# encoding=utf-8 """ Bidding data for JFR Pary result pages - GUI. Graphical user interface to insert HTML tables with bidding data into traveller files generated by JFR Pary. """ import json import logging as log import os import Queue import socket import threading import tkFileDialog import tkMessageBox import Tkinter as tk from bidding_data import __version__ as bidding_data_version # config file path CONFIG_FILE = 'config.json' class BiddingGUI(tk.Frame): """GUI frame class.""" # Tk variables to bind widget values __variables = {} # widgets which are toggled in Goniec settings panel __goniec_widgets = [] def run_bidding_data(self): """ Run the parser and do all the actual work. "On-click" event for analysis start button. Sanitizes input parameters, handles warning/error messages, imports main module (from CLI script) and runs it. """ self.queue(self.run_btn.__setitem__, 'state', tk.DISABLED) try: # reset error/warning count and log output field self.__gui_logger.reset_counts() # check for input parameter paths if not os.path.exists(self.__variables['bws_filename'].get()): raise Exception('BWS file not found') if not os.path.exists(self.__variables['tour_filename'].get()): raise Exception('Tournament results file not found') # Goniec parameters/switches goniec_params = '%s:%d' % ( self.__variables['goniec_host'].get(), self.__variables['goniec_port'].get() ) if self.__variables['goniec_enabled'].get() == 1 else None # do the magic from bidding_data import JFRBidding parser = JFRBidding( bws_file=self.__variables['bws_filename'].get(), file_prefix=self.__variables['tour_filename'].get(), goniec_setup=goniec_params) changed_files = [] changed_files += parser.write_bidding_tables() changed_files += parser.write_bidding_scripts() changed_files += parser.write_bidding_links() if self.__variables['goniec_enabled'].get() == 1: parser.send_changed_files(changed_files) # inform of any warnings/errors that might have occuerd if self.__gui_logger.errors(): self.queue(tkMessageBox.showerror, 'Błąd!', ('Podczas wykonywania programu wystąpiły błędy ' + 'w liczbie: %d\n' + 'Sprawdź dziennik logów') % self.__gui_logger.errors()) elif self.__gui_logger.warnings(): self.queue(tkMessageBox.showwarning, 'Uwaga!', ('Podczas wykonywania programu wystąpiły ' + 'ostrzeżenia w liczbie: %d\n' + 'Sprawdź dziennik logów') % self.__gui_logger.warnings()) else: self.queue( tkMessageBox.showinfo, 'Cudownie!', 'Wszystko wporzo.') except Exception as ex: # JFRBidding errors are logged # (and notified of after entire execution), # other exceptions should halt execution and display error message log.getLogger('root').error(ex) self.queue(tkMessageBox.showerror, 'Błąd!', ex) raise finally: self.queue(self.run_btn.__setitem__, 'state', tk.NORMAL) def tour_select(self): """ Allow for tournament file selection. "On-click" event for tournament select button. Displays file selection dialog for tournament file and stores user's choice in Tk variable. """ self.__variables['tour_filename'].set(tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( title='Wybierz główny plik wyników turnieju', filetypes=[('HTML files', '.htm*'), ('all files', '.*')])) def bws_select(self): """ Allow for BWS file selection. "On-click" event for BWS select button. Displays file selection dialog for tournament file and stores user's choice in Tk variable. """ self.__variables['bws_filename'].set(tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( title='Wybierz plik z danymi licytacji', filetypes=[('BWS files', '.bws'), ('all files', '.*')])) def display_info(self): """Show application "About" box.""" self.queue( tkMessageBox.showinfo, 'O co cho?', 'Narzędzie dodaje do strony wyników z JFR Pary dane licytacji, ' + 'zbierane w pliku BWS "pierniczkami" nowego typu.\n' + 'Żeby użyć - wybierz główny plik turnieju (PREFIX.html) ' + 'oraz plik BWS.\n\n' + 'Wersja: ' + bidding_data_version + '\n' + 'Autor: M. Klichowicz') def toggle_goniec(self): """Toggle state for Goniec-related controls on Goniec switch toggle.""" for control in self.__goniec_widgets: self.queue( control.__setitem__, 'state', tk.NORMAL if self.