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It's the least you can do for all the work put into it! # Group_assign Assign Tasks to Groups or from Multi-Select of Users with permissions from the project # Requirements Kanboard v1.1.0 or Higher # Features and usage * A task can have an assigned group or selection of users * Can only assign groups or other assigness to a task that have permissions in the Project. * If a user is in a group that a task is assigned to, it will show up on their dashboard. * If a user is in other assignees multiselect that a task is assigned to, it will show up on their dashboard. * If a user is in a group that a task is assigned to, it will show up in their calendar. * If a user is in other assignees multiselect that a task is assigned to, it will show up in their calendar. * If a group is assigned or a user is assigneed in other assignees, it will be appear on the task in detail view, board view, creation, modification. * Includes 5 Automatic Actions to utilize the Assigned Group * Email Assigned Group on Task Modification, Creation, Close, or Movement * Email Assigned Group of impending Task Due Date * Email Other Assignees on Task Modification, Creation, Close, or Movement * Email Other Assignees of impending Task Due Date * Assign task to a group on creation or movement * using ``allassignees:me`` (``assignee:me`` for pre 1.7.3 versions) in filter will find tasks assigned to groups that the user is in or assignee in other assignees is in. * using ``allassignees:GroupName`` (``assignee:GroupName`` for pre 1.7.3 versions) in filter will find tasks assigned to a group by NAME of the group. * using ``allassignees:GroupID`` (``assignee:GroupID`` for pre 1.7.3 versions) in filter will find tasks assigned to a group by ID number of group. * using ``allassignees:Username`` or ``allassignees:Name`` will find all tasks assigned to that user regardless of how they have been assigneed, whether in the group or in Other Assignees or Assignee. * User assigneed via a group or multiselect will now recieve notifications * Changing assigned group or any multiselect users will now trigger `EVENT_ASSIGNEE_CHANGE` * Duplicating Tasks will include assigned groups and other users. * Duplicating to another project or moving to another project will check permissions of assignees, and remove those without permission. * Task Reccurences will include group assigned and other assignees in the recurrence. * Setting included to enable group managment for Application Managers * Found in `Settings > Application settings` # Future enhancments Find bugs or missing functionality, please report it. - [x] Add a few basic automatic actions that utilize Groups assigned - [x] Add relationship for ``allassignees:Username`` or ``allassignees:Name`` in the table lookup - [x] Add an event for assigned group change. - [x] Incorporate into notifications - [x] Address Task Duplication - [x] Task Recurrence # Manual Installation - Find the release you wish to install: https://github.com/creecros/Group_assign/releases - Download the provided zip, not the source zip, i.e. `Group_assign-x.x.x.zip` - Unzip contents to the plugins folder In the event that you use the master repo, ensure that the directory of the plugin is named `Group_assign`, or else the plugin will not work. # Screenshots ## Task Details: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26339368/49951197-64546680-fec7-11e8-9473-82820b1a4f7e.png) ## Task Creation/Modification: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26339368/38753761-692db008-3f2d-11e8-8ce2-59d88ddf39b1.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26339368/49557918-3c696f80-f8d7-11e8-91b8-7cef11c6eec0.png) ## Board View: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26339368/49951135-3a9b3f80-fec7-11e8-9bf6-3a777c09c675.png) ## Users Calendar View - Tasks that a user is assigned too but not main assignee will show up in calendar, with Dark Grey Background and Task color Border, to differentiate that they are not the main assignee. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26339368/49655821-b7cb3e00-fa09-11e8-9608-952abbf146fa.png) ## Automatic Actions: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26339368/38754253-0a0fd2de-3f2f-11e8-9dde-2036de011a6b.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26339368/38754279-2285d0d4-3f2f-11e8-88c2-0ed91e452f90.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26339368/38754288-310df2c6-3f2f-11e8-9993-39e96b55076c.png)