Centos Installation =================== Centos 7 -------- Install PHP and Apache: ```bash yum install -y php php-mbstring php-pdo php-gd unzip wget ``` By default Centos 7 use PHP 5.4.16 and Apache 2.4.6. Restart Apache: ```bash systemctl restart httpd.service ``` Install Kanboard: ```bash cd /var/www/html wget http://kanboard.net/kanboard-latest.zip unzip kanboard-latest.zip chown -R apache:apache kanboard/data rm kanboard-latest.zip ``` If SELinux is enabled, be sure that the Apache user can write to the directory data: ```bash chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t /var/www/html/kanboard/data ``` Be sure to configure your server to allow Kanboard to send emails and make external network requests, by example with SELinux: ```bash setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1 ``` Allowing external connections is necessary if you use LDAP, SMTP, Webhooks or any third-party integrations. Centos 6.x ---------- Install PHP and Apache: ```bash yum install -y php php-mbstring php-pdo php-gd unzip wget ``` By default Centos 6.5 use PHP 5.3.3 and Apache 2.2.15. Enable short tags: - Edit the file `/etc/php.ini` - Change the line `short_open_tag = On` Restart Apache: ```bash service httpd restart ``` Install Kanboard: ```bash cd /var/www/html wget http://kanboard.net/kanboard-latest.zip unzip kanboard-latest.zip chown -R apache:apache kanboard/data rm kanboard-latest.zip ``` Go to `http://your_server/kanboard/`.