LDAP Group Synchronization ========================== Requirements ------------ - Have LDAP authentication properly configured - Use a LDAP server that supports `memberOf` Automatically define Kanboard groups based on LDAP groups --------------------------------------------------------- In your config file, define the constants `LDAP_GROUP_ADMIN_DN` and `LDAP_GROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN_DN`. Here an example, replace the values according to your own LDAP configuration: ```php define('LDAP_GROUP_ADMIN_DN', 'CN=Kanboard Admins,CN=Users,DC=kanboard,DC=local'); define('LDAP_GROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN_DN', 'CN=Kanboard Project Admins,CN=Users,DC=kanboard,DC=local'); ``` - People member of "Kanboard Admins" will be "Kanboard Administrators" - People member of "Kanboard Project Admins" will be "Kanboard Project Administrators" - Everybody else will be Kanboard Standard Users Note: At the moment, that works only at account creation. Filter Kanboard access based on the LDAP group ---------------------------------------------- To allow only some users to use Kanboard, use the existing `LDAP_USER_PATTERN` constant: ```php define('LDAP_USER_PATTERN', '(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s)(memberOf=CN=Kanboard Users,CN=Users,DC=kanboard,DC=local))'); ``` This example allow only people member of the group "Kanboard Users" to connect to Kanboard.