Advanced Search Syntax

Kanboard uses a simple query language for advanced search. 
You can search in tasks, comments, subtasks, links but also in the activity stream.

Example of query

This example will return all tasks assigned to me with a due date for tomorrow and a title that contains "my title":

assigne:me due:tomorrow my title

Global search

### Search by task id or title

- Search by task id: `#123`
- Search by task id and task title: `123`
- Search by task title: anything that doesn't match any search attributes

### Search by status

Attribute: **status**

- Query to find open tasks: `status:open`
- Query to find closed tasks: `status:closed`

### Search by assignee

Attribute: **assignee**

- Query with the full name: `assignee:"Frederic Guillot"`
- Query with the username: `assignee:fguillot`
- Multiple assignee lookup: `assignee:user1 assignee:"John Doe"`
- Query for unassigned tasks: `assignee:nobody`
- Query for my assigned tasks: `assignee:me`

### Search by task creator

Attribute: **creator**

- Tasks created by myself: `creator:me`
- Tasks created by John Doe: `creator:"John Doe"`
- Tasks created by the user id #1: `creator:1`

### Search by subtask assignee

Attribute: **subtask:assignee**

- Example: `subtask:assignee:"John Doe"`

### Search by color

Attribute: **color**

- Query to search by color id: `color:blue`
- Query to search by color name: `color:"Deep Orange"`

### Search by the due date

Attribute: **due**

- Search tasks due today: `due:today`
- Search tasks due tomorrow: `due:tomorrow`
- Search tasks due yesterday: `due:yesterday`
- Search tasks due with the exact date: `due:2015-06-29`

The date must use the ISO 8601 format: **YYYY-MM-DD**.

All string formats supported by the `strtotime()` function are supported, for example `next Thursday`, `-2 days`, `+2 months`, `tomorrow`, etc.

Operators supported with a date:

- Greater than: **due:>2015-06-29**
- Lower than: **due:<2015-06-29**
- Greater than or equal: **due:>=2015-06-29**
- Lower than or equal: **due:<=2015-06-29**

### Search by modification date

Attribute: **modified** or **updated**

The date formats are the same as the due date.

There is also a filter by recently modified tasks: `modified:recently`.

This query will use the same value as the board highlight period configured in settings.

### Search by creation date

Attribute: **created**

Works in the same way as the modification date queries.

### Search by start date

Attribute: **started**

### Search by description

Attribute: **description** or **desc**

Example: `description:"text search"`

### Search by completion

Attribute: **completed**

### Search by external reference

The task reference is an external id of your task, by example a ticket number from another software.

- Find tasks with a reference: `ref:1234` or `reference:TICKET-1234`
- Wildcard search: `ref:TICKET-*`

### Search by category

Attribute: **category**

- Find tasks with a specific category: `category:"Feature Request"`
- Find all tasks that have those categories: `category:"Bug" category:"Improvements"`
- Find tasks with no category assigned: `category:none`

### Search by project

Attribute: **project**

- Find tasks by project name: `project:"My project name"`
- Find tasks by project id: `project:23`
- Find tasks for several projects: `project:"My project A" project:"My project B"`

### Search by columns

Attribute: **column**

- Find tasks by column name: `column:"Work in progress"`
- Find tasks for several columns: `column:"Backlog" column:ready`

### Search by swim-lane

Attribute: **swimlane**

- Find tasks by swim-lane: `swimlane:"Version 42"`
- Find tasks into several swim-lanes: `swimlane:"Version 1.2" swimlane:"Version 1.3"`

### Search by task link

Attribute: **link**

- Find tasks by link name: `link:"is a milestone of"`
- Find tasks into several links: `link:"is a milestone of" link:"relates to"`

### Search by comment

Attribute: **comment**

- Find comments that contains this title: `comment:"My comment message"`

### Search by tags

Attribute: **tag**

- Example: `tag:"My tag"`

Activity stream search

### Search events by task title

Attribute: **title** or none (default)

- Example: `title:"My task"`
- Search by task id: `#123`

### Search events by task status

Attribute: **status**

### Search by event creator

Attribute: **creator**

### Search by event creation date

Attribute: **created**

### Search events by project

Attribute: **project**