__version__ = '1.0.1' import sys import glob import re import math import copy import logging as log from os import path from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4 from bs4.element import NavigableString class JFRVirtualTable: def __parse_filepaths(self, prefix): file_path = path.realpath(prefix) log.getLogger('paths').debug('realpath = %s', file_path) tournament_path = path.dirname(file_path) log.getLogger('paths').info('tournament dir = %s', tournament_path) tournament_prefix = path.splitext(path.basename(file_path))[0] log.getLogger('paths').info('tournament prefix = %s', tournament_prefix) # RegEx matching traveller files for each board traveller_files_match = re.compile( re.escape(tournament_prefix) + '([0-9]{3})\.txt') log.getLogger('paths').debug('traveller files regex = %s', traveller_files_match.pattern) # converts {prefix}{anything}.{ext} filename to full path def get_path(relative_path): return path.join(tournament_path, relative_path) # filtering out traveller files from all TXT files self.__traveller_files = [f for f in glob.glob( get_path(tournament_prefix + '*.txt')) if re.search(traveller_files_match, f)] log.getLogger('paths').info('found %d traveller files', len(self.__traveller_files)) log.getLogger('paths').debug( 'traveller files:\n' + '\n'.join(self.__traveller_files)) # RegEx for matching pair record files records_files_match = re.compile( 'H-' + tournament_prefix + '-([0-9]{1,3})\.html') log.getLogger('paths').debug('records files regex = %s', records_files_match.pattern) self.__pair_records_files = [ f for f in glob.glob(get_path('H-' + tournament_prefix + '*.html')) if re.search(records_files_match, f) ] log.getLogger('paths').info('found %d records files', len(self.__pair_records_files)) log.getLogger('paths').debug( 'record files:\n' + '\n'.join(self.__pair_records_files)) # short rersult list, from side frame self.__results_file = get_path(tournament_prefix + 'WYN.txt') log.getLogger('paths').info('generated results path = %s', self.__results_file) # full results page self.__full_results_file = get_path('W-' + tournament_prefix + '.html') log.getLogger('paths').info('generated full results path = %s', self.__full_results_file) # list of pair records links page self.__pair_records_list_file = get_path( 'H-' + tournament_prefix + '-lista.html') log.getLogger('paths').info('generated records list path = %s', self.__pair_records_list_file) # collected scores page self.__collected_scores_file = get_path( tournament_prefix + 'zbior.html') log.getLogger('paths').info('generated collected scores path = %s', self.__collected_scores_file) # auto-detect virtual pairs by their record file header def __detect_virtual_pairs(self): virtual_pairs = [] # RegEx for matching pair number and names in pair record header pair_header_match = re.compile('([0-9]{1,}): (.*) - (.*), .*') for record_file_path in self.__pair_records_files: log.getLogger('detect').debug('examining record file %s', record_file_path) with file(record_file_path) as record_file: record = bs4(record_file, 'lxml') # first with content matching # pair header is what we're after header = [con for con in record.select('td.o1')[0].contents if type(con) is NavigableString and re.search( pair_header_match, con)] log.getLogger('detect').debug('detected header: %s', header) if len(header): header_match = re.match(pair_header_match, header[0]) pair_number = int(header_match.group(1)) names = filter(len, [header_match.group(2).strip(), header_match.group(3).strip()]) log.getLogger('detect').debug('parsed header: %d, %s', pair_number, names) # virtual pair does not have any names filled if len(names) == 0: virtual_pairs.append(pair_number) if len(virtual_pairs) == 0: log.getLogger('detect').warning('No virtual pairs detected') else: log.getLogger('detect').info('virtual pairs: %s', ' '.join(sorted( map(str, virtual_pairs)))) return sorted(virtual_pairs) # wrapper for DOM manipulation # wraps the inner function into BS4 invokation and file overwrite def __fix_file(worker): def file_wrapper(self, file_path, encoding='utf-8'): with file(file_path, 'r+') as content_file: content = bs4(content_file, 'lxml', from_encoding=encoding) content = worker(self, content) content_file.seek(0) content_file.write( content.prettify(encoding, formatter='html')) content_file.truncate() return file_wrapper # fix simple results list by removing virtual pair rows @__fix_file def __fix_results(self, content): rows = content.select('tr') for row in rows: cells = row.select('td') # 6 or more cells in a "proper" result row # (may contain carry over or penalties) if len(cells) >= 6: try: log.getLogger('results').debug('table cell: %s', cells[2].contents) # third cell in the row is pair number if int(cells[2].