<div class="color-<?= $task['color_id'] ?> task-show-details"> <h2><?= $this->e('#'.$task['id'].' '.$task['title']) ?></h2> <?php if ($task['score']): ?> <span class="task-score"><?= $this->e($task['score']) ?></span> <?php endif ?> <ul> <?php if ($task['reference']): ?> <li> <strong><?= t('Reference: %s', $task['reference']) ?></strong> </li> <?php endif ?> <?php if (! empty($task['swimlane_name'])): ?> <li> <?= t('Swimlane: %s', $task['swimlane_name']) ?> </li> <?php endif ?> <li> <?= dt('Created on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p', $task['date_creation']) ?> </li> <?php if ($task['date_modification']): ?> <li> <?= dt('Last modified on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p', $task['date_modification']) ?> </li> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($task['date_completed']): ?> <li> <?= dt('Completed on %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p', $task['date_completed']) ?> </li> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($task['date_started']): ?> <li> <?= dt('Started on %B %e, %Y', $task['date_started']) ?> </li> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($task['date_due']): ?> <li> <strong><?= dt('Must be done before %B %e, %Y', $task['date_due']) ?></strong> </li> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($task['time_estimated']): ?> <li> <?= t('Estimated time: %s hours', $task['time_estimated']) ?> </li> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($task['time_spent']): ?> <li> <?= t('Time spent: %s hours', $task['time_spent']) ?> </li> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($task['creator_username']): ?> <li> <?= t('Created by %s', $task['creator_name'] ?: $task['creator_username']) ?> </li> <?php endif ?> <li> <strong> <?php if ($task['assignee_username']): ?> <?= t('Assigned to %s', $task['assignee_name'] ?: $task['assignee_username']) ?> <?php else: ?> <?= t('There is nobody assigned') ?> <?php endif ?> </strong> </li> <li> <?= t('Column on the board:') ?> <strong><?= $this->e($task['column_title']) ?></strong> (<?= $this->e($task['project_name']) ?>) <?= dt('since %B %e, %Y at %k:%M %p', $task['date_moved']) ?> </li> <li><?= t('Task position:').' '.$this->e($task['position']) ?></li> <?php if ($task['category_name']): ?> <li> <?= t('Category:') ?> <strong><?= $this->e($task['category_name']) ?></strong> </li> <?php endif ?> <li> <?php if ($task['is_active'] == 1): ?> <?= t('Status is open') ?> <?php else: ?> <?= t('Status is closed') ?> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php if ($project['is_public']): ?> <li> <?= $this->url->link(t('Public link'), 'task', 'readonly', array('task_id' => $task['id'], 'token' => $project['token']), false, '', '', true) ?> </li> <?php endif ?> <?php if (! isset($not_editable) && $task['recurrence_status'] != \Kanboard\Model\Task::RECURRING_STATUS_NONE): ?> <li> <strong><?= t('Recurring information') ?></strong> <?= $this->render('task/recurring_info', array( 'task' => $task, 'recurrence_trigger_list' => $recurrence_trigger_list, 'recurrence_timeframe_list' => $recurrence_timeframe_list, 'recurrence_basedate_list' => $recurrence_basedate_list, )) ?> </li> <?php endif ?> </ul> </div>