From 1f09b786730956d01c48a82272617a0f8b2597f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 11:05:46 +0000
Subject: updating phpDocumentor, part 1: removal of the old version
.../PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/ | 785 ---------------------
1 file changed, 785 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
(limited to 'buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/')
diff --git a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/ b/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
deleted file mode 100644
index b53634de..00000000
--- a/buildscripts/PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
- * @version $Revision: 1.6 $
- * @package phpDocumentor
- * @since 1.2
- */
-error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT);
-/** common settings */
-if (isset($_GET))
- * $interface is either 'web' or is not set at all
- * @global array $interface
- */
- if (isset($_GET['interface'])) $interface = $_GET['interface'];
- * $_phpDocumentor_setting is either the value from the web interface, or is set up by {@link Io::parseArgv()}
- * @global array $_phpDocumentor_setting
- */
- if (isset($_GET['setting'])) $_phpDocumentor_setting = $_GET['setting'];
- * default package name, set using -dn --defaultpackagename
- * @global string $GLOBALS['phpDocumentor_DefaultPackageName']
- * @name $phpDocumentor_DefaultPackageName
- */
-$GLOBALS['phpDocumentor_DefaultPackageName'] = 'default';
- * default package name, set using -dn --defaultcategoryname
- * @global string $GLOBALS['phpDocumentor_DefaultCategoryName']
- * @name $phpDocumentor_DefaultCategoryName
- */
-$GLOBALS['phpDocumentor_DefaultCategoryName'] = 'default';
- * @package phpDocumentor
- */
-class phpDocumentor_setup
- /**
- * The main parser
- * @var Parser|phpDocumentorTParser
- */
- var $parse;
- /**
- * Used to parse command-line options
- * @var Io
- */
- var $setup;
- /**
- * Used to organize output from the Parser before Conversion
- * @var phpDocumentor_IntermediateParser
- */
- var $render = false;
- /**
- * Packages to create documentation for
- * @var string
- */
- var $packages = false;
- /**
- * contents of --filename commandline
- * @tutorial phpDocumentor.howto.pkg#using.command-line.filename
- * @var string
- */
- var $files = '';
- /**
- * contents of --directory commandline
- * @tutorial
- * @var string
- */
- var $dirs = '';
- /**
- * contents of --hidden commandline
- * @tutorial phpDocumentor.howto.pkg#using.command-line.hidden
- * @var boolean
- */
- var $hidden = false;
- /**
- * time that parsing was started, used for informative timing of output
- * @access private
- */
- var $parse_start_time;
- /**
- * contents of --ignore commandline
- * @tutorial phpDocumentor.howto.pkg#using.command-line.ignore
- * @var string
- */
- var $ignore_files = array();
- /**
- * Checks PHP version, makes sure it is 4.2.0+, and chooses the
- * phpDocumentorTParser if version is 4.3.0+
- * @uses parseIni()
- */
- function phpDocumentor_setup()
- {
- global $_phpDocumentor_cvsphpfile_exts;
- if (!function_exists('is_a'))
- {
- print "phpDocumentor requires PHP version 4.2.0 or greater to function";
- exit;
- }
- // set runtime to a large value since this can take quite a while
- // we can only set_time_limit when not in safe_mode bug #912064
- if (!ini_get('safe_mode'))
- {
- set_time_limit(0); // unlimited runtime
- } else
- {
- phpDocumentor_out("time_limit cannot be set since your in safe_mode, please edit time_limit in your php.ini to allow enough time for phpDocumentor to run");
- }
- ini_set("memory_limit","1024M");
- $phpver = phpversion();
- $phpdocver = PHPDOCUMENTOR_VER;
- if (isset($_GET['interface'])) {
- $phpver = "$phpver";
- $phpdocver = "$phpdocver";
- }
- phpDocumentor_out("PHP Version $phpver\n");
- phpDocumentor_out("phpDocumentor version $phpdocver\n\n");
- $this->parseIni();
- // create new classes
- $this->setup = new Io;
- if (tokenizer_ext)
- {
- phpDocumentor_out("using tokenizer Parser\n");
- $this->parse = new phpDocumentorTParser;
- } else
- {
- phpDocumentor_out("using default (slower) Parser - get PHP 4.3.0+
-and load the tokenizer extension for faster parsing (your version is ".phpversion()."\n");
- $this->parse = new Parser;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get phpDocumentor settings from a user configuration file
- * @param string user configuration file
- */
- function readConfigFile($file)
- {
- global $_phpDocumentor_setting, $_phpDocumentor_options;
- // security
- $file = str_replace(array('..','.ini','\\'),array('','','/'),$file);
- if (is_file($file . '.ini'))
- {
- $_phpDocumentor_setting = phpDocumentor_parse_ini_file($file.'.ini');
- } else
- {
- if ('@DATA-DIR@' != '@'.'DATA-DIR@')
- {
- $configdir = str_replace('\\','/', '@DATA-DIR@/PhpDocumentor') . PATH_DELIMITER . 'user' . PATH_DELIMITER;
- } else {
- $configdir = str_replace('\\','/',$GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_install_dir']) . PATH_DELIMITER . 'user' . PATH_DELIMITER;
- }
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_options['userdir'])) $configdir = $_phpDocumentor_options['userdir'];
- if (substr($configdir,-1) != '/')
- {
- $configdir .= '/';
- }
- $_phpDocumentor_setting = phpDocumentor_parse_ini_file( $configdir . $file . '.ini');
- if (empty($_phpDocumentor_setting['defaultpackagename']))
- {
- $_phpDocumentor_setting['defaultpackagename'] = 'default';
- }
- }
- // don't want a loop condition!
