// Common functions var Kanboard = (function() { return { // Display a popup Popover: function(e, callback) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $.get(e.target.getAttribute("href"), function(content) { $("body").append('
' + content + '
'); $("#popover-container").click(function() { $(this).remove(); }); $("#popover-content").click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); if (callback) { callback(); } }); }, // Return true if the page is visible IsVisible: function() { var property = ""; if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { property = "visibilityState"; } else if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") { property = "mozVisibilityState"; } else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") { property = "msVisibilityState"; } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") { property = "webkitVisibilityState"; } if (property != "") { return document[property] == "visible"; } return true; }, // Common init Before: function() { // Datepicker $(".form-date").datepicker({ showOtherMonths: true, selectOtherMonths: true, dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); } }; })(); // Board related functions Kanboard.Board = (function() { var checkInterval = null; // Setup the board function board_load_events() { // Drag and drop $(".column").sortable({ connectWith: ".column", placeholder: "draggable-placeholder", stop: function(event, ui) { board_save(); } }); // Assignee change $(".assignee-popover").click(Kanboard.Popover); // Task edit popover $(".task-edit-popover").click(function(e) { Kanboard.Popover(e, Kanboard.Task.Init); }); // Redirect to the task details page $("[data-task-id]").each(function() { $(this).click(function() { window.location = "?controller=task&action=show&task_id=" + $(this).attr("data-task-id"); }); }); // Automatic refresh var interval = parseInt($("#board").attr("data-check-interval")); if (interval > 0) { checkInterval = window.setInterval(board_check, interval * 1000); } } // Stop events function board_unload_events() { $("[data-task-id]").off(); clearInterval(checkInterval); } // Save and refresh the board function board_save() { var data = []; var boardSelector = $("#board"); var projectId = boardSelector.attr("data-project-id"); board_unload_events(); $(".column").each(function() { var columnId = $(this).attr("data-column-id"); $("#column-" + columnId + " .task-board").each(function(index) { data.push({ "task_id": parseInt($(this).attr("data-task-id")), "position": index + 1, "column_id": parseInt(columnId) }); }); }); $.ajax({ cache: false, url: "?controller=board&action=save&project_id=" + projectId, data: {"positions": data, "csrf_token": boardSelector.attr("data-csrf-token")}, type: "POST", success: function(data) { $("#board").remove(); $("#main").append(data); board_load_events(); filter_apply(); } }); } // Check if a board have been changed by someone else function board_check() { var boardSelector = $("#board"); var projectId = boardSelector.attr("data-project-id"); var timestamp = boardSelector.attr("data-time"); if (Kanboard.IsVisible() && projectId != undefined && timestamp != undefined) { $.ajax({ cache: false, url: "?controller=board&action=check&project_id=" + projectId + "×tamp=" + timestamp, statusCode: { 200: function(data) { boardSelector.remove(); $("#main").append(data); board_unload_events(); board_load_events(); filter_apply(); } } }); } } // Apply user or date filter (change tasks opacity) function filter_apply() { var selectedUserId = $("#form-user_id").val(); var selectedCategoryId = $("#form-category_id").val(); var filterDueDate = $("#filter-due-date").hasClass("filter-on"); $("[data-task-id]").each(function(index, item) { var ownerId = item.getAttribute("data-owner-id"); var dueDate = item.getAttribute("data-due-date"); var categoryId = item.getAttribute("data-category-id"); if (ownerId != selectedUserId && selectedUserId != -1) { item.style.opacity = "0.2"; } else { item.style.opacity = "1.0"; } if (filterDueDate && (dueDate == "" || dueDate == "0")) { item.style.opacity = "0.2"; } if (categoryId != selectedCategoryId && selectedCategoryId != -1) { item.style.opacity = "0.2"; } }); } // Load filter events function filter_load_events() { $("#form-user_id").change(filter_apply); $("#form-category_id").change(filter_apply); $("#filter-due-date").click(function(e) { $(this).toggleClass("filter-on"); filter_apply(); e.preventDefault(); }); } return { Init: function() { board_load_events(); filter_load_events(); // Project select box $("#board-selector").chosen({ width: 180 }); $("#board-selector").change(function() { window.location = "?controller=board&action=show&project_id=" + $(this).val(); }); } }; })(); // Task related functions Kanboard.Task = (function() { return { Init: function() { Kanboard.Before(); // Image preview for attachments $(".file-popover").click(Kanboard.Popover); } }; })(); // Project related functions Kanboard.Project = (function() { return { Init: function() { Kanboard.Before(); } }; })(); // Initialization $(function() { if ($("#board").length) { Kanboard.Board.Init(); } else if ($("#task-section").length) { Kanboard.Task.Init(); } else if ($("#project-section").length) { Kanboard.Project.Init(); } });