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: row.extract() log.getLogger('results').info( 'removed: %s', cells[2].contents[0]) except ValueError: log.getLogger('results').debug( 'no pair number in cell: %s', cells[2].contents) pass return content.table # fix full results file by removing virtual pair rows @__fix_file def __fix_full_results(self, content): rows = content.select('tr') for row in rows: # select rows by cells containing pair records links cell_links = [link for link in row.select('td a') if link.has_attr('href') and link['href'].startswith('H-') and not link['href'].endswith('lista.html')] log.getLogger('f_result').debug('found pair links: %s', map(lambda c: c['href'], cell_links)) # remove these containing links to virtual pairs if len(cell_links): if int(cell_links[0].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: row.extract() log.getLogger('f_result').info('removed: %s', cell_links[0].contents[0]) return content # fix the page with pair records links list @__fix_file def __fix_records_list(self, content): # read the original column count row_cell_count = int(content.table.select('tr td.o')[0]['colspan']) log.getLogger('rec_list').debug('found %d cells in column', row_cell_count) rows = content.select('tr') # gather rows which containted any links link_rows = [] # gather cells which should stay link_cells = [] for row in rows: cells = row.select('td.u') cells_found = False log.getLogger('rec_list').debug('found %d cells in a row', len(cells)) for cell in cells: # select cells by pair records links inside cell_links = [link for link in cell.select('a.pa') if link.has_attr('href') and link['href'].startswith('H-') and not link['href'].endswith('lista.html')] log.getLogger('rec_list').debug('found links in cell: %s', map(lambda c: c['href'], cell_links)) if len(cell_links): # delete virtual pair cells if int(cell_links[0].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: cell.extract() log.getLogger('rec_list').info( 'removed: %s', cell_links[0].contents[0]) # store actual pair cells else: link_cells.append(cell) cells_found = True # gather processed rows if cells_found: link_rows.append(row) # detach actual pair cells from the tree cells = map(lambda cell: cell.extract(), link_cells) log.getLogger('rec_list').info('remaining cell count: %d', len(cells)) log.getLogger('rec_list').info('remaining row count: %d', len(link_rows)) for row in link_rows: row.extract() # first filler cell of each new row first_cell = content.new_tag('td', **{'class': 'n'}) first_cell.string = u'\xa0' # arrange cells into rows, full rows first while len(cells) >= row_cell_count: new_row = content.new_tag('tr') new_row.append(copy.copy(first_cell)) for cell in cells[0:row_cell_count]: new_row.append(cell) content.table.append(new_row) log.getLogger('rec_list').debug('aligning cells %s to %s in a row', cells[0].a.contents, cells[row_cell_count-1].a.contents) del cells[0:row_cell_count] # last row may or may not be full last_row = content.new_tag('tr') last_row.append(copy.copy(first_cell)) for cell in cells: last_row.append(cell) log.getLogger('rec_list').debug('leaving cells %s to %s in last row', cells[0].a.contents, cells[-1].a.contents) # if it wasn't full, fill it with a col-spanned last cell if len(cells) < row_cell_count: last_cell = content.new_tag('td', colspan=row_cell_count-len(cells)) last_cell.string = u'\xa0' last_row.append(last_cell) log.getLogger('rec_list').debug('filling last row with: %s', last_cell) content.table.append(last_row) return content # fix collected scores tables by removing virtual pair rows @__fix_file def __fix_collected(self, content): rows = content.select('tr') for row in rows: cells = row.select('td') # "proper" rows should have 7 cells if len(cells) == 7: # ignore cells without proper pair numbers log.getLogger('c_scores').debug( 'found collected scores row: %s', cells[1:3]) try: pairs = map(lambda c: int(c.contents[0]), cells[1:3]) if int(cells[1].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: if int(cells[2].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: log.getLogger('c_scores').info('removed %s', pairs) row.extract() except ValueError: log.getLogger('c_scores').debug( 'pair numbers not found, ignoring') pass # there are some clearly broken table cells, fix them if len(cells) == 1 and cells[0]['colspan'] == '7': if cells[0].contents[0] == ' ': log.getLogger('c_scores').debug('fixing cell: %s', cells[0]) cells[0].contents[0] = u'\xa0' return content # fix board travellers, removing virtual tables and leaving one, annotated @__fix_file def __fix_traveller(self, content): # this should only happen if the traveller wasn't already processed # as it's the only operaton that may yield any results on second run # and it might break stuff if not len(content.select('tr.virtualTable')): # looking for all the rows with more than 2 cells rows = [row for row in content.select('tr') if len(row.select('td')) >= 3] # only the first "virtual" row needs to be prefixed with a header header_added = False virtual_row = None for row in rows: cells = row.select('td') debug_string = ' '.join(map( lambda c: ''.join(filter( lambda cc: isinstance(cc, basestring), c.contents)), cells)) # we're already added a header, meaning we're below the first # virtual table, we need to move the row above it # or remove it entirely if header_added: row_below = row.extract() # only move it if it has meaningful information (10 cells) if len(cells) >= 10: log.getLogger('traveller').debug( 'row moved upwards: %s', debug_string) virtual_row.insert_before(row_below) else: log.getLogger('traveller').info( 'removed row %s', debug_string) # we're looking for a "proper" row, with at least 10 cells if len(cells) >= 10: # and with both pair numbers virtual if int(cells[1].