function App() { this.board = new Board(this); this.markdown = new Markdown(); = new Search(this); this.swimlane = new Swimlane(this); this.dropdown = new Dropdown(); this.tooltip = new Tooltip(this); this.popover = new Popover(this); this.task = new Task(); this.project = new Project(); this.subtask = new Subtask(this); this.column = new Column(this); this.file = new FileUpload(this); this.keyboardShortcuts(); this.chosen(); this.poll(); // Alert box fadeout $(".alert-fade-out").delay(4000).fadeOut(800, function() { $(this).remove(); }); // Reload page when a destination project is changed var reloading_project = false; $("select.task-reload-project-destination").change(function() { if (! reloading_project) { $(".loading-icon").show(); reloading_project = true; window.location = $(this).data("redirect").replace(/PROJECT_ID/g, $(this).val()); } }); } App.prototype.listen = function() { this.project.listen(); this.popover.listen(); this.markdown.listen(); this.tooltip.listen(); this.dropdown.listen();; this.task.listen(); this.swimlane.listen(); this.subtask.listen(); this.column.listen(); this.file.listen();; this.autoComplete(); this.datePicker(); this.focus(); }; App.prototype.refresh = function() { $(document).off(); this.listen(); }; App.prototype.focus = function() { // Autofocus fields (html5 autofocus works only with page onload) $("[autofocus]").each(function(index, element) { $(this).focus(); }) // Auto-select input fields $(document).on('focus', '.auto-select', function() { $(this).select(); }); // Workaround for chrome $(document).on('mouseup', '.auto-select', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); }; App.prototype.poll = function() { window.setInterval(this.checkSession, 60000); }; App.prototype.keyboardShortcuts = function() { var self = this; // Submit form Mousetrap.bindGlobal("mod+enter", function() { $("form").submit(); }); // Open board selector Mousetrap.bind("b", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#board-selector').trigger('chosen:open'); }); // Close popover and dropdown Mousetrap.bindGlobal("esc", function() { self.popover.close(); self.dropdown.close(); }); }; App.prototype.checkSession = function() { if (! $(".form-login").length) { $.ajax({ cache: false, url: $("body").data("status-url"), statusCode: { 401: function() { window.location = $("body").data("login-url"); } } }); } }; App.prototype.datePicker = function() { // Datepicker translation $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional[$("body").data("js-lang")]); // Datepicker $(".form-date").datepicker({ showOtherMonths: true, selectOtherMonths: true, dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', constrainInput: false }); // Datetime picker $(".form-datetime").datetimepicker({ controlType: 'select', oneLine: true, dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', // timeFormat: 'h:mm tt', constrainInput: false }); }; App.prototype.autoComplete = function() { $(".autocomplete").each(function() { var input = $(this); var field ="dst-field"); var extraField ="dst-extra-field"); if ($('#form-' + field).val() == '') { input.parent().find("input[type=submit]").attr('disabled','disabled'); } input.autocomplete({ source:"search-url"), minLength: 1, select: function(event, ui) { $("input[name=" + field + "]").val(; if (extraField) { $("input[name=" + extraField + "]").val(ui.item[extraField]); } input.parent().find("input[type=submit]").removeAttr('disabled'); } }); }); }; App.prototype.chosen = function() { $(".chosen-select").each(function() { var searchThreshold = $(this).data("search-threshold"); if (searchThreshold === undefined) { searchThreshold = 10; } $(this).chosen({ width: "180px", no_results_text: $(this).data("notfound"), disable_search_threshold: searchThreshold }); }); $(".select-auto-redirect").change(function() { var regex = new RegExp($(this).data('redirect-regex'), 'g'); window.location = $(this).data('redirect-url').replace(regex, $(this).val()); }); }; App.prototype.showLoadingIcon = function() { $("body").append(' '); }; App.prototype.hideLoadingIcon = function() { $("#app-loading-icon").remove(); }; App.prototype.isVisible = function() { var property = ""; if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { property = "visibilityState"; } else if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") { property = "mozVisibilityState"; } else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") { property = "msVisibilityState"; } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") { property = "webkitVisibilityState"; } if (property != "") { return document[property] == "visible"; } return true; }; App.prototype.formatDuration = function(d) { if (d >= 86400) { return Math.round(d/86400) + "d"; } else if (d >= 3600) { return Math.round(d/3600) + "h"; } else if (d >= 60) { return Math.round(d/60) + "m"; } return d + "s"; };