- unset($_phpDocumentor_setting['useconfig']);
- $this->readCommandLineSettings();
- }
- /**
- * Get phpDocumentor settings from command-line or web interface
- */
- function readCommandLineSettings()
- {
- global $_phpDocumentor_setting,$interface,$_phpDocumentor_RIC_files;
- // subscribe $render class to $parse class events
- if (!isset($interface) && !isset($_GET['interface']) && !isset($_phpDocumentor_setting))
- {
- // Parse the argv settings
- $_phpDocumentor_setting = $this->setup->parseArgv();
- }
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['useconfig']) && !empty($_phpDocumentor_setting['useconfig'])) return $this->readConfigFile($_phpDocumentor_setting['useconfig']);
- if (!isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['junk'])) $_phpDocumentor_setting['junk'] = '';
- if (!isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['title'])) $_phpDocumentor_setting['title'] = 'Generated Documentation';
- $temp_title = $_phpDocumentor_setting['title'];
- $this->render = new phpDocumentor_IntermediateParser($temp_title);
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['help']) || $_phpDocumentor_setting['junk'] == "-h" || $_phpDocumentor_setting['junk'] == "--help")
- {
- echo $this->setup->displayHelpMsg();
- die();
- }
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['hidden'])) $this->hidden = true;
- // set to parse elements marked private with @access private
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['parseprivate']) && $_phpDocumentor_setting['parseprivate'] == 'on')
- {
- $this->render->setParsePrivate(true);
- }
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['ignoretags']))
- {
- $ignoretags = explode(',', $_phpDocumentor_setting['ignoretags']);
- $ignoretags = array_map('trim', $ignoretags);
- $tags = array();
- foreach($ignoretags as $tag)
- {
- if (!in_array($tag,array('@global', '@access', '@package', '@ignore', '@name', '@param', '@return', '@staticvar', '@var')))
- $tags[] = $tag;
- }
- $_phpDocumentor_setting['ignoretags'] = $tags;
- }
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['readmeinstallchangelog']))
- {
- $_phpDocumentor_setting['readmeinstallchangelog'] = explode(',',str_replace(' ','',$_phpDocumentor_setting['readmeinstallchangelog']));
- $rics = array();
- foreach($_phpDocumentor_setting['readmeinstallchangelog'] as $ric)
- {
- $rics[] = strtoupper(trim($ric));
- }
- $_phpDocumentor_RIC_files = $rics;
- }
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['javadocdesc']) && $_phpDocumentor_setting['javadocdesc'] == 'on')
- {
- $this->parse->eventHandlers[PARSER_EVENT_DOCBLOCK] = 'JavaDochandleDocblock';
- }
- if (tokenizer_ext)
- {
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['sourcecode']) && $_phpDocumentor_setting['sourcecode'] == 'on')
- {
- $_phpDocumentor_setting['sourcecode'] = true;
- } else
- {
- $_phpDocumentor_setting['sourcecode'] = false;
- }
- } else
- {
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['sourcecode']) && $_phpDocumentor_setting['sourcecode'] == 'on')
- {
- }
- $_phpDocumentor_setting['sourcecode'] = false;
- }
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['converterparams']))
- {
- $_phpDocumentor_setting['converterparams'] = explode($_phpDocumentor_setting['converterparams']);
- foreach($_phpDocumentor_setting['converterparams'] as $i => $p)
- {
- $_phpDocumentor_setting['converterparams'][$i] = trim($p);
- }
- }
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['customtags']) && !empty($_phpDocumentor_setting['customtags']))
- {
- $c = explode(',',$_phpDocumentor_setting['customtags']);
- for($i=0;$irender->setQuietMode(true);
- }
- // Setup the different classes
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['templatebase']))
- {
- $this->render->setTemplateBase($_phpDocumentor_setting['templatebase']);
- }
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['target']) && !empty($_phpDocumentor_setting['target']))
- {
- $this->render->setTargetDir($_phpDocumentor_setting['target']);
- }
- else
- {
- echo "a target directory must be specified\n try phpdoc -h\n";
- die();
- }
- if (!empty($_phpDocumentor_setting['packageoutput']))
- {
