Advanced Search Syntax ====================== Kanboard uses a simple query language for advanced search. Example of query ---------------- This example will return all tasks assigned to me with a due date for tomorrow and a title that contains "my title": ``` assigne:me due:tomorrow my title ``` Search by task id or title -------------------------- - Search by task id: `#123` - Search by task id and task title: `123` - Search by task title: anything that doesn't match any search attributes Search by status ---------------- Attribute: **status** - Query to find open tasks: `status:open` - Query to find closed tasks: `status:closed` Search by assignees ------------------- Attribute: **assignee** - Query with the full name: `assignee:"Frederic Guillot"` - Query with the username: `assignee:fguillot` - Multiple assignee lookup: `assignee:user1 assignee:"John Doe"` - Query for unassigned tasks: `assignee:nobody` - Query for my assigned tasks: `assignee:me` Note: Kanboard will also search in assigned subtasks with the status todo and in progress. Search by color --------------- Attribute: **color** - Query to search by color id: `color:blue` - Query to search by color name: `color:"Deep Orange"` Search by the due date ---------------------- Attribute: **due** - Search tasks due today: `due:today` - Search tasks due tomorrow: `due:tomorrow` - Search tasks due yesterday: `due:yesterday` - Search tasks due with the exact date: `due:2015-06-29` The date must use the ISO 8601 format: **YYYY-MM-DD**. All string formats supported by the `strtotime()` function are supported, for example `next Thursday`, `-2 days`, `+2 months`, `tomorrow`, etc. Operators supported with a date: - Greater than: **due:>2015-06-29** - Lower than: **due:<2015-06-29** - Greater than or equal: **due:>=2015-06-29** - Lower than or equal: **due:<=2015-06-29** Search by modification date --------------------------- Attribute: **modified** or **updated** The date formats are the same as the due date. There is also a filter by recently modified tasks: `modified:recently`. This query will use the same value as the board highlight period configured in settings. Search by creation date ----------------------- Attribute: **created** Works in the same way as the modification date queries. Search by description --------------------- Attribute: **description** Example: `description:"text search"` Search by external reference ---------------------------- The task reference is an external id of your task, by example a ticket number from another software. - Find tasks with a reference: `ref:1234` or `reference:TICKET-1234` Search by category ------------------ Attribute: **category** - Find tasks with a specific category: `category:"Feature Request"` - Find all tasks that have those categories: `category:"Bug" category:"Improvements"` - Find tasks with no category assigned: `category:none` Search by project ----------------- Attribute: **project** - Find tasks by project name: `project:"My project name"` - Find tasks by project id: `project:23` - Find tasks for several projects: `project:"My project A" project:"My project B"` Search by columns ----------------- Attribute: **column** - Find tasks by column name: `column:"Work in progress"` - Find tasks for several columns: `column:"Backlog" column:ready` Search by swim lane ------------------- Attribute: **swimlane** - Find tasks by swim lane: `swimlane:"Version 42"` - Find tasks in the default swim lane: `swimlane:default` - Find tasks into several swim lanes: `swimlane:"Version 1.2" swimlane:"Version 1.3"` Search by task link ------------------ Attribute: **link** - Find tasks by link name: `link:"is a milestone of"` - Find tasks into several links: `link:"is a milestone of" link:"relates to"`