Plugin Overrides

Override HTTP Content Security Policy

If you would like to replace the default HTTP Content Security Policy header, you can use the method `setContentSecurityPolicy()`:


namespace Kanboard\Plugin\Csp;

use Kanboard\Core\Plugin\Base;

class Plugin extends Base
    public function initialize()
        $this->setContentSecurityPolicy(array('script-src' => 'something'));

Template Overrides

Any templates defined in the core can be overridden. For example, you can redefine the default layout or change email notifications.

Example of template override:

$this->template->setTemplateOverride('header', 'theme:layout/header');

The first argument is the original template name and the second argument the template to use as replacement.

You can still use the original template using the "kanboard:" prefix:

<?= $this->render('kanboard:header') ?>

Formatter Overrides

Here an example to override formatter objects in Kanboard:

class MyFormatter extends UserAutoCompleteFormatter
    public function format()
        $users = parent::format();

        foreach ($users as &$user) {
            $user['label'] = 'something'; // Do something useful here

        return $users;

class Plugin extends Base
    public function initialize()
        $this->container['userAutoCompleteFormatter'] = $this->container->factory(function ($c) {
            return new MyFormatter($c);