__variables['goniec_enabled'].get() == 1 else tk.DISABLED ) def test_goniec(self): """Test connectivity with Goniec and display a message accordingly.""" goniec_socket = socket.socket() try: goniec_socket.connect((self.__variables['goniec_host'].get(), self.__variables['goniec_port'].get())) goniec_socket.close() self.queue( tkMessageBox.showinfo, 'Hurra!', 'Goniec - albo coś, co go udaje - działa!') except socket.error: self.queue( tkMessageBox.showerror, 'Buuu...', 'Pod podanym adresem Goniec nie działa :(') except (ValueError, OverflowError): self.queue( tkMessageBox.showerror, 'Buuu...', 'Parametry Gońca mają niewłaściwy format, ' + 'czemu mi to robisz :(') def on_close(self): """Handle root window WM_DELETE_WINDOW message.""" try: self.__store_config() except (ValueError, TypeError, OverflowError) as ex: log.getLogger('config').error('Could not save config file: %s', ex) self.master.destroy() # GUI message queue (for background thread interaction) __queue = None def queue(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): """Add message (function call) to GUI interaction queue.""" if self.__queue is None: self.__queue = Queue.Queue() self.__queue.put((callback, args, kwargs)) def process_queue(self): """Process GUI interaction queue from other threads.""" if self.__queue is None: self.__queue = Queue.Queue() try: callback, args, kwargs = self.__queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: self.master.after(100, self.process_queue) else: callback(*args, **kwargs) self.master.after(1, self.process_queue) def __init__(self, master=None): """ Construct the frame. Initializes window appearence, controls, layout and logging facility. """ tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.__variables = { # bind Tk variables to input parameter paths 'tour_filename': tk.StringVar(master=self), 'bws_filename': tk.StringVar(master=self), # and to Goniec parameters 'goniec_host': tk.StringVar(master=self), 'goniec_port': tk.IntVar(master=self), # "boolean" variable to hold chackbox state 'goniec_enabled': tk.IntVar(master=self) } # set window title and icon self.master.title('JBBD - JFR/BWS bidding data') self.__set_icon(self.__icon_data) # create controls self.__create_widgets() # and align them within a layout # second column and sixth row should expand self.__configure_grid_cells([1], [5]) # main frame should fill entire application window self.pack(expand=1, fill=tk.BOTH) # finally, set logging up self.__configure_logging() # default config values self.__default_config = { 'paths': { 'html': '', 'bws': '' }, 'goniec': { 'enabled': 0, 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 8090 } } # restore config from file self.__restore_config() # register on-close hook self.master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_close) # fire up interthread queue self.after(100, self.process_queue) def __configure_grid_cells(self, columns, rows): """Set expand with window resize for cells of layout grid.""" for column in columns: self.columnconfigure(column, weight=1) for row in rows: self.rowconfigure(row, weight=1) def __set_icon(self, data): """Set app icon from base64-encoded data.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access img = tk.PhotoImage(data=data, master=self.master) # protected access is necessary since Tkinter does not expose # the wm.iconphoto call self.master.tk.call('wm', 'iconphoto', self.master._w, img) def __dispatch_run_button_action(self): """Dispatch main button action asynchronously.""" run_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run_bidding_data) run_thread.start() def __create_widgets(self): """ Create main application window controls and align them on grid. Grid has 6 columns (so that 1/2, 1/3 or 1-4-1 layouts are configurable. """ # label for tournament file selection tour_label = tk.Label( self, text='Plik turnieju:') # text field for tournament file path tour_entry = tk.Entry( self, state=tk.DISABLED, textvariable=self.