<div class="page-header"> <h2><?= t('About') ?></h2> </div> <div class="panel"> <ul> <li> <?= t('Official website:') ?> <a href="https://kanboard.org/" target="_blank" rel="noreferer">https://kanboard.org/</a> </li> <li> <?= t('Author:') ?> <strong>Frédéric Guillot</strong> (<a href="https://github.com/kanboard/kanboard/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.md" target="_blank"><?= t('contributors') ?></a>) </li> <li> <?= t('License:') ?> <strong>MIT</strong> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="page-header"> <h2><?= t('Configuration') ?></h2> </div> <div class="panel"> <ul> <li> <?= t('Application version:') ?> <strong><?= APP_VERSION ?></strong> </li> <li> <?= t('PHP version:') ?> <strong><?= PHP_VERSION ?></strong> </li> <li> <?= t('PHP SAPI:') ?> <strong><?= PHP_SAPI ?></strong> </li> <li> <?= t('OS version:') ?> <strong><?= php_uname('s').' '.php_uname('r') ?></strong> </li> <li> <?= t('Database driver:') ?> <strong><?= DB_DRIVER ?></strong> </li> <li> <?= t('Database version:') ?> <strong><?= $this->text->e($db_version) ?></strong> </li> <li> <?= t('Browser:') ?> <strong><?= $this->text->e($user_agent) ?></strong> </li> </ul> </div> <?php if (DB_DRIVER === 'sqlite'): ?> <div class="page-header"> <h2><?= t('Database') ?></h2> </div> <div class="panel"> <ul> <li> <?= t('Database size:') ?> <strong><?= $this->text->bytes($db_size) ?></strong> </li> <li> <?= $this->url->link(t('Download the database'), 'ConfigController', 'downloadDb', array(), true) ?> <?= t('(Gzip compressed Sqlite file)') ?> </li> <li> <?= $this->url->link(t('Upload the database'), 'ConfigController', 'uploadDb', array(), false, 'js-modal-medium') ?> </li> <li> <?= $this->url->link(t('Optimize the database'), 'ConfigController', 'optimizeDb', array(), true) ?> <?= t('(VACUUM command)') ?> </li> </ul> </div> <?php endif ?> <div class="page-header"> <h2><?= t('License') ?></h2> </div> <div class="panel"> <?= nl2br(file_get_contents(ROOT_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'LICENSE')) ?> </div>