LDAP Group Synchronization ========================== Requirements ------------ - Have LDAP authentication properly configured - Use a LDAP server that supports `memberOf` or `memberUid` (PosixGroups) Define automatically user roles based on LDAP groups ---------------------------------------------------- Use these constants in your config file: - `LDAP_GROUP_ADMIN_DN`: Distinguished names for application administrators - `LDAP_GROUP_MANAGER_DN`: Distinguished names for application managers ### Example for Active Directory: ```php define('LDAP_GROUP_ADMIN_DN', 'CN=Kanboard Admins,CN=Users,DC=kanboard,DC=local'); define('LDAP_GROUP_MANAGER_DN', 'CN=Kanboard Managers,CN=Users,DC=kanboard,DC=local'); ``` - People member of "Kanboard Admins" will have the role "Administrator" - People member of "Kanboard Managers" will have the role "Managers" - Everybody else will have the role "User" ### Example for OpenLDAP with Posix Groups: ```php define('LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN', 'ou=Groups,dc=kanboard,dc=local'); define('LDAP_GROUP_USER_FILTER', '(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=%s))'); define('LDAP_GROUP_ADMIN_DN', 'cn=Kanboard Admins,ou=Groups,dc=kanboard,dc=local'); define('LDAP_GROUP_MANAGER_DN', 'cn=Kanboard Managers,ou=Groups,dc=kanboard,dc=local'); ``` You **must define the parameter** `LDAP_GROUP_USER_FILTER` if your LDAP server use `memberUid` instead of `memberOf`. All parameters of this example are mandatory. Automatically load LDAP groups for project permissions ------------------------------------------------------ This feature allows you to sync automatically LDAP groups with Kanboard groups. Each group can have a different project role assigned. On the project permissions page, people can enter groups in the auto-complete field and Kanboard can search for groups with any provider enabled. If the group doesn't exist in the local database, it will be automatically synced. - `LDAP_GROUP_PROVIDER`: Enable the LDAP group provider - `LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN`: Distinguished names to find groups in LDAP directory - `LDAP_GROUP_FILTER`: LDAP filter used to perform the query - `LDAP_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME`: LDAP attribute used to fetch the group name ### Example for Active Directory: ```php define('LDAP_GROUP_PROVIDER', true); define('LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN', 'CN=Groups,DC=kanboard,DC=local'); define('LDAP_GROUP_FILTER', '(&(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=%s*))'); ``` With the filter given as example above, Kanboard will search for groups that match the query. If the end-user enter the text "My group" in the auto-complete box, Kanboard will return all groups that match the pattern: `(&(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=My group*))`. - Note 1: The special characters `*` is important here, **otherwise an exact match will be done**. - Note 2: This feature is only compatible with LDAP authentication configured in "proxy" or "anonymous" mode [More examples of LDAP filters for Active Directory](http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/5392.active-directory-ldap-syntax-filters.aspx) ### Example for OpenLDAP with Posix Groups: ```php define('LDAP_GROUP_PROVIDER', true); define('LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN', 'ou=Groups,dc=kanboard,dc=local'); define('LDAP_GROUP_FILTER', '(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=%s*))'); ```