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: if int(cells[2].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: # if we're already processed the first one, # just drop subsequent virtual tables if header_added: row.extract() log.getLogger('traveller').info( 'removed row %s', debug_string) # it's the first virtual table # prefix it with a header else: virtual_row = content.new_tag( 'tr', **{'class': 'virtualTable'}) virtual_row.append( content.new_tag('td', **{'class': 'n'})) virtual_row_header = content.new_tag( 'td', colspan=10, **{'class': 'noc'}) virtual_row_header.string = self.__header_text virtual_row.append(virtual_row_header) row.insert_before(virtual_row) log.getLogger('traveller').info( 'added header above row %s', debug_string) # clear pair numbers for cell in cells[1:3]: cell.contents = '' header_added = True else: raise UserWarning('already processed, skipping') return content.table __traveller_files = [] __pair_records_files = [] __results_file = None __full_results_file = None __pair_records_list_file = None __collected_scores_file = None # text for traveller header row __header_text = '' def __init__(self, path_prefix, virtual_pairs=None, header_text=''): log.getLogger('init').debug('parsing filepaths, prefix = %s', path_prefix) self.__parse_filepaths(path_prefix) log.getLogger('init').debug('collecting virtual pairs, %s provided', virtual_pairs) if virtual_pairs is None or len(virtual_pairs) == 0: virtual_pairs = self.__detect_virtual_pairs() self.__virtual_pairs = virtual_pairs log.getLogger('init').debug('setting header text to "%s"', header_text) self.__header_text = header_text def fix_results(self): self.__fix_results(self.__results_file) def fix_full_results(self): self.__fix_full_results(self.__full_results_file) def fix_collected_scores(self): if path.isfile(self.__collected_scores_file): self.__fix_collected(self.__collected_scores_file) else: log.getLogger('c_scores').warning( 'Collected scores file %s not found', self.__collected_scores_file) def fix_records_list(self): self.__fix_records_list(self.__pair_records_list_file) def fix_travellers(self): for traveller_file in self.__traveller_files: log.getLogger('traveller').debug('fixing traveller: %s', traveller_file) try: self.__fix_traveller(traveller_file) except UserWarning as warn: log.getLogger('traveller').warning('%s: %s', traveller_file, warn) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Fix display for virtual tables in JFR Pary result pages') def file_path(filepath): filepath = unicode(filepath, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if path.isfile(filepath): return filepath else: argument_parser.error('File %s does not exist' % filepath) def decoded_text(text): return unicode(text, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) argument_parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {version}'.format( version=__version__)) argument_parser.add_argument('path', metavar='PATH', help='tournament path with JFR prefix', type=file_path) argument_parser.add_argument('-t', '--text', metavar='HEADER', default='Wirtualny stolik:', help='traveller header for virtual score', type=decoded_text) argument_parser.add_argument('pairs', metavar='PAIR_NO', nargs='*', type=int, help='virtual pair numbers') console_output_args = argument_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() console_output_args.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='suppress warning on STDERR') console_output_args.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='be verbose on STDERR') argument_parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-level', metavar='LEVEL', help='file logging verbosity level', default='INFO', choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']) argument_parser.add_argument('-f', '--log-file', metavar='LOGFILE', help='log file path', default='virtual_table.log') arguments = argument_parser.parse_args() # primary logging facility - virtual_table.log file log.basicConfig( level=getattr(log, arguments.log_level), format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', filename=arguments.log_file) # secondary logging facility - standard error output console_log = log.StreamHandler() console_log.setLevel(log.INFO if arguments.verbose else ( log.ERROR if arguments.quiet else log.WARNING)) console_log.setFormatter(log.Formatter( '%(levelname)-8s %(name)-8s: %(message)s')) log.getLogger().addHandler(console_log) log.info('-------- program started --------') log.debug('parsed arguments: %s', arguments) table_parser = JFRVirtualTable( path_prefix=arguments.path, virtual_pairs=arguments.pairs, header_text=arguments.text) table_parser.fix_results() table_parser.fix_full_results() table_parser.fix_collected_scores() table_parser.fix_records_list() table_parser.fix_travellers() log.info('--------- program ended ---------')