registry); $this->assertTrue($user->create(array('username' => 'unittest#1', 'password' => 'unittest'))); $this->assertTrue($user->create(array('username' => 'unittest#2', 'password' => 'unittest'))); $p = new Project($this->registry); $pp = new ProjectPermission($this->registry); $this->assertEquals(1, $p->create(array('name' => 'UnitTest'))); $this->assertFalse($pp->isEverybodyAllowed(1)); $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 1)); $this->assertFalse($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 2)); $this->assertFalse($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 3)); $this->assertEquals(array(), $pp->getMembers(1)); $this->assertEquals(array('Unassigned'), $pp->getMemberList(1)); $this->assertTrue($p->update(array('id' => 1, 'is_everybody_allowed' => 1))); $this->assertTrue($pp->isEverybodyAllowed(1)); $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 1)); $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 2)); $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 3)); $this->assertEquals(array('1' => 'admin', '2' => 'unittest#1', '3' => 'unittest#2'), $pp->getMembers(1)); $this->assertEquals(array('Unassigned', '1' => 'admin', '2' => 'unittest#1', '3' => 'unittest#2'), $pp->getMemberList(1)); } public function testDisallowEverybody() { // We create a regular user $user = new User($this->registry); $user->create(array('username' => 'unittest', 'password' => 'unittest')); $p = new Project($this->registry); $pp = new ProjectPermission($this->registry); $this->assertEquals(1, $p->create(array('name' => 'UnitTest'))); $this->assertEmpty($pp->getMembers(1)); // Nobody is specified for the given project $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 1)); // Admin should be allowed $this->assertFalse($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 2)); // Regular user should be denied } public function testAllowUser() { $p = new Project($this->registry); $pp = new ProjectPermission($this->registry); $user = new User($this->registry); $user->create(array('username' => 'unittest', 'password' => 'unittest')); // We create a project $this->assertEquals(1, $p->create(array('name' => 'UnitTest'))); // We allow the admin user $this->assertTrue($pp->allowUser(1, 1)); $this->assertTrue($pp->allowUser(1, 2)); // Non-existant project $this->assertFalse($pp->allowUser(50, 1)); // Non-existant user $this->assertFalse($pp->allowUser(1, 50)); // Both users should be allowed $this->assertEquals(array('1' => 'admin', '2' => 'unittest'), $pp->getMembers(1)); $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 1)); $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 2)); } public function testRevokeUser() { $p = new Project($this->registry); $pp = new ProjectPermission($this->registry); $user = new User($this->registry); $user->create(array('username' => 'unittest', 'password' => 'unittest')); // We create a project $this->assertEquals(1, $p->create(array('name' => 'UnitTest'))); // We revoke our admin user (not existing row) $this->assertFalse($pp->revokeUser(1, 1)); // We should have nobody in the users list $this->assertEmpty($pp->getMembers(1)); // Only admin is allowed $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 1)); $this->assertFalse($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 2)); // We allow only the regular user $this->assertTrue($pp->allowUser(1, 2)); // All users should be allowed (admin and regular) $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 1)); $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 2)); // However, we should have only our regular user in the list $this->assertEquals(array('2' => 'unittest'), $pp->getMembers(1)); // We allow our admin, we should have both in the list $this->assertTrue($pp->allowUser(1, 1)); $this->assertEquals(array('1' => 'admin', '2' => 'unittest'), $pp->getMembers(1)); $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 1)); $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 2)); // We revoke the regular user $this->assertTrue($pp->revokeUser(1, 2)); // Only admin should be allowed $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 1)); $this->assertFalse($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 2)); // We should have only admin in the list $this->assertEquals(array('1' => 'admin'), $pp->getMembers(1)); // We revoke the admin user $this->assertTrue($pp->revokeUser(1, 1)); $this->assertEmpty($pp->getMembers(1)); // Only admin should be allowed again $this->assertTrue($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 1)); $this->assertFalse($pp->isUserAllowed(1, 2)); } public function testUsersList() { $p = new Project($this->registry); $pp = new ProjectPermission($this->registry); $user = new User($this->registry); $user->create(array('username' => 'unittest', 'password' => 'unittest')); // We create project $this->assertEquals(1, $p->create(array('name' => 'UnitTest'))); // No restriction, we should have no body $this->assertEquals( array('Unassigned'), $pp->getMemberList(1) ); // We allow only the regular user $this->assertTrue($pp->allowUser(1, 2)); $this->assertEquals( array(0 => 'Unassigned', 2 => 'unittest'), $pp->getMemberList(1) ); // We allow the admin user $this->assertTrue($pp->allowUser(1, 1)); $this->assertEquals( array(0 => 'Unassigned', 1 => 'admin', 2 => 'unittest'), $pp->getMemberList(1) ); // We revoke only the regular user $this->assertTrue($pp->revokeUser(1, 2)); $this->assertEquals( array(0 => 'Unassigned', 1 => 'admin'), $pp->getMemberList(1) ); // We revoke only the admin user, we should have everybody $this->assertTrue($pp->revokeUser(1, 1)); $this->assertEquals( array(0 => 'Unassigned'), $pp->getMemberList(1) ); } }