<?php namespace Model; /** * Subtask Export * * @package model * @author Frederic Guillot */ class SubtaskExport extends Base { /** * Subtask statuses * * @access private * @var array */ private $subtask_status = array(); /** * Fetch subtasks and return the prepared CSV * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param mixed $from Start date (timestamp or user formatted date) * @param mixed $to End date (timestamp or user formatted date) * @return array */ public function export($project_id, $from, $to) { $this->subtask_status = $this->subtask->getStatusList(); $subtasks = $this->getSubtasks($project_id, $from, $to); $results = array($this->getColumns()); foreach ($subtasks as $subtask) { $results[] = $this->format($subtask); } return $results; } /** * Get column titles * * @access public * @return string[] */ public function getColumns() { return array( e('Subtask Id'), e('Title'), e('Status'), e('Assignee'), e('Time estimated'), e('Time spent'), e('Task Id'), e('Task Title'), ); } /** * Format the output of a subtask array * * @access public * @param array $subtask Subtask properties * @return array */ public function format(array $subtask) { $values = array(); $values[] = $subtask['id']; $values[] = $subtask['title']; $values[] = $this->subtask_status[$subtask['status']]; $values[] = $subtask['assignee_name'] ?: $subtask['assignee_username']; $values[] = $subtask['time_estimated']; $values[] = $subtask['time_spent']; $values[] = $subtask['task_id']; $values[] = $subtask['task_title']; return $values; } /** * Get all subtasks for a given project * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param mixed $from Start date (timestamp or user formatted date) * @param mixed $to End date (timestamp or user formatted date) * @return array */ public function getSubtasks($project_id, $from, $to) { if (! is_numeric($from)) { $from = $this->dateParser->removeTimeFromTimestamp($this->dateParser->getTimestamp($from)); } if (! is_numeric($to)) { $to = $this->dateParser->removeTimeFromTimestamp(strtotime('+1 day', $this->dateParser->getTimestamp($to))); } return $this->db->table(Subtask::TABLE) ->eq('project_id', $project_id) ->columns( Subtask::TABLE.'.*', User::TABLE.'.username AS assignee_username', User::TABLE.'.name AS assignee_name', Task::TABLE.'.title AS task_title' ) ->gte('date_creation', $from) ->lte('date_creation', $to) ->join(Task::TABLE, 'id', 'task_id') ->join(User::TABLE, 'id', 'user_id') ->asc(Subtask::TABLE.'.id') ->findAll(); } }