
Firstly, check the [requirements](requirements.markdown) before to go further.

From the archive (stable version)

1. You must have a web server with PHP installed
2. Download the source code and copy the directory `kanboard` where you want
3. Check if the directory `data` is writeable
4. With your browser go to <http://yourpersonalserver/kanboard>
5. The default login and password is **admin/admin**
6. Start to use the software
7. Don't forget to change your password!

The data folder is used to store:

- Sqlite database: `db.sqlite`
- Debug file: `debug.log` (if debug mode enabled)
- Uploaded files: `files/*`
- Image thumbnails: `files/thumbnails/*`

People who are using a remote database (Mysql/Postgresql) and a remote file storage (Aws S3 or similar) don't necessarily need to have a persistent local data folder or to change the permission.

From the repository (development version)

You must install [composer]( to use this method.

1. `git clone`
2. `composer install --no-dev`
3. Go to the third step just above

Note: This method will install the **current development version**, use at your own risk.

Installation outside of the document root

If you would like to install Kanboard outside of the web server document root, you need to create at least these symlinks:

├── assets -> ../kanboard/assets
├── doc -> ../kanboard/doc
├── favicon.ico -> ../kanboard/favicon.ico
├── index.php -> ../kanboard/index.php
├── jsonrpc.php -> ../kanboard/jsonrpc.php
└── robots.txt -> ../kanboard/robots.txt

The `.htaccess` is optional because its content can be included directly in the Apache configuration.

You can also define a custom location for the plugins and files folders by changing the [config file](config.markdown).

Optional installation

- Some features of Kanboard require that you run [a daily background job](cronjob.markdown) (Reports and analytics)
- [Install the background worker](worker.markdown) to improve the performances


- Don't forget to change the default user/password
- Don't allow everybody to access to the directory `data` from the URL. There is already a `.htaccess` for Apache but nothing for other web servers.