db ->table(Subtask::TABLE) ->columns(Subtask::TABLE.'.id', Task::TABLE.'.project_id', Subtask::TABLE.'.task_id', Subtask::TABLE.'.title', Subtask::TABLE.'.time_estimated') ->join(Task::TABLE, 'id', 'task_id') ->asc(Task::TABLE.'.position') ->asc(Subtask::TABLE.'.position') ->gt(Subtask::TABLE.'.time_estimated', 0) ->eq(Subtask::TABLE.'.user_id', $user_id) ->findAll(); } /** * Get the start date for the forecast * * @access public * @param integer $user_id * @return array */ public function getStartDate($user_id) { $subtask = $this->db->table(Subtask::TABLE) ->columns(Subtask::TABLE.'.time_estimated', SubtaskTimeTracking::TABLE.'.start') ->eq(SubtaskTimeTracking::TABLE.'.user_id', $user_id) ->eq(SubtaskTimeTracking::TABLE.'.end', 0) ->status('status', Subtask::STATUS_INPROGRESS) ->join(SubtaskTimeTracking::TABLE, 'subtask_id', 'id') ->findOne(); if ($subtask && $subtask['time_estimated'] && $subtask['start']) { return date('Y-m-d H:i', $subtask['start'] + $subtask['time_estimated'] * 3600); } return date('Y-m-d H:i'); } /** * Get all calendar events according to the user timetable and the subtasks estimates * * @access public * @param integer $user_id * @param string $end End date of the calendar * @return array */ public function getCalendarEvents($user_id, $end) { $events = array(); $start_date = new DateTime($this->getStartDate($user_id)); $timetable = $this->timetable->calculate($user_id, $start_date, new DateTime($end)); $subtasks = $this->getSubtasks($user_id); $total = count($subtasks); $offset = 0; foreach ($timetable as $slot) { $interval = $this->dateParser->getHours($slot[0], $slot[1]); $start = $slot[0]->getTimestamp(); if ($slot[0] < $start_date) { continue; } while ($offset < $total) { $event = array( 'id' => $subtasks[$offset]['id'].'-'.$subtasks[$offset]['task_id'].'-'.$offset, 'subtask_id' => $subtasks[$offset]['id'], 'title' => t('#%d', $subtasks[$offset]['task_id']).' '.$subtasks[$offset]['title'], 'url' => $this->helper->url('task', 'show', array('task_id' => $subtasks[$offset]['task_id'], 'project_id' => $subtasks[$offset]['project_id'])), 'editable' => false, 'start' => date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $start), ); if ($subtasks[$offset]['time_estimated'] <= $interval) { $start += $subtasks[$offset]['time_estimated'] * 3600; $interval -= $subtasks[$offset]['time_estimated']; $offset++; $event['end'] = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $start); $events[] = $event; } else { $subtasks[$offset]['time_estimated'] -= $interval; $event['end'] = $slot[1]->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s'); $events[] = $event; break; } } } return $events; } }