import csv, sys, json, glob, re from os import path from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4 bidding_data = [] with file(sys.argv[1]) as bidding_file: bidding_csv = csv.reader(bidding_file) for line in bidding_csv: bidding_data.append(line) sitting_data = [] with file(sys.argv[2]) as sitting_file: sitting_csv = csv.reader(sitting_file) for line in sitting_csv: sitting_data.append(line) round_lineups = {} for sitting in sitting_data[1:]: round_no = int(sitting[2]) table_no = sitting[0] + '_' + sitting[1] if not round_lineups.has_key(round_no): round_lineups[round_no] = {} round_lineups[round_no][table_no] = sorted([int(sitting[3]), int(sitting[4])]) bids = {} for bid in bidding_data[1:]: board_no = int(bid[4]) round_no = int(bid[3]) table_no = bid[1] + '_' + bid[2] bid_counter = int(bid[5]) bid_erased = int(bid[10]) if not bids.has_key(board_no): bids[board_no] = {} if not bids[board_no].has_key(table_no): bids[board_no][table_no] = {} if not bids[board_no][table_no].has_key(round_no): bids[board_no][table_no][round_no] = {} if bid_erased == 1: if bids[board_no][table_no][round_no].has_key(bid_counter): if bids[board_no][table_no][round_no][bid_counter]['direction'] == bid[6]: bids[board_no][table_no][round_no].pop(bid_counter, None) else: bids[board_no][table_no][round_no][bid_counter] = {'direction': bid[6], 'bid': bid[7] } tournament_path_prefix = sys.argv[3] + '.html' output_path = path.dirname(tournament_path_prefix) tournament_prefix = path.splitext(path.realpath(tournament_path_prefix))[0] directions = ['W', 'N', 'E', 'S'] def format_bidding(bidding): html_output = '' html_output = html_output + '' for dir in directions: html_output = html_output + '' html_output = html_output + '' for bid_round in bidding: html_output = html_output + '' for bid in bid_round: html_output = html_output + '' html_output = html_output + '' html_output = html_output + '
' + dir + '
' + bid + '
' return html_output for board_no, board_data in bids.items(): for table_no, table_data in board_data.items(): for round_no, round_data in table_data.items(): bidding = sorted(round_data) dealer = round_data[bidding[0]]['direction'] bidding_table = [[], [], [], []] for bid_index in bidding: bid = round_data[bid_index] bidding_table[directions.index(bid['direction'])].append(bid['bid']) last_bidder = bid['direction'] for pos in range(0, directions.index(dealer)): bidding_table[pos].insert(0, '') for pos in range(directions.index(last_bidder), len(directions)): bidding_table[pos].append('') bidding_table = map(list, zip(*bidding_table)) # TODO: file_number, a nie deal_number bidding_file_path = tournament_prefix + '_bidding_' + str(board_no) + '_' + '_'.join(map(str, round_lineups[round_no][table_no])) + '.txt' with file(bidding_file_path, 'w') as bidding_file: bidding_file.write(format_bidding(bidding_table)) tournament_files_match = re.compile(tournament_prefix + '([0-9]{3})\.html') tournament_files = [f for f in glob.glob(tournament_prefix + '*.html') if, f)] deal_numbers = {} for tournament_file in tournament_files: file_number = re.match(tournament_files_match, tournament_file).group(1) with file(tournament_file, 'r+') as board_html: board_content = bs4(board_html, from_encoding='utf-8') header_scripts ='head script') jquery_scripts = [script for script in header_scripts if script['src'] == 'javas/jquery.js'] if not len(jquery_scripts): board_content.head.append(bs4('').script) bidding_scripts = [script for script in header_scripts if script['src'] == 'javas/bidding.js'] if not len(bidding_scripts): board_content.head.append(bs4('').script) board_number ='h4')[0].contents[0].strip().replace('ROZDANIE ', '') deal_numbers[file_number] = board_number board_html.write(board_content.prettify('utf-8')) board_text_path = path.splitext(tournament_file)[0] + '.txt' with file(board_text_path, 'r+') as board_text: board_text_content = bs4(board_text, from_encoding='iso-8859-2') for row in'tr'): cells ='td') if len(cells) == 11: pair_numbers = sorted([int(cells[1].contents[0]), int(cells[2].contents[0])]) bidding_link = bs4('[lic]') # TODO: file_number, a nie deal_number bidding_link.a['data-bidding-link'] = path.basename(tournament_prefix) + '_bidding_' + str(deal_numbers[file_number]) + '_' + '_'.join(map(str, pair_numbers)) + '.txt' for link in cells[3].select('a.biddingLink'): link.extract() cells[3].append(bidding_link) board_text.write(board_text_content.body.table.prettify('iso-8859-2'))