setCharset('utf-8'); // Without these lines the default caching mechanism is "array" but this uses a lot of memory. // If possible, use a disk cache to enable attaching large attachments etc. // You can override the default temporary directory by setting the TMPDIR environment variable. // The @ operator in front of is_writable calls is to avoid PHP warnings // when using open_basedir $tmp = getenv('TMPDIR'); if ($tmp && @is_writable($tmp)) { $preferences ->setTempDir($tmp) ->setCacheType('disk'); } elseif (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir') && @is_writable(sys_get_temp_dir())) { $preferences ->setTempDir(sys_get_temp_dir()) ->setCacheType('disk'); } // this should only be done when Swiftmailer won't use the native QP content encoder // see mime_deps.php if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.7', '<')) { $preferences->setQPDotEscape(false); }