<div class="page-header"> <h2><?= t('Burndown chart') ?></h2> </div> <?php if (! $display_graph): ?> <p class="alert"><?= t('You need at least 2 days of data to show the chart.') ?></p> <?php else: ?> <section id="analytic-burndown"> <div id="chart" data-metrics='<?= json_encode($metrics, JSON_HEX_APOS) ?>' data-date-format="<?= e('%%Y-%%m-%%d') ?>" data-label-total="<?= t('Total for all columns') ?>"></div> </section> <?php endif ?> <hr/> <form method="post" class="form-inline" action="<?= $this->url->href('analytic', 'burndown', array('project_id' => $project['id'])) ?>" autocomplete="off"> <?= $this->form->csrf() ?> <div class="form-inline-group"> <?= $this->form->label(t('Start Date'), 'from') ?> <?= $this->form->text('from', $values, array(), array('required', 'placeholder="'.$this->text->in($date_format, $date_formats).'"'), 'form-date') ?> </div> <div class="form-inline-group"> <?= $this->form->label(t('End Date'), 'to') ?> <?= $this->form->text('to', $values, array(), array('required', 'placeholder="'.$this->text->in($date_format, $date_formats).'"'), 'form-date') ?> </div> <div class="form-inline-group"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-blue"><?= t('Execute') ?></button> </div> </form> <p class="alert alert-info"><?= t('This chart show the task complexity over the time (Work Remaining).') ?></p>