Installation on Windows Server and Apache

This guide will help you to setup step by step Kanboard on a Windows Server with Apache and PHP.

Note: If you have a 64 bits platform choose "x64" otherwise choose "x86" for 32-bit systems.

Visual C++ Redistributable Installation

PHP and Apache are compiled with Visual Studio so you need to install this library if it's not already done.

1. Download the library from the [official Microsoft website](
2. Run the installer `vcredist_x64.exe` or `vcredist_x86.exe` according to your platform

Apache installation

1. Download Apache binary from [Apache Lounge](
2. Unzip the Apache24 folder to `C:\Apache24`

### Define the server name

Open the file `C:\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf` and add the directive:

ServerName localhost

### Install the Apache service

Open a command prompt (`cmd.exe`) and go to the directory `C:\Apache24\bin`:

cd C:\Apache24\bin

# Install the windows service
httpd.exe -k install

### Install ApacheMonitor

- Double click on `C:\Apache24\bin\ApacheMonitor.exe`, or put it in your startup folder.
- Right click on the icon and start Apache

### Check the Apache installation

Go to http://localhost/ you should see a blank page with the text "It works!".

PHP installation

1. Download the last stable version of PHP from the [official PHP website](, choose the **Thread Safe** version and use the exact same build type as Apache: x86 or x64
2. Unzip the files to `C:\php`
3. Navigate to the PHP folder and rename the file `php.ini-production` to `php.ini`

Edit the `php.ini`:

Uncomment extension directory:

extension_dir = "C:/php/ext"

Uncomment these PHP modules:


Set the time zone:

date.timezone = America/Montreal

The list of supported time zones can be found in the [PHP documentation](

Load the PHP module for Apache:

Add this configuration in the file `C:\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf`:

LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_4.dll"
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php

# configure the path to php.ini
PHPIniDir "C:/php"

# change this directive
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

Restart Apache.

Test your PHP installation:

Create a file named `phpinfo.php` in the folder `C:\Apache24\htdocs`:




Go to http://localhost/phpinfo.php and should see all information about your PHP installation.

Kanboard installation

- Download the zip file
- Decompress the archive in `C:\Apache24\htdocs\kanboard` by example
- Open your web browser to use Kanboard http://localhost/kanboard/
- The default credentials are **admin/admin**

Tested configuration

- Windows 2008 R2 / Apache 2.4.12 / PHP 5.6.8