Adding Automatic Actions ======================== Adding a new automatic action is pretty simple. Creating a new action --------------------- Your automatic action must inherit of the class `Kanboard\Action\Base`. Several abstract methods must be implemented by yourself: | Method | Description | |-------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | `getDescription()` | Description visible in the user interface | | `getCompatibleEvents()` | Get the list of compatible events | | `getActionRequiredParameters()` | Get the required parameter for the action (defined by the user) | | `getEventRequiredParameters()` | Get the required parameter for the event | | `doAction(array $data)` | Execute the action, must return true on success | | `hasRequiredCondition(array $data)` | Check if the event data meet the action condition | Your automatic action is identified in Kanboard by using the absolute class name with the name space included. Adding new events ----------------- The list of application events is available in the class `Kanboard\Core\Event\EventManager::getAll()`. However, if your plugin fires new events, you can register these events like that: ```php $this->actionManager->getAction('\Kanboard\Plugin\MyPlugin\MyActionName')->addEvent('my.event', 'My event description'); ``` You can extend the list of compatible events of existing actions by using the same method. Registering the action ---------------------- You have to call the method `register()` from the class `Kanboard\Core\Action\ActionManager`: ```php <?php namespace Kanboard\Plugin\AutomaticAction; use Kanboard\Core\Plugin\Base; use Kanboard\Plugin\AutomaticAction\Action\TaskRename; class Plugin extends Base { public function initialize() { $this->actionManager->register(new TaskRename($this->container)); } } ``` Example ------- - [Automatic Action example](