# coding=utf-8 import sys import glob import re import math from os import path from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4 from bs4.element import NavigableString class JFRVirtualTable: def __parse_filepaths(self, prefix): file_path = path.realpath(prefix + '.html') tournament_path = path.dirname(file_path) tournament_prefix = path.splitext(path.basename(file_path))[0] traveller_files_match = re.compile( re.escape(tournament_prefix) + '([0-9]{3})\.txt' ) # TODO: refaktoryzacja tych wszystkich path.join self.__traveller_files = [ f for f in glob.glob( path.join(tournament_path, tournament_prefix) + '*.txt' ) if re.search(traveller_files_match, f) ] records_files_match = re.compile( 'H-' + tournament_prefix + '-([0-9]{1,3})\.html' ) self.__pair_records_files = [ f for f in glob.glob( path.join(tournament_path, 'H-' + tournament_prefix + '*.html') ) if re.search(records_files_match, f) ] self.__results_file = path.join( tournament_path, tournament_prefix + 'WYN.txt' ) self.__full_results_file = path.join( tournament_path, 'W-' + tournament_prefix + '.html' ) self.__pair_records_list_file = path.join( tournament_path, 'H-' + tournament_prefix + '-lista.html' ) self.__collected_scores_file = path.join( tournament_path, tournament_prefix + 'zbior.html' ) def __detect_virtual_pairs(self): virtual_pairs = [] pair_header_match = re.compile('([0-9]{1,}): (.*) - (.*), .*') for record_file_path in self.__pair_records_files: with file(record_file_path) as record_file: record = bs4(record_file) header = [ con for con in record.select('td.o1')[0].contents if type(con) is NavigableString and re.match( pair_header_match, con ) ] if len(header): header_match = re.match(pair_header_match, header[0]) pair_number = int(header_match.group(1)) names = filter( len, [header_match.group(2), header_match.group(3)] ) if len(names) == 0: virtual_pairs.append(pair_number) return sorted(virtual_pairs) def __fix_file(worker): def file_wrapper(self, file_path, encoding='utf-8'): with file(file_path, 'r+') as content_file: content = bs4(content_file, from_encoding=encoding) content = worker(self, content) content_file.seek(0) content_file.write( content.prettify(encoding, formatter='html') ) content_file.truncate() return file_wrapper @__fix_file def __fix_results(self, content): rows = content.select('tr') for row in rows: cells = row.select('td') if len(cells) >= 6: try: if int(cells[2].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: row.extract() except ValueError: pass return content.table @__fix_file def __fix_full_results(self, content): rows = content.select('tr') for row in rows: cell_links = [ link for link in row.select('td a') if link['href'].startswith( 'H-' ) and not link['href'].endswith( 'lista.html' ) ] if len(cell_links): if int(cell_links[0].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: row.extract() return content @__fix_file def __fix_records_list(self, content): # TODO: ułożyć ponownie komórki w tabelce cells = content.select('td.u') for cell in cells: cell_links = [ link for link in cell.select('a.pa') if link['href'].startswith( 'H-' ) and not link['href'].endswith( 'lista.html' ) ] if len(cell_links): if int(cell_links[0].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: cell.extract() return content @__fix_file def __fix_collected(self, content): rows = content.select('tr') for row in rows: cells = row.select('td') if len(cells) == 7: try: if int(cells[1].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: if int(cells[2].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: row.extract() except ValueError: pass if len(cells) == 1 and cells[0]['colspan'] == '7': if cells[0].contents[0] == ' ': row.extract() return content @__fix_file def __fix_traveller(self, content): if not len(content.select('tr.virtualTable')): rows = [ row for row in content.select('tr') if len(row.select('td')) >= 10 ] header_added = False for row in rows: cells = row.select('td') if int(cells[1].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: if int(cells[2].contents[0]) in self.__virtual_pairs: if header_added: row.extract() else: virtual_row = content.new_tag( 'tr', **{'class': 'virtualTable'} ) virtual_row.append( content.new_tag('td', **{'class': 'n'}) ) virtual_row_header = content.new_tag( 'td', colspan=10, **{'class': 'noc'} ) virtual_row_header.string = 'Wirtualny stolik:' virtual_row.append(virtual_row_header) row.insert_before(virtual_row) for cell in cells[1:3]: cell.contents = '' header_added = True # TODO: przesunąć wiersz wirtualnego stolika na dół tabeli return content.table __traveller_files = [] __pair_records_files = [] __results_file = None __full_results_file = None __pair_records_list_file = None __collected_scores_file = None def __init__(self, path_prefix, virtual_pairs=None): self.__parse_filepaths(path_prefix) if virtual_pairs is None: virtual_pairs = self.__detect_virtual_pairs() self.__virtual_pairs = virtual_pairs def fix_results(self): self.__fix_results(self.__results_file) def fix_full_results(self): self.__fix_full_results(self.__full_results_file) def fix_collected_scores(self): self.__fix_collected(self.__collected_scores_file) def fix_records_list(self): self.__fix_records_list(self.__pair_records_list_file) def fix_travellers(self): for traveller_file in self.__traveller_files: self.__fix_traveller(traveller_file, encoding='iso-8859-2') table_parser = JFRVirtualTable( path_prefix=sys.argv[1], virtual_pairs=map(int, sys.argv[2:]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None ) table_parser.fix_results() table_parser.fix_full_results() table_parser.fix_collected_scores() table_parser.fix_records_list() table_parser.fix_travellers()