__variables['tour_filename']) # tournament selection button tour_select_btn = tk.Button( self, text='Szukaj', command=self.tour_select) # first row, label aligned to the right, text field expands tour_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.E) tour_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=tk.E+tk.W) tour_select_btn.grid(row=0, column=5) # label for BWS file selection bws_label = tk.Label( self, text='BWS:') # text field for BWS file path bws_entry = tk.Entry( self, state=tk.DISABLED, textvariable=self.__variables['bws_filename']) # BWS selection button bws_select_btn = tk.Button( self, text='Szukaj', command=self.bws_select) # second row, label aligned to the right, text field expands bws_label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.E) bws_entry.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=tk.E+tk.W) bws_select_btn.grid(row=1, column=5) # main command button self.run_btn = tk.Button( self, text='No to sru!', height=3, command=self.__dispatch_run_button_action) info_btn = tk.Button( self, text='OCB?!', command=self.display_info) # application exit button quit_btn = tk.Button( self, text='Koniec tego dobrego', command=self.quit) # third and fourth row, leftmost 2/3 of window width, entire cell self.run_btn.grid( row=2, column=0, rowspan=2, columnspan=4, sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W) # third row, rightmost 1/3 of window width info_btn.grid(row=2, column=4, columnspan=3, sticky=tk.E+tk.W) # fourth row, rightmost 1/3 of window width quit_btn.grid(row=3, column=4, columnspan=3, sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.__create_goniec_widgets() # vertical scrollbar for log output field log_scroll_y = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.VERTICAL) # horizontal scrollbar for log output field log_scroll_x = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL) # log field, bound (both ways) to scrollbars self.log_field = tk.Text( self, height=5, width=80, wrap=tk.NONE, xscrollcommand=log_scroll_x.set, yscrollcommand=log_scroll_y.set) log_scroll_x['command'] = self.log_field.xview log_scroll_y['command'] = self.log_field.yview # fifth row, entries window width, expands with window self.log_field.grid( row=5, column=0, columnspan=6, sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W) # scrollbars to the right and to the bottom of the field log_scroll_y.grid(row=5, column=6, sticky=tk.N+tk.S) log_scroll_x.grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=6, sticky=tk.E+tk.W) def __create_goniec_widgets(self): # Goniec toggle checkbox goniec_checkbox = tk.Checkbutton( self, text='Ślij Gońcem', command=self.toggle_goniec, variable=self.__variables['goniec_enabled']) # fifth row, leftmost column goniec_checkbox.grid( row=4, column=0) # label for Goniec host entry field goniec_host_label = tk.Label( self, text='Host:') # fifth row, second column, aligned to the right goniec_host_label.grid( row=4, column=1, sticky=tk.E) # Goniec host entry field goniec_host_field = tk.Entry( self, textvariable=self.__variables['goniec_host']) # fifth row, third column, aligned to the left goniec_host_field.grid( row=4, column=2, sticky=tk.W) # label for Goniec port entry field goniec_port_label = tk.Label( self, text='Port:') # fifth row, fourth column, aligned to the right goniec_port_label.grid( row=4, column=3, sticky=tk.E) # Goniec port entry field goniec_port_field = tk.Entry( self, textvariable=self.__variables['goniec_port']) # fifth row, fifth column, aligned to the left goniec_port_field.grid( row=4, column=4, sticky=tk.W) # Goniec test button goniec_test_btn = tk.Button( self, text='Test Gońca', command=self.test_goniec) # fifth row, rightmost column goniec_test_btn.grid( row=4, column=5) # aggregate all widgets for which goniec_checkbox toggles status self.__goniec_widgets = [ goniec_host_label, goniec_host_field, goniec_port_label, goniec_port_field, goniec_test_btn] def __configure_logging(self): """Set up logging facility, bound to log output field.""" class GUILogHandler(log.Handler): """Log handler which allows output to Tk Text widget.""" def __init__(self, text): """Construct the handler, provided TExt widget to bind to.""" log.Handler.