container); $tc = new TaskCreation($this->container); $tf = new TaskFinder($this->container); $board = new Board($this->container); $project = new Project($this->container); $action = new Action($this->container); // We create a project $this->assertEquals(1, $project->create(array('name' => 'unit_test'))); // We create a new action $this->assertTrue($action->create(array( 'project_id' => 1, 'event_name' => Task::EVENT_MOVE_COLUMN, 'action_name' => 'TaskClose', 'params' => array( 'column_id' => 4, ) ))); // We create a task $this->assertEquals(1, $tc->create(array( 'title' => 'unit_test', 'project_id' => 1, 'owner_id' => 1, 'color_id' => 'red', 'column_id' => 1, ))); // We attach events $action->attachEvents(); // Our task should be open $t1 = $tf->getById(1); $this->assertEquals(1, $t1['is_active']); $this->assertEquals(1, $t1['column_id']); // We move our task $tp->movePosition(1, 1, 4, 1); // Our task should be closed $t1 = $tf->getById(1); $this->assertEquals(4, $t1['column_id']); $this->assertEquals(0, $t1['is_active']); } */ public function testMultipleActions() { $tp = new TaskPosition($this->container); $tc = new TaskCreation($this->container); $tf = new TaskFinder($this->container); $b = new Board($this->container); $p = new Project($this->container); $a = new Action($this->container); $c = new Category($this->container); $g = new GithubWebhook($this->container); // We create a project $this->assertEquals(1, $p->create(array('name' => 'unit_test'))); $this->assertEquals(1, $c->create(array('name' => 'unit_test'))); // We create a new action $this->assertTrue($a->create(array( 'project_id' => 1, 'event_name' => GithubWebhook::EVENT_ISSUE_OPENED, 'action_name' => 'TaskCreation', 'params' => array() ))); $this->assertTrue($a->create(array( 'project_id' => 1, 'event_name' => GithubWebhook::EVENT_ISSUE_LABEL_CHANGE, 'action_name' => 'TaskAssignCategoryLabel', 'params' => array( 'label' => 'bug', 'category_id' => 1, ) ))); $this->assertTrue($a->create(array( 'project_id' => 1, 'event_name' => Task::EVENT_CREATE_UPDATE, 'action_name' => 'TaskAssignColorCategory', 'params' => array( 'color_id' => 'red', 'category_id' => 1, ) ))); // We attach events $a->attachEvents(); $g->setProjectId(1); // We create a Github issue $issue = array( 'number' => 123, 'title' => 'Bugs everywhere', 'body' => 'There is a bug!', 'html_url' => 'http://localhost/', ); $this->assertTrue($g->handleIssueOpened($issue)); $task = $tf->getById(1); $this->assertNotEmpty($task); $this->assertEquals(1, $task['is_active']); $this->assertEquals(0, $task['category_id']); $this->assertEquals('yellow', $task['color_id']); // We assign a label to our issue $label = array( 'name' => 'bug', ); $this->assertTrue($g->handleIssueLabeled($issue, $label)); $task = $tf->getById(1); $this->assertNotEmpty($task); $this->assertEquals(1, $task['is_active']); $this->assertEquals(1, $task['category_id']); $this->assertEquals('red', $task['color_id']); } }