Duplicate and move tasks ======================== Duplicate a task into the same project -------------------------------------- Go to the task view and choose **Duplicate** on the left. ![Task Duplication](../screenshots/task-duplication.png) A new task will be created with the same properties as the original. Duplicate a task to another project ----------------------------------- Go to the task view and choose **Duplicate to another project**. ![Task Duplication Another Project](../screenshots/task-duplication-another-project.png) Only projects where you are members will be shown in the drop-down. Before to copy the tasks, Kanboard will ask you the destination properties that are not common between the source and destination project. Basically, you need to define: - The destination swim lane - The column - The category - The assignee Move a task to another project ------------------------------ Go to the task view and choose **Move to another project**. Moving a task to another project work in the same way as the duplication, you have to choose the new properties of the task. List of fields duplicated ------------------------- Here are the list of properties duplicated: - title - description - date_due - color_id - project_id - column_id - owner_id - score - category_id - time_estimated - swimlane_id - recurrence_status - recurrence_trigger - recurrence_factor - recurrence_timeframe - recurrence_basedate