path: root/jQuery-PORTING.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'jQuery-PORTING.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/jQuery-PORTING.txt b/jQuery-PORTING.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 16b32769..00000000
--- a/jQuery-PORTING.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-Get element by id
-OLD: $('element_id')
-NEW: $('#element_id') // for the extended element
-NEW: $('#element_id').get(0) // for the base DOM element
-Get element by css selector
-OLD: $$('.class')
-NEW: $('.class')
-Apply a function to multiple elements
-OLD: $$('.class').each(Element.remove);
-NEW: $('.class').remove();
-Class creation/extension
-OLD: Class.create(Prado.WebUI.TActiveImageButton, { ... })
-OLD: Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TActiveImageButton, { ... })
-NEW: jQuery.klass(Prado.WebUI.TActiveImageButton, { ... })
-Extending an object
-OLD: Object.extend(...)
-NEW: jQuery.extend(...)
-Bind an event to a callback event handler
-OLD: Event.observe(element, 'click', callback)
-NEW: $(element).on('click', callback)
-Bind an event to a callback event handler
-OLD: Event.stopObserving(element, 'click', callback)
-NEW: $(element).off('click', callback)
-Stopping event propagation
-OLD: Event.stop(event)
-NEW: event.stopPropagation() or event.preventDefault()
-Detect keypress event: use the numeric codes
-OLD: if(kc == Event.KEY_RETURN || kc == Event.KEY_SPACEBAR || kc == Event.KEY_TAB)
-NEW: if(kc == 13 || kc == 32 || kc == 9)
-Implementing the postback handler for a PostBackControl; the function signature has changed (parameters are inverted):
-OLD: onPostBack : function(event, options)
-NEW: onPostBack : function(options, event)
-Execute a function when the pagfe has finished loading
-OLD: document.observe("dom:loaded", function(event) { ... });
-NEW: $( document ).ready(function() { ... });
-Create an animation effect with a "finish" callback
-OLD: new Effect.Fade(element, {duration: 400, afterFinish: function() { // Animation complete. });
-NEW: $(element).fadeOut( 400, function() { // Animation complete. });
-Declare a function to be used as event handler binding its "this" property
-OLD: this.functionName.bindAsEventListener(this);
-NEW: this.functionName.bind(this);
-Css class functions
-OLD: addClassName, removeClassName, hasClassName
-NEW: addClass, removeClass, hasClass
-Get event target
-OLD: Event.element(event)
-Get event mouse position
-OLD: Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event);
-NEW: event.pageX, event.pageY;
-Fire events
-OLD: Event.fireEvent(this.control, "change");
-NEW: $(element).trigger("change");
-Test browser
-OLD: Prado.Browser().ie
-Focus an element
-OLD: Prado.Element.focus(element);
-NEW: $(element).focus();
-Get element size
-OLD: element.getWidth(), element.getHeight()
-NEW: element.width, element.height
-TAutoCompleter doesn't exists anymore, use TJuiAutoComplete instead, upgrading the code:
- * No more Frequency property.
- * minChars property is now minLength
- * only the ItemTemplate is supported for the Suggestions repeater;
- * in the ItemTemplate you don't need to render the <li/> anymore, but only the content itself
- * No Multiple selection support (by now, can be added in the future)
-TDraggable doesn't exists anymore, use TJuiDraggable instead, upgrading the code:
- * Use jQuery-ui's Draggable options.
-TDropContainer doesn't exists anymore, use TJuiDroppable instead, upgrading the code:
- * Use jQuery-ui's Droppable options.
- * The event parameter format has changed a bit.