__init__(self) self.text = text def emit(self, record): """Output the message.""" msg = self.format(record) # Append message to the Text widget, at the end.""" self.text.master.queue(self.text.insert, tk.END, msg + '\n') # scroll to the bottom, afterwards self.text.master.queue(self.text.yview, tk.END) def handle(self, record): """Handle log message record (count errors/warnings).""" log.Handler.handle(self, record) if record.levelname == 'WARNING': self.__warning_count += 1 if record.levelname == 'ERROR': self.__error_count += 1 # message stats, for summary purposes __warning_count = 0 __error_count = 0 def warnings(self): """Return number of accumulated warnings.""" return self.__warning_count def errors(self): """Return number of accumulated errors.""" return self.__error_count def reset_counts(self): """Reset stats and log output.""" self.__warning_count = 0 self.__error_count = 0 self.text.master.queue(self.text.delete, 1.0, tk.END) # disable default logging limits/thresholds log.basicConfig( level=log.NOTSET, streamhandler=log.NullHandler) # set up GUI logging self.__gui_logger = GUILogHandler(self.log_field) self.__gui_logger.setLevel(log.INFO) self.__gui_logger.setFormatter(log.Formatter( '%(levelname)-8s %(name)-8s %(message)s')) # register GUI handler log.getLogger().addHandler(self.__gui_logger) # remove default (console) handler log.getLogger().removeHandler(log.getLogger().handlers[0]) def __restore_config(self): """Read config from JSON file.""" try: if os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE): self.__default_config = json.load(file(CONFIG_FILE)) else: log.getLogger('config').info( 'Config does not exist, using defaults') except ValueError as ex: log.getLogger('config').warning( 'Could not load complete config from file: %s', ex) finally: self.__variables['tour_filename'].set( self.__default_config['paths']['html']) self.__variables['bws_filename'].set( self.__default_config['paths']['bws']) self.__variables['goniec_host'].set( self.__default_config['goniec']['host']) self.__variables['goniec_port'].set( self.__default_config['goniec']['port']) self.__variables['goniec_enabled'].set( self.__default_config['goniec']['enabled']) self.toggle_goniec() def __store_config(self): """Write config to JSON file.""" self.__default_config = { 'paths': { 'html': self.__variables['tour_filename'].get(), 'bws': self.__variables['bws_filename'].get() }, 'goniec': { 'host': self.__variables['goniec_host'].get(), 'port': self.__variables['goniec_port'].get(), 'enabled': self.__variables['goniec_enabled'].get() } } json.dump(self.__default_config, file(CONFIG_FILE, 'w'), sort_keys=True, indent=4) # embedded image data for app icon __icon_data = """R0lGODlhIAAgAOeRAAAAAAQEBAUFBQYGBggICAAAcQAAcgAAcwAAdAAAdQA AdgAAdwAAeAAAeQEBegsLEQQEewUFew4ODgYGfA8PDwgIfQoKfgoKfxMTEwsLfxQUIQ0NgBERghISghQ UgxQUhBUVhRYWhhkZhhkZhxoajxsbhx4eiSgoKCIijCQkjC0tRzAwMCoqkSsrkSwskCwskjExkzU1lzg 4ljg4mUFBQTs7mjw8mUJChEhISEVFn0hIolBQVUpKo01NoVBQgU9Pok9PplVVqlhYp1pakllZp1lZq1t bklpaqF1dlFxcqV5eq19fqmBgsGFhsGJirGJisWNjsWVlrWVlrmZmrmhotG5ubmlpvG1tsHFxuXR0tXR 0u3V1u3V1vHV1vXZ2vHd3vXh4vXt7xnt7x3x8x3x8yH19wH5+u4GBvIKCyoaGv4eHwJSUxpWVx5ubzp6 e0p+fzKWl26io0aur0q+v1Lq62ry83L+/3cDA3sHB3sbG4MbG4cnJycjI4svL49TU6NfX6tjY69nZ69v b7ODg7ubm8urq9O3t9e7u9u/v9vPz+Pf3+/n5/Pr6/Pz8/Pz8/f39/v7+/v///////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////yH5BAEKAP8ALAAAAAAgACAAQAj+AP9JAECwYMEAGP4pXMiwIUOCaMo0qeE FCpMcQZAAOOGwY0OCkUJGcsQmCyGRKEMSWYCgT8qQBlH6gVBhykuRSTzchFlQDJgXMbQILaLFCEGPSP+ B3MmU6Z6YfBJAmBOFQYOrCXokQplTZKAINiDxXNq0bEqDKrqQWcv2ioajSTsStPLhyYwvLKxaMAogrlw AYoQKFhzmgcHDiAsqBWC2sciYd+pESnG1wYFBN7uuQZDmbMFIetREklGZwRKRbwogOLDAMoLXCFoLiRT TcWOCBBLr3o2YwEDeff06JMhFy5cvgrdo8QFX+EKCY3SAmGGcRQYsQ5o7X0xiRIgLVBS1MLiQ4Ebw7Qo JBobCQ8uTFiiAaASwAv1iOG3y69fvZgeO/wAGGCANAgAwAFm2NVWbbYQAUshOMdmBSCRCXGUAHjslIYI ZBsjxElQuRHJGa1cp8MdLXUVCxwJKoAQVAnkcQmIDDMgQ0iOMMALJETrluIghG5SgCG2f1SFIJDBcxcA PKMWxAQccTOBAB1BWyYEURCLYmBMmMLVggl4WVEUkjZRp5plopmlmJFUcRQFwcB5GwT8BAQA7""" def main(): """Entry point for application - spawn main window.""" root = tk.Tk() app = BiddingGUI(master=root) app.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()