Authentication Plugin ===================== New authentication backends can be written with very few lines of code. Provider Registration --------------------- In the method `initialize()` of your plugin, call the method `register()` of the class `AuthenticationManager`: ```php public function initialize() { $this->authenticationManager->register(new ReverseProxyLdapAuth($this->container)); } ``` The object provided to the method `register()` must implement one of the pre-defined authentication interfaces. Those interfaces are defined in the namepsace `Kanboard\Core\Security`: - `Kanboard\Core\Security\PreAuthenticationProviderInterface` - `Kanboard\Core\Security\PostAuthenticationProviderInterface` - `Kanboard\Core\Security\PasswordAuthenticationProviderInterface` - `Kanboard\Core\Security\OAuthAuthenticationProviderInterface` The only requirement is to implement the interfaces, you class can be written the way you want and located anywhere on the disk. User Provider ------------- When the authentication is successful, your driver must return an object that represents the user. This object must implement the interface `Kanboard\Core\User\UserProviderInterface`. Example of authentication plugins --------------------------------- - [Authentication providers included in Kanboard]( - [Reverse-Proxy Authentication with LDAP support]( - [SMS Two-Factor Authentication](