- $this->packages = explode(",",$_phpDocumentor_setting['packageoutput']);
- foreach($this->packages as $p => $v)
- {
- $this->packages[$p] = trim($v);
- }
- }
- if (!empty($_phpDocumentor_setting['filename']))
- $this->files = $_phpDocumentor_setting['filename'];
- if (!empty($_phpDocumentor_setting['directory']))
- $this->dirs = $_phpDocumentor_setting['directory'];
- }
- function checkIgnoreTag($tagname, $inline = false)
- {
- global $_phpDocumentor_setting;
- $tagname = '@'.$tagname;
- if (!isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['ignoretags'])) return false;
- if ($inline) $tagname = '{'.$tagname.'}';
- return in_array($tagname, $_phpDocumentor_setting['ignoretags']);
- }
- function setJavadocDesc()
- {
- $this->parse->eventHandlers[PARSER_EVENT_DOCBLOCK] = 'JavaDochandleDocblock';
- }
- function setParsePrivate()
- {
- $this->render->setParserPrivate(true);
- }
- function setQuietMode()
- {
- $this->render->setQuietMode(true);
- }
- function setTargetDir($target)
- {
- $this->render->setTargetDir($target);
- }
- function setTemplateBase($dir)
- {
- $this->render->setTemplateBase($dir);
- }
- function setPackageOutput($po)
- {
- $this->packages = explode(",",$po);
- }
- function setTitle($ti)
- {
- $this->render = new phpDocumentor_IntermediateParser($ti);
- }
- function setFilesToParse($files)
- {
- $this->files = $files;
- }
- function setDirectoriesToParse($dirs)
- {
- $this->dirs = $dirs;
- }
- function parseHiddenFiles()
- {
- $this->hidden = true;
- }
- function setIgnore($ig)
- {
- if (strstr($ig,","))
- {
- $this->ignore_files = explode(",",$ig);
- } else {
- if (!empty($ig))
- $this->ignore_files = array($ig);
- }
- $this->ignore_files = array_map('trim', $this->ignore_files);
- }
- function createDocs($title = false)
- {
- $this->parse_start_time = time();
- global $_phpDocumentor_setting;
- if (!$this->render)
- {
- $this->render = new phpDocumentor_IntermediateParser($title);
- }
- // setup ignore list
- $this->ignore_files =array();
- if(isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['ignore']))
- {
- $this->setIgnore($_phpDocumentor_setting['ignore']);
- }
- $this->parse->subscribe("*",$this->render);
- // parse the directory
- if (!empty($this->files))
- {
- $files = explode(",",$this->files);
- foreach($files as $file)
- {
- $file = trim($file);
- $test = $this->setup->getAllFiles($file);
- if ($test)
- {
- foreach($test as $file)
- {
- $file = trim($file);
- $dir = realpath(dirname($file));
- $dir = strtr($dir, "\\", "/");
- $dir = str_replace('//','/',$dir);
- // strip trailing directory seperator
- if (substr($dir,-1) == "/" || substr($dir,-1) == "\\")
- {
- $dir = substr($dir,0,-1);
- }
- $file = strtr(realpath($file), "\\", "/");
- $file = str_replace('//','/',$file);
- if (!$this->setup->checkIgnore(basename($file),dirname($file),$this->ignore_files))
- {
- $filelist[] = str_replace('\\','/',$file);
- } else {
- phpDocumentor_out("File $file Ignored\n");
- flush();
- }
- }
- } else
- {
- $dir = realpath(dirname(realpath($file)));
- $dir = strtr($dir, "\\", "/");
- $dir = str_replace('//','/',$dir);
- // strip trailing directory seperator
- if (substr($dir,-1) == "/" || substr($dir,-1) == "\\")
- {
- $dir = substr($dir,0,-1);
- }
- $base = count(explode("/",$dir));
- $file = strtr(realpath($file), "\\", "/");
- $file = str_replace('//','/',$file);
- flush();
- if (!$this->setup->checkIgnore(basename($file),dirname($file),$this->ignore_files))
- {
- $filelist[] = str_replace('\\','/',$file);
- } else {
- phpDocumentor_out("File $file Ignored\n");
- flush();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($this->dirs))
- {
- $dirs = explode(",",$this->dirs);
- foreach($dirs as $dir)
- {
- $dir = trim(realpath($dir));
- $dir = strtr($dir, "\\", "/");
- $dir = str_replace('//','/',$dir);
- // strip trailing directory seperator
- if (substr($dir,-1) == "/" || substr($dir,-1) == "\\")
- {
- $dir = substr($dir,0,-1);
- }
- $files = $this->setup->dirList($dir,$this->hidden);
- if (is_array($files))
- {
- foreach($files as $file)
- {
- // Make sure the file isn't a hidden file
- $file = strtr($file, "\\", "/");
- if (substr(basename($file),0,1) != ".")
