Add Notification Types with Plugins

You can send notifications to almost any system by adding a new type.
There are two kinds of notifications: project and user.

- Project: Notifications configured at the project level
- User: Notifications sent individually and configured at the user profile

Register a new notification type

In your plugin registration file call the method `setType()`:

$this->userNotificationTypeModel->setType('irc', t('IRC'), '\Kanboard\Plugin\IRC\Notification\IrcHandler');
$this->projectNotificationTypeModel->setType('irc', t('IRC'), '\Kanboard\Plugin\IRC\Notification\IrcHandler');

Your handler can be registered for user or project notification. You don't necessarily need to support both.

When your handler is registered, the end-user can choose to receive the new notification type or not.

Notification Handler

Your notification handler must implement the interface `Kanboard\Core\Notification\NotificationInterface`:

interface NotificationInterface
     * Send notification to a user
     * @access public
     * @param  array     $user
     * @param  string    $event_name
     * @param  array     $event_data
    public function notifyUser(array $user, $event_name, array $event_data);

     * Send notification to a project
     * @access public
     * @param  array     $project
     * @param  string    $event_name
     * @param  array     $event_data
    public function notifyProject(array $project, $event_name, array $event_data);

Example of notification plugins

- [Slack](
- [Hipchat](
- [Jabber](