t('Yellow'), 'blue' => t('Blue'), 'green' => t('Green'), 'purple' => t('Purple'), 'red' => t('Red'), 'orange' => t('Orange'), 'grey' => t('Grey'), ); } /** * Get a list of due tasks for all projects * * @access public * @return array */ public function getTasksDue() { $tasks = $this->db->table(self::TABLE) ->columns( self::TABLE.'.id', self::TABLE.'.title', self::TABLE.'.date_due', self::TABLE.'.project_id', Project::TABLE.'.name AS project_name', User::TABLE.'.username AS assignee_username', User::TABLE.'.name AS assignee_name' ) ->join(Project::TABLE, 'id', 'project_id') ->join(User::TABLE, 'id', 'owner_id') ->eq(Project::TABLE.'.is_active', 1) ->eq(self::TABLE.'.is_active', 1) ->neq(self::TABLE.'.date_due', '') ->lte(self::TABLE.'.date_due', mktime(23, 59, 59)) ->findAll(); return $tasks; } /** * Fetch one task * * @access public * @param integer $task_id Task id * @param boolean $more If true, fetch all related information * @return array */ public function getById($task_id, $more = false) { if ($more) { $sql = ' SELECT tasks.id, tasks.title, tasks.description, tasks.date_creation, tasks.date_completed, tasks.date_modification, tasks.date_due, tasks.color_id, tasks.project_id, tasks.column_id, tasks.owner_id, tasks.creator_id, tasks.position, tasks.is_active, tasks.score, tasks.category_id, project_has_categories.name AS category_name, projects.name AS project_name, columns.title AS column_title, users.username AS assignee_username, users.name AS assignee_name, creators.username AS creator_username, creators.name AS creator_name FROM tasks LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = tasks.owner_id LEFT JOIN users AS creators ON creators.id = tasks.creator_id LEFT JOIN project_has_categories ON project_has_categories.id = tasks.category_id LEFT JOIN projects ON projects.id = tasks.project_id LEFT JOIN columns ON columns.id = tasks.column_id WHERE tasks.id = ? '; $rq = $this->db->execute($sql, array($task_id)); return $rq->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } else { return $this->db->table(self::TABLE)->eq('id', $task_id)->findOne(); } } /** * Count all tasks for a given project and status * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param array $status List of status id * @return array */ public function getAll($project_id, array $status = array(self::STATUS_OPEN, self::STATUS_CLOSED)) { return $this->db ->table(self::TABLE) ->eq('project_id', $project_id) ->in('is_active', $status) ->findAll(); } /** * Count all tasks for a given project and status * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param array $status List of status id * @return integer */ public function countByProjectId($project_id, array $status = array(self::STATUS_OPEN, self::STATUS_CLOSED)) { return $this->db ->table(self::TABLE) ->eq('project_id', $project_id) ->in('is_active', $status) ->count(); } /** * Get tasks that match defined filters * * @access public * @param array $filters Filters: [ ['column' => '...', 'operator' => '...', 'value' => '...'], ... ] * @param array $sorting Sorting: [ 'column' => 'date_creation', 'direction' => 'asc'] * @return array */ public function find(array $filters, array $sorting = array()) { $table = $this->db ->table(self::TABLE) ->columns( '(SELECT count(*) FROM comments WHERE task_id=tasks.id) AS nb_comments', '(SELECT count(*) FROM task_has_files WHERE task_id=tasks.id) AS nb_files', 'tasks.id', 'tasks.title', 'tasks.description', 'tasks.date_creation', 'tasks.date_modification', 'tasks.date_completed', 'tasks.date_due', 'tasks.color_id', 'tasks.project_id', 'tasks.column_id', 'tasks.owner_id', 'tasks.creator_id', 'tasks.position', 'tasks.is_active', 'tasks.score', 'tasks.category_id', 'users.username AS assignee_username', 'users.name AS assignee_name' ) ->join(User::TABLE, 'id', 'owner_id'); foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) { if ($key === 'or') { $table->beginOr(); foreach ($filter as $subfilter) { $table->$subfilter['operator']($subfilter['column'], $subfilter['value']); } $table->closeOr(); } else if (isset($filter['operator']) && isset($filter['column']) && isset($filter['value'])) { $table->$filter['operator']($filter['column'], $filter['value']); } } if (empty($sorting)) { $table->orderBy('tasks.position', 'ASC'); } else { $table->orderBy($sorting['column'], $sorting['direction']); } return $table->findAll(); } /** * Count the number of tasks for a given column and status * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param integer $column_id Column id * @param array $status List of status id * @return integer */ public function countByColumnId($project_id, $column_id, array $status = array(self::STATUS_OPEN)) { return $this->db ->table(self::TABLE) ->eq('project_id', $project_id) ->eq('column_id', $column_id) ->in('is_active', $status) ->count(); } /** * Duplicate a task * * @access public * @param integer $task_id Task id * @return boolean */ public function duplicate($task_id) { $this->db->startTransaction(); // Get the original task $task = $this->getById($task_id); // Cleanup data unset($task['id']); unset($task['date_completed']); // Assign new values $task['date_creation'] = time(); $task['is_active'] = 1; $task['position'] = $this->countByColumnId($task['project_id'], $task['column_id']); // Save task if (! $this->db->table(self::TABLE)->save($task)) { $this->db->cancelTransaction(); return false; } $task_id = $this->db->getConnection()->getLastId(); $this->db->closeTransaction(); // Trigger events $this->event->trigger(self::EVENT_CREATE_UPDATE, array('task_id' => $task_id) + $task); $this->event->trigger(self::EVENT_CREATE, array('task_id' => $task_id) + $task); return $task_id; } /** * Duplicate a task to another project (always copy to the first column) * * @access public * @param integer $task_id Task id * @param integer $project_id Destination project id * @return boolean */ public function duplicateToAnotherProject($task_id, $project_id) { $this->db->startTransaction(); // Get the original task $task = $this->getById($task_id); // Cleanup data unset($task['id']); unset($task['date_completed']); // Assign new values $task['date_creation'] = time(); $task['owner_id'] = 0; $task['category_id'] = 0; $task['is_active'] = 1; $task['column_id'] = $this->board->getFirstColumn($project_id); $task['project_id'] = $project_id; $task['position'] = $this->countByColumnId($task['project_id'], $task['column_id']); // Save task if (! $this->db->table(self::TABLE)->save($task)) { $this->db->cancelTransaction(); return false; } $task_id = $this->db->getConnection()->getLastId(); $this->db->closeTransaction(); // Trigger events $this->event->trigger(self::EVENT_CREATE_UPDATE, array('task_id' => $task_id) + $task); $this->event->trigger(self::EVENT_CREATE, array('task_id' => $task_id) + $task); return $task_id; } /** * Prepare data before task creation or modification * * @access public * @param array $values Form values */ public function prepare(array &$values) { if (isset($values['another_task'])) { unset($values['another_task']); } if (! empty($values['date_due']) && ! is_numeric($values['date_due'])) { $values['date_due'] = $this->parseDate($values['date_due']); } // Force integer fields at 0 (for Postgresql) if (isset($values['date_due']) && empty($values['date_due'])) { $values['date_due'] = 0; } if (isset($values['score']) && empty($values['score'])) { $values['score'] = 0; } } /** * Create a task * * @access public * @param array $values Form values * @return boolean */ public function create(array $values) { $this->db->startTransaction(); // Prepare data $this->prepare($values); $values['date_creation'] = time(); $values['date_modification'] = $values['date_creation']; $values['position'] = $this->countByColumnId($values['project_id'], $values['column_id']); // Save task if (! $this->db->table(self::TABLE)->save($values)) { $this->db->cancelTransaction(); return false; } $task_id = $this->db->getConnection()->getLastId(); $this->db->closeTransaction(); // Trigger events $this->event->trigger(self::EVENT_CREATE_UPDATE, array('task_id' => $task_id) + $values); $this->event->trigger(self::EVENT_CREATE, array('task_id' => $task_id) + $values); return $task_id; } /** * Update a task * * @access public * @param array $values Form values * @param boolean $trigger_events Flag to trigger events * @return boolean */ public function update(array $values, $trigger_events = true) { // Fetch original task $original_task = $this->getById($values['id']); if ($original_task === false) { return false; } // Prepare data $this->prepare($values); $updated_task = $values; unset($updated_task['id']); // We update the modification date only for the selected task to highlight recent moves if ($trigger_events) { $updated_task['date_modification'] = time(); } $result = $this->db->table(self::TABLE)->eq('id', $values['id'])->update($updated_task); // Trigger events if ($result && $trigger_events) { $this->triggerUpdateEvents($original_task, $updated_task); } return $result; } /** * Trigger events for task modification * * @access public * @param array $original_task Original task data * @param array $updated_task Updated task data */ public function triggerUpdateEvents(array $original_task, array $updated_task) { $events = array( self::EVENT_CREATE_UPDATE, self::EVENT_UPDATE, ); if (isset($updated_task['column_id']) && $original_task['column_id'] != $updated_task['column_id']) { $events[] = self::EVENT_MOVE_COLUMN; } else if (isset($updated_task['position']) && $original_task['position'] != $updated_task['position']) { $events[] = self::EVENT_MOVE_POSITION; } $event_data = array_merge($original_task, $updated_task); $event_data['task_id'] = $original_task['id']; foreach ($events as $event) { $this->event->trigger($event, $event_data); } } /** * Mark a task closed * * @access public * @param integer $task_id Task id * @return boolean */ public function close($task_id) { $result = $this->db ->table(self::TABLE) ->eq('id', $task_id) ->update(array( 'is_active' => 0, 'date_completed' => time() )); if ($result) { $this->event->trigger(self::EVENT_CLOSE, array('task_id' => $task_id) + $this->getById($task_id)); } return $result; } /** * Mark a task open * * @access public * @param integer $task_id Task id * @return boolean */ public function open($task_id) { $result = $this->db ->table(self::TABLE) ->eq('id', $task_id) ->update(array( 'is_active' => 1, 'date_completed' => '' )); if ($result) { $this->event->trigger(self::EVENT_OPEN, array('task_id' => $task_id) + $this->getById($task_id)); } return $result; } /** * Remove a task * * @access public * @param integer $task_id Task id * @return boolean */ public function remove($task_id) { $this->file->removeAll($task_id); return $this->db->table(self::TABLE)->eq('id', $task_id)->remove(); } /** * Move a task to another column or to another position * * @access public * @param integer $task_id Task id * @param integer $column_id Column id * @param integer $position Position (must be greater than 1) * @param boolean $trigger_events Flag to trigger events * @return boolean */ public function move($task_id, $column_id, $position, $trigger_events = true) { $this->event->clearTriggeredEvents(); $values = array( 'id' => $task_id, 'column_id' => $column_id, 'position' => $position, ); return $this->update($values, $trigger_events); } /** * Validate task creation * * @access public * @param array $values Form values * @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors */ public function validateCreation(array $values) { $v = new Validator($values, array( new Validators\Required('color_id', t('The color is required')), new Validators\Required('project_id', t('The project is required')), new Validators\Integer('project_id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('column_id', t('The column is required')), new Validators\Integer('column_id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Integer('owner_id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Integer('creator_id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Integer('score', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('title', t('The title is required')), new Validators\MaxLength('title', t('The maximum length is %d characters', 200), 200), new Validators\Date('date_due', t('Invalid date'), $this->getDateFormats()), )); return array( $v->execute(), $v->getErrors() ); } /** * Validate description creation * * @access public * @param array $values Form values * @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors */ public function validateDescriptionCreation(array $values) { $v = new Validator($values, array( new Validators\Required('id', t('The id is required')), new Validators\Integer('id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('description', t('The description is required')), )); return array( $v->execute(), $v->getErrors() ); } /** * Validate task modification * * @access public * @param array $values Form values * @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors */ public function validateModification(array $values) { $v = new Validator($values, array( new Validators\Required('id', t('The id is required')), new Validators\Integer('id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('color_id', t('The color is required')), new Validators\Required('project_id', t('The project is required')), new Validators\Integer('project_id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('column_id', t('The column is required')), new Validators\Integer('column_id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Integer('owner_id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Integer('score', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('title', t('The title is required')), new Validators\MaxLength('title', t('The maximum length is %d characters', 200), 200), new Validators\Date('date_due', t('Invalid date'), $this->getDateFormats()), )); return