- {
- if (!$this->setup->checkIgnore(basename($file),str_replace('\\','/',dirname($file)),$this->ignore_files))
- {
- $filelist[] = str_replace('\\','/',$file);
- } else {
- phpDocumentor_out("File $file Ignored\n");
- flush();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (isset($filelist))
- {
- {
- // case insensitive array_unique
- usort($filelist,'strnatcasecmp');
- reset($filelist);
- $newarray = array();
- $i = 0;
- $element = current($filelist);
- for ($n=0;$nsetup->getBase($filelist)));
- define("PHPDOCUMENTOR_BASE",$source_base);
- list($filelist,$ric) = $this->setup->getReadmeInstallChangelog($source_base, $filelist);
- phpDocumentor_out("\n\nGrabbing README/INSTALL/CHANGELOG\n");
- flush();
- foreach($ric as $file)
- {
- phpDocumentor_out(basename($file).'...');
- flush();
- $fp = fopen($file,'r');
- $contents = fread($fp,filesize($file));
- $this->render->HandleEvent(PHPDOCUMENTOR_EVENT_README_INSTALL_CHANGELOG, array(basename($file),$contents));
- fclose($fp);
- }
- phpDocumentor_out("\ndone\n");
- flush();
- list($filelist,$tutorials) = $this->setup->getTutorials($filelist);
- phpDocumentor_out("\n\nTutorial/Extended Documentation Parsing Stage\n\n");
- flush();
- if (count($tutorials))
- {
- $tuteparser = new XMLPackagePageParser;
- $tuteparser->subscribe('*',$this->render);
- foreach($tutorials as $tutorial)
- {
- switch($tutorial['tutetype'])
- {
- case 'pkg' :
- case 'cls' :
- case 'proc' :
- switch($tutorial['tutetype'])
- {
- case 'pkg' :
- $ptext = 'Package-level Docs ';
- if (!empty($tutorial['subpackage']))
- $ptext = 'Sub-Package Docs ';
- break;
- case 'cls' :
- $ptext = 'Class-level Docs ';
- break;
- case 'proc' :
- $ptext = 'Procedural-level Docs ';
- break;
- }
- $fp = @fopen($tutorial['path'],"r");
- if ($fp)
- {
- $ret = fread($fp,filesize($tutorial['path']));
- // fix 1151650
- if (stristr($ret, "utf-8") !== "")
- {
- $ret = utf8_decode($ret);
- }
- fclose($fp);
- unset($fp);
- phpDocumentor_out('Parsing '.$ptext.$tutorial['path'].'...');
- flush();
- $tuteparser->parse($ret,$tutorial);
- phpDocumentor_out("done\n");
- flush();
- } else
- {
- phpDocumentor_out('Error '.$ptext.$tutorial['path'].' doesn\'t exist'."\n");
- flush();
- }
- default :
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- phpDocumentor_out("done\n");
- flush();
- phpDocumentor_out("\n\nGeneral Parsing Stage\n\n");
- flush();
- foreach($filelist as $file)
- {
- phpDocumentor_out("Reading file $file");
- flush();
- $this->parse->parse($a = $this->setup->readPhpFile($file, $this->render->quietMode),$file,$base,$this->packages);
- }
- $b = (time() - $this->parse_start_time);
- phpDocumentor_out("done\n");
- flush();
- // render output
- phpDocumentor_out("\nConverting From Abstract Parsed Data\n");
- flush();
- $this->render->output();
- $a = (time() - $this->parse_start_time);
- $c = ($a - $b);
- phpDocumentor_out("\nParsing time: $b seconds\n");
- phpDocumentor_out("\nConversion time: $c seconds\n");
- phpDocumentor_out("\nTotal Documentation Time: $a seconds\n");
- phpDocumentor_out("done\n");
- flush();
- } else
- {
- print "ERROR: nothing parsed";
- exit;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse configuration file phpDocumentor.ini
- */
- function parseIni()
- {
- phpDocumentor_out("Parsing configuration file phpDocumentor.ini...");
- flush();
- if ('@DATA-DIR@' != '@'.'DATA-DIR@')
