= $this->hook->render('customizer:config:style') ?>
= e('Once enabled, site assets will begin to be cached for 5 days, increasing speed of site. However, you will need to clear your cache to see any new images uploaded. The settings page, will be unaffected by this setting.') ?>
= e('Experimental Tool, to create simple logos for those in need.') ?>
= e('Example: https://example.kanboard.org/ (used as logo link on login page)') ?>
= e('Example: https://source.unsplash.com/random (URL for a background image on the login page, centered, autoscale, no-repeat)') ?>
= e('Hint: Use HTML formatting to customize your note further.') ?>
= t('Changes must be saved in order to take effect.') ?> = t('Save') ?>
= t('Preview') ?>
= e('This will be the theme selection for all users who have not chosen their own theme.') ?>