array( $v->execute(), $v->getErrors() ); } /** * Validate assignee change * * @access public * @param array $values Form values * @return array $valid, $errors [0] = Success or not, [1] = List of errors */ public function validateAssigneeModification(array $values) { $v = new Validator($values, array( new Validators\Required('id', t('The id is required')), new Validators\Integer('id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('project_id', t('The project is required')), new Validators\Integer('project_id', t('This value must be an integer')), new Validators\Required('owner_id', t('This value is required')), new Validators\Integer('owner_id', t('This value must be an integer')), )); return array( $v->execute(), $v->getErrors() ); } /** * Return a timestamp if the given date format is correct otherwise return 0 * * @access public * @param string $value Date to parse * @param string $format Date format * @return integer */ public function getValidDate($value, $format) { $date = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $value); if ($date !== false) { $errors = DateTime::getLastErrors(); if ($errors['error_count'] === 0 && $errors['warning_count'] === 0) { $timestamp = $date->getTimestamp(); return $timestamp > 0 ? $timestamp : 0; } } return 0; } /** * Parse a date ad return a unix timestamp, try different date formats * * @access public * @param string $value Date to parse * @return integer */ public function parseDate($value) { foreach ($this->getDateFormats() as $format) { $timestamp = $this->getValidDate($value, $format); if ($timestamp !== 0) { return $timestamp; } } return null; } /** * Return the list of supported date formats * * @access public * @return array */ public function getDateFormats() { return array( t('m/d/Y'), 'Y-m-d', 'Y_m_d', ); } /** * For a given timestamp, reset the date to midnight * * @access public * @param integer $timestamp Timestamp * @return integer */ public function resetDateToMidnight($timestamp) { return mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $timestamp), date('d', $timestamp), date('Y', $timestamp)); } /** * Export a list of tasks for a given project and date range * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param mixed $from Start date (timestamp or user formatted date) * @param mixed $to End date (timestamp or user formatted date) * @return array */ public function export($project_id, $from, $to) { $sql = ' SELECT tasks.id, projects.name AS project_name, tasks.is_active, project_has_categories.name AS category_name, columns.title AS column_title, tasks.position, tasks.color_id, tasks.date_due, creators.username AS creator_username, users.username AS assignee_username, tasks.score, tasks.title, tasks.date_creation, tasks.date_modification, tasks.date_completed FROM tasks LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = tasks.owner_id LEFT JOIN users AS creators ON creators.id = tasks.creator_id LEFT JOIN project_has_categories ON project_has_categories.id = tasks.category_id LEFT JOIN columns ON columns.id = tasks.column_id LEFT JOIN projects ON projects.id = tasks.project_id WHERE tasks.date_creation >= ? AND tasks.date_creation <= ? AND tasks.project_id = ? '; if (! is_numeric($from)) { $from = $this->resetDateToMidnight($this->parseDate($from)); } if (! is_numeric($to)) { $to = $this->resetDateToMidnight(strtotime('+1 day', $this->parseDate($to))); } $rq = $this->db->execute($sql, array($from, $to, $project_id)); $tasks = $rq->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $columns = array( t('Task Id'), t('Project'), t('Status'), t('Category'), t('Column'), t('Position'), t('Color'), t('Due date'), t('Creator'), t('Assignee'), t('Complexity'), t('Title'), t('Creation date'), t('Modification date'), t('Completion date'), ); $results = array($columns); foreach ($tasks as &$task) { $results[] = array_values($this->formatOutput($task)); } return $results; } /** * Format the output of a task array * * @access public * @param array $task Task properties * @return array */ public function formatOutput(array &$task) { $colors = $this->getColors(); $task['score'] = $task['score'] ?: ''; $task['is_active'] = $task['is_active'] == self::STATUS_OPEN ? t('Open') : t('Closed'); $task['color_id'] = $colors[$task['color_id']]; $task['date_creation'] = date('Y-m-d', $task['date_creation']); $task['date_due'] = $task['date_due'] ? date('Y-m-d', $task['date_due']) : ''; $task['date_modification'] = $task['date_modification'] ? date('Y-m-d', $task['date_modification']) : ''; $task['date_completed'] = $task['date_completed'] ? date('Y-m-d', $task['date_completed']) : ''; return $task; } }