How to use Mysql or MariaDB instead of Sqlite ============================================= By default Kanboard use Sqlite to stores its data. However it's possible to use Mysql or MariaDB instead of Sqlite. Requirements ------------ - Mysql server - The PHP extension `pdo_mysql` installed (Debian/Ubuntu: `apt-get install php5-mysql`) Note: Kanboard is tested with **Mysql >= 5.5 and MariaDB >= 10.0** Mysql configuration ------------------- ### Create a database The first step is to create a database on your Mysql server. By example, you can do that with the command line mysql client: ```sql CREATE DATABASE kanboard; ``` ### Create a config file The file `config.php` should contains those values: ```php <?php // We choose to use Mysql instead of Sqlite define('DB_DRIVER', 'mysql'); // Mysql parameters define('DB_USERNAME', 'REPLACE_ME'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'REPLACE_ME'); define('DB_HOSTNAME', 'REPLACE_ME'); define('DB_NAME', 'kanboard'); ``` Note: You can also rename the template file `config.default.php` to `config.php`. ### Importing SQL dump (alternative method) For the first time, Kanboard will run one by one each database migration and this process can take some time according to your configuration. To avoid any issues or potential timeouts you can initialize the database directly by importing the SQL schema: ```bash mysql -u root -p my_database < app/Schema/Sql/mysql.sql ``` The file `app/Schema/Sql/mysql.sql` is a sql dump that represents the last version of the database.