s][Column Change] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_task_move_position': $subject = e('[%s][Position Change] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_task_assignee_change': $subject = e('[%s][Assignee Change] %s (#%d)', $data['task']['project_name'], $data['task']['title'], $data['task']['id']); break; case 'notification_task_due': $subject = e('[%s][Due tasks]', $data['project']); break; default: $subject = e('[Kanboard] Notification'); } return $subject; } /** * Get the mail content for a given template name * * @access public * @param string $template Template name * @param array $data Template data */ public function getMailContent($template, array $data) { $tpl = new Template; return $tpl->load($template, $data + array('application_url' => $this->config->get('application_url'))); } /** * Save settings for the given user * * @access public * @param integer $user_id User id * @param array $values Form values */ public function saveSettings($user_id, array $values) { // Delete all selected projects $this->db->table(self::TABLE)->eq('user_id', $user_id)->remove(); if (isset($values['notifications_enabled']) && $values['notifications_enabled'] == 1) { // Activate notifications $this->db->table(User::TABLE)->eq('id', $user_id)->update(array( 'notifications_enabled' => '1' )); // Save selected projects if (! empty($values['projects'])) { foreach ($values['projects'] as $project_id => $checkbox_value) { $this->db->table(self::TABLE)->insert(array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'project_id' => $project_id, )); } } } else { // Disable notifications $this->db->table(User::TABLE)->eq('id', $user_id)->update(array( 'notifications_enabled' => '0' )); } } /** * Read user settings to display the form * * @access public * @param integer $user_id User id * @return array */ public function readSettings($user_id) { $values = array(); $values['notifications_enabled'] = $this->db->table(User::TABLE)->eq('id', $user_id)->findOneColumn('notifications_enabled'); $projects = $this->db->table(self::TABLE)->eq('user_id', $user_id)->findAllByColumn('project_id'); foreach ($projects as $project_id) { $values['project_'.$project_id] = true; } return $values; } }