db ->table(Task::TABLE) ->columns( '(SELECT count(*) FROM comments WHERE task_id=tasks.id) AS nb_comments', '(SELECT count(*) FROM task_has_files WHERE task_id=tasks.id) AS nb_files', '(SELECT count(*) FROM task_has_subtasks WHERE task_id=tasks.id) AS nb_subtasks', '(SELECT count(*) FROM task_has_subtasks WHERE task_id=tasks.id AND status=2) AS nb_completed_subtasks', 'tasks.id', 'tasks.reference', 'tasks.title', 'tasks.description', 'tasks.date_creation', 'tasks.date_modification', 'tasks.date_completed', 'tasks.date_due', 'tasks.color_id', 'tasks.project_id', 'tasks.column_id', 'tasks.swimlane_id', 'tasks.owner_id', 'tasks.creator_id', 'tasks.position', 'tasks.is_active', 'tasks.score', 'tasks.category_id', 'users.username AS assignee_username', 'users.name AS assignee_name' ) ->join(User::TABLE, 'id', 'owner_id'); } /** * Get all tasks shown on the board (sorted by position) * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param integer $column_id Column id * @param integer $swimlane_id Swimlane id * @return array */ public function getTasksByColumnAndSwimlane($project_id, $column_id, $swimlane_id = 0) { return $this->getQuery() ->eq('project_id', $project_id) ->eq('column_id', $column_id) ->eq('swimlane_id', $swimlane_id) ->eq('is_active', Task::STATUS_OPEN) ->asc('tasks.position') ->findAll(); } /** * Get all tasks for a given project and status * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param integer $status_id Status id * @return array */ public function getAll($project_id, $status_id = Task::STATUS_OPEN) { return $this->db ->table(Task::TABLE) ->eq('project_id', $project_id) ->eq('is_active', $status_id) ->findAll(); } /** * Get a list of overdue tasks for all projects * * @access public * @return array */ public function getOverdueTasks() { $tasks = $this->db->table(Task::TABLE) ->columns( Task::TABLE.'.id', Task::TABLE.'.title', Task::TABLE.'.date_due', Task::TABLE.'.project_id', Project::TABLE.'.name AS project_name', User::TABLE.'.username AS assignee_username', User::TABLE.'.name AS assignee_name' ) ->join(Project::TABLE, 'id', 'project_id') ->join(User::TABLE, 'id', 'owner_id') ->eq(Project::TABLE.'.is_active', 1) ->eq(Task::TABLE.'.is_active', 1) ->neq(Task::TABLE.'.date_due', 0) ->lte(Task::TABLE.'.date_due', mktime(23, 59, 59)) ->findAll(); return $tasks; } /** * Fetch a task by the id * * @access public * @param integer $task_id Task id * @return array */ public function getById($task_id) { return $this->db->table(Task::TABLE)->eq('id', $task_id)->findOne(); } /** * Fetch a task by the reference (external id) * * @access public * @param string $reference Task reference * @return array */ public function getByReference($reference) { return $this->db->table(Task::TABLE)->eq('reference', $reference)->findOne(); } /** * Get task details (fetch more information from other tables) * * @access public * @param integer $task_id Task id * @return array */ public function getDetails($task_id) { $sql = ' SELECT tasks.id, tasks.reference, tasks.title, tasks.description, tasks.date_creation, tasks.date_completed, tasks.date_modification, tasks.date_due, tasks.date_started, tasks.time_estimated, tasks.time_spent, tasks.color_id, tasks.project_id, tasks.column_id, tasks.owner_id, tasks.creator_id, tasks.position, tasks.is_active, tasks.score, tasks.category_id, tasks.swimlane_id, project_has_categories.name AS category_name, projects.name AS project_name, columns.title AS column_title, users.username AS assignee_username, users.name AS assignee_name, creators.username AS creator_username, creators.name AS creator_name FROM tasks LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = tasks.owner_id LEFT JOIN users AS creators ON creators.id = tasks.creator_id LEFT JOIN project_has_categories ON project_has_categories.id = tasks.category_id LEFT JOIN projects ON projects.id = tasks.project_id LEFT JOIN columns ON columns.id = tasks.column_id WHERE tasks.id = ? '; $rq = $this->db->execute($sql, array($task_id)); return $rq->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * Count all tasks for a given project and status * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param array $status List of status id * @return integer */ public function countByProjectId($project_id, array $status = array(Task::STATUS_OPEN, Task::STATUS_CLOSED)) { return $this->db ->table(Task::TABLE) ->eq('project_id', $project_id) ->in('is_active', $status) ->count(); } /** * Count the number of tasks for a given column and status * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param integer $column_id Column id * @return integer */ public function countByColumnId($project_id, $column_id) { return $this->db ->table(Task::TABLE) ->eq('project_id', $project_id) ->eq('column_id', $column_id) ->in('is_active', 1) ->count(); } /** * Count the number of tasks for a given column and swimlane * * @access public * @param integer $project_id Project id * @param integer $column_id Column id * @param integer $swimlane_id Swimlane id * @return integer */ public function countByColumnAndSwimlaneId($project_id, $column_id, $swimlane_id) { return $this->db ->table(Task::TABLE) ->eq('project_id', $project_id) ->eq('column_id', $column_id) ->eq('swimlane_id', $swimlane_id) ->in('is_active', 1) ->count(); } /** * Return true if the task exists * * @access public * @param integer $task_id Task id * @return boolean */ public function exists($task_id) { return $this->db->table(Task::TABLE)->eq('id', $task_id)->count() === 1; } }