- {
- $options = phpDocumentor_parse_ini_file(str_replace('\\','/', '@DATA-DIR@/PhpDocumentor') . PATH_DELIMITER . 'phpDocumentor.ini',true);
- } else {
- $options = phpDocumentor_parse_ini_file(str_replace('\\','/',$GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_install_dir']) . PATH_DELIMITER . 'phpDocumentor.ini',true);
- }
- if (!$options)
- {
- print "ERROR: cannot open phpDocumentor.ini in directory " . $GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_install_dir']."\n";
- print "-Is phpdoc in either the path or include_path in your php.ini file?";
- exit;
- }
- foreach($options as $var => $values)
- {
- if ($var != 'DEBUG')
- {
-// phpDocumentor_out("\n$var");
- if ($var != '_phpDocumentor_setting' && $var != '_phpDocumentor_options' && $var != '_phpDocumentor_install_dir' ) $values = array_values($values);
-// fancy_debug("\n$var",$values);
- $GLOBALS[$var] = $values;
- }
- }
- phpDocumentor_out("\ndone\n");
- flush();
- /** Debug Constant */
- $GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_cvsphpfile_exts'] = $GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_phpfile_exts'];
- foreach($GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_cvsphpfile_exts'] as $key => $val)
- {
- $GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_cvsphpfile_exts'][$key] = "$val,v";
- }
- // none of this stuff is used anymore
- if (isset($GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_html_allowed']))
- {
- $___htmltemp = array_flip($GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_html_allowed']);
- $___html1 = array();
- foreach($___htmltemp as $tag => $trans)
- {
- $___html1['<'.$tag.'>'] = htmlentities('<'.$tag.'>');
- $___html1[''.$tag.'>'] = htmlentities(''.$tag.'>');
- }
- $GLOBALS['phpDocumentor___html'] = array_flip($___html1);
- }
- }
- function setupConverters($output = false)
- {
- global $_phpDocumentor_setting;
- if ($output)
- {
- $_phpDocumentor_setting['output'] = $output;
- }
- if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['output']) && !empty($_phpDocumentor_setting['output']))
- {
- $c = explode(',',$_phpDocumentor_setting['output']);
- for($i=0; $i< count($c); $i++)
- {
- $c[$i] = explode(':',$c[$i]);
- $a = $c[$i][0];
- $b = false;
- $d = 'default/';
- if (count($c[$i]) > 1)
- {
- $a = $c[$i][0];
- $b = $c[$i][1];
- if (isset($c[$i][2]))
- {
- $d = $c[$i][2];
- $d = str_replace("\\","/",$d);
- if (substr($d,-1) != "/")
- {
- $d .= "/";
- }
- }
- else $d = 'default/';
- }
- if (strtoupper(trim($a)) == 'HTML' && (trim($b) == 'default'))
- {
- phpDocumentor_out("WARNING: HTMLdefaultConverter is deprecated, using HTMLframesConverter.\n");
- phpDocumentor_out("WARNING: template output is identical, HTMLframes is more flexible.\n");
- phpDocumentor_out("WARNING: please adjust your usage\n");
- flush();
- $b = 'frames'; // change default to frames.
- }
- $this->render->addConverter(strtoupper(trim($a)),trim($b),trim($d));
- }
- } else
- {
- $this->render->addConverter('HTML','frames','default/');
- }
- if (empty($this->render->converters)) addErrorDie(PDERROR_NO_CONVERTERS);
- }
- * Print parse information if quiet setting is off
- */
-function phpDocumentor_out($string)
- global $_phpDocumentor_setting;
- if (!isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['quiet']) || !$_phpDocumentor_setting['quiet'])
- {
- print $string;
- }